I settled on an SE and I really like it so fa

I settled on an SE and I really like it so far. I wanted fun to drive and after test driving the Mazda 3, while I really enjoyed it, at the end of the day it was just okay. It wasn anything special to me, wasn fun to drive, but it really a great car.

That still better than using a L1 charger though.With a proper L2 charger and wiring, you can expect to add about 25 miles for every hour you charge, making a full charge happen pretty damn quickly. It pretty much eliminates any charge related anxiety, since you can always plug it in for an hour or two and you got most of your range back for another drive.That said.

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The AMC Pacer ArrivesWhen I first went to North America aged sixteen in the summer of 1975, my parents and I were met at Toronto airport by my Dad’s cousin, the wonderfully craggy, frail, chain smoking Cliff and his trusty 1965 AMC Rambler Cross Country. When we returned the following year Cousin Cliff had suffered a series of heart attacks, had a triple bypass operation, was still smoking and had ditched the Rambler for something he referred to as his “moon buggy”; the amazing bubble on wheels that was his brand new beige AMC.

The Mazda Miata earned its spot on top of this list for one reason: It is the best “driver’s car” of the bunch the one that dominates Autocross events nationwide and single handedly resurrected the old fashioned British Roadster concept. The Miata is anything but practical, and, for those living in northern climates, it won’t be particularly great to drive in the snow, but the handling and rear wheel drive brilliance all summer long will more than make up for it. In fact, many Miatas in northern areas such as “Minnesnowta” and Wisconsin have been summer only cars since they were first purchased. Therefore, you’ll be able to find a purist driver’s car with relatively few miles on it (considering the age) on a reasonable budget.

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Kind of just seeing what people think. I figure that i will start a family in about 5 6 years so if im going to have a sick sports car then now is the time. I was always the FI type who was like oh ill never spend money on a car because its a waste blah blah, but if im only spending an extra couple hundred to enjoy myself then why not? gotta live it up every once in awhile.

Oxygen (O2) Sensor DIY for VW 2.0 L EnginesHere is a way to take the cheap Bosch oxygen sensor 15718, made for Ford cars, and use it in your 2.0 Volkswagen engine. This is an old trick on the MKIII engine but has not been tried on MK4 Jetta, Golf, and GTI models. These sensors have been proven to work on BMW, VW, Saab, and a list of other cars: why not save money and use them on yours?

The Audi TT RS is coming to the United States in limited quantities, and it’s only available with a proper manual transmission. This sportier version of the TT has plenty of grip, with its wide tires and Audi’s Quattro AWD system. Add the 360 horsepower produced by the five turbocharged cylinders to these factors, and the acceleration from this car is absolutely brutal. Unlike most of the cars on this list, which have rear wheel drive, the TT RS can get more of its power to the road on hard launches. Despite the car’s sporty performance, it isn’t a stripped out hardcore track monster. It’s got a decently sized trunk, rear seats that can fit a gym bag or small children, and a good sized driver’s seat taller individuals who might not fit in something like a Porsche Boxster can comfortably drive the TT RS. In summary, the TT RS delivers plenty of performance to keep your inner Stig happy while maintaining some semblance of practicality.

Also, 50% utilization on a CC isn helping your credit score (credit utilization is factored into your score, even if you paying it off every month). A civic is nearly as fast (if you not a car person you won notice the acceleration difference), handles better, and has way more luxury features than a 328i

Ranked roles This is the only feature that could be described as pay2win, but considering its the defining feature of dotaplus and removes by far the most annoying bullshit in the game that is entirely unrelated to the actual game itself (arguing over lanes while on a fucking timer amd losing gold so EVERYONE is losing while mid argues).

He’s also looking at getting a RWD BMW diesel to use as long as there is no snow on the ground. Unfortunately we can’t keep the Jetta as it’s dirty diesel and a few weeks ago gave him an asthma attack that sent him to the hospital in an ambulance and he missed two days of work.

Has anyone encountered this problem? Both the Chicco and Headwise are relatively compact seats, but would possibly changing out the Graco for an even skinnier Diono Radian or Safety First guide 65 perhaps solve the problem? As well as switching up seat location or installation method (moving one to middle of a smaller seat works, changing up seatbelt vs. latch etc)?

What should I do to keep it crisp, white, and free from stains?9Family and ParentingWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?by Amanda S 7 years agoWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?Your Dream Carby Alisha2010 8 years ago.

Business search also is asked some of the same questions the driving directions service asks. You can either give specific information such as the city and state, name of the business or you can tell the computer to “search near me”. Once the computer finds the business you are looking for, it will give you the name of the business, address and phone number of the business it found. It will then ask you if you wish to call the business or get driving directions from your current location to the business.

The Ford commercials that feature SyncWe’ve all seen the commercials from Ford Motor Company that feature the Microsoft Sync system on some of their vehicles. As an owner of one of those vehicles equipped with the Sync system, I can tell you how it actually works for those of you who do not know.

I love my Britax. I decided to go for the Boulevards because the extra side impact protection was really important to me and the possibility of keeping baby rearfacing longer than Roundabout because of the extra length. I am amazed. Since I have friends who still have kids rearfacing at 3 in Blvd, I am not overly concerned. If my son outgrows it before I am ready to turn around I will research other options at that point. You cannot go wrong with any of the Birtax seats.

To me, life is science. We are created from the most common atoms throughout existence and to think that we are somewhat special is fucking comical. Earth has been around for about 4.5 BILLION years and multi cell life only being around 600 MILLION years. I just some organism that will 카지노사이트 exist and die in a mere pinpoint on that timeline and my atoms will continue one just like they did the billions of years before I came into existence.

Someone eventually pays for it.It was, as the experts here knew, the 12V battery. Replaced on warranty, and all is well.Lingering issue is the battery died in 30 months and 8500 miles. If that an expected life, I hope there a source for non OEM batteries at some point. Near as I can tell, no one else sells a battery that fits/works in the i3.Otherwise, this is a great car.

Some people will say that you can just go to your fire station or police department. You can’t! It’s best to look it up because it will tell you where you can get it checked, whether you can drop by/if they have a car seat check once a month or every couple of months/if you have to make an appointment. I live in a metro with 2.4 million people and we only have 21 places to get seats checked. Out of those 21 places, we have 2 you can stop by any day of the week at any time, 2 you can make an appointment for any time during their business hours, and the rest either have monthly/bimonthly/quarterly car seat check fairs. I had to set my appointment 24 days in advance because the children’s hospital was so booked out. I would suggest figuring out how to get yours checked soon.

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He watched the cameras as the Graze entered the hangar and settled into one of the racks intended for Garm Rodis. It didn’t look like any Graze he’d seen before. It must be some new prototype they were working on. He shut the blast doors again and called for the hangar crew to bring a medical team to the docking bay. Then he took another sip of his coffee and turned the sports broadcast back on.

These bikes are extremely rare today. This was the first motorcycle made under the BMW name. It was the beginning of the legendary boxer twin engine and shaft drive layout that is still going strong on BMW’s today. These bikes were only made from 1923 1926, so there are very few people living that have had the pleasure of riding one. The bike was fairly advanced for its day using a wet sump lubrication system while most others had the archaic total loss system still in place. It had a rather large for the time 486cc engine that put out 8.5 hp, which may not sound like much, but was good enough for 59 mph and 78 mpg.

Having said that, with some basic automotive acumen and a few hours this issue can be fixed for as little as $50 or less to replace just the transfer case actuator gear whereas a mechanic or dealer would conceivably charge $1,500 to $2,000 or more to replace the transfer case actuator motor entirely (or worst case scenario attempt to replace the entire transfer case?).

Society has figured out that normally until a player is defeated, you give them the benefit. Otherwise there will be no ranking systems and we can just draw names out of a hat to seed players. So until there is a new champion, the previous champion is given the title, the points etc. That why ranking systems allow you to defend your points and not simply have the points disappear. Federer already lost his 2017 title to Novak. He isn the defending champion. He isn defending anything at Wimbledon now.

Most of the initial draft was is sourced from an editor written in the distinctive initials “MLC”. At the time, Motorsport Magazine enforced a policy to use initials in the fear that rival publishers poach their staff. We later learnt (and now confirmed) that “MLC” stands for “Michael Cotton” thanks to this archival list here.

To make that happen, to create a timeless machine for fast moving times, BMW has simplified its design language, with economy of line and sculpture. That means, when you look at this new Concept 8 Series, that you see sharpness and precision, and a startling sleekness through the way the design team has achieved light and shadow on the car’s exterior. If you look closely enough, you can even see the future.

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The Coccoro is no longer a great option for multiples/preemies as it now has a 5lb./19″ minimum. (Yes, the website still says 3lbs., but other techs are reporting that new Coccoros are shipping with 5lbs. minimums on the seat and the manual.) Plus, the insert HAS to be used until kiddo weighs 25lbs, which means many kids are reaching the 1″ height limit long before 36″ or 2yo. :/ Combi has been non negotiable on that issue, saying that the seat needs to be turned FF if baby reaches the 1″ limit with the insert.

(Privacy Policy)Facebook AdsThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Unified Ad MarketplaceThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)AppNexusThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)OpenxThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Rubicon ProjectThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)TripleLiftThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Say MediaWe partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites.

Either way, I’m thinking of possibly a Britax or Radian XT brand for me. There are so many things to consider, including whether I want an infant seat or convertible seat and if I want it to be compatible with the stroller. Also, since we may get 2 maybe we’ll get one infant and one convertible??? Or maybe we’ll share for a while and then get a 2nd one later when the baby gets bigger. So much ladies, my head is about to explode!!!

Yeah that ridiculous. The scary thing to me throughout the whole process is that it seems like they really have no power to deviate from the rules. Months ago they could change the tires before they sell you the car or give you the paint change for free, now they can even do that. Multiple cars floated by me that matched everything I wanted, but had sport wheels instead of Aero.

The BMW Concept 8 Series is a two door coup, bigger, wider, lower. “Our aim was to make it sportier than ever before, more dynamic,” says van Hooydonk,”hence the new ‘fast back’ roof profile. That sets it apart from our heritage cars. Always we think of what the brand needs tomorrow. Innovation comes from art, industrial design, travelling, talking to people. Our history is rich, and we are always trying to make it richer.”

With that said, when I in situations like this and I know there really nothing else I can do to get out of it (for the most part). I just sit back and go with it. Obviously, the situation isn ideal but creating unnecessary anxiety will just box the entire experience in a negative light when realistically it very possible for you to have a great time with no issues if you allow yourself. Don fall to a self fulfilling prophecy and just enjoy your trip with your husband.

The “Nordschleife”, or “north loop”, of Fangi

The “Nordschleife”, or “north loop”, of Fangio’s day ceased to be considered viable for Formula One back in 1976, after Niki Lauda at the time the fastest driver around the circuit suffered a near fatal accident when a suspected suspension failure caused his car to slide off the track, overturn and burst into flames on the second lap of the grand prix. Aside from its limited run off and relative narrowness, it is the sheer length that makes it so difficult to adequately marshal and therefore highly dangerous. Even in its shortest of several configurations, it measures an exhausting 20.8km but when Fangio won in 1954 the course was almost 2km longer and the race lasted a gruelling 22 laps.

Some of those extras were vital. The huge glass area made the air conditioning and the tinted glass essential while the power brakes, given the car’s weight, were a necessity in order to stop the Pacer without developing thighs the size of Steve Austin. All that glass added to the weight, as did all the much hyped safety measures. AMC wanted to stay ahead of the game and so incorporated a lot of features that were expected to be required over the coming few years, such as a roll bar, which gave rise to the huge, thick B pillars the ones just behind the driver’s door, and the massive doors designed to take side strengthening beams.

You will also need to specify the actice cell phone number for use with your account. Only one active phone number per account is allowed per subscription fee. You can have more than one active phone number linked to your account but you have to pay an additional subscription fee for each additional active phone number. If your phone number changes, you can add your new phone number, deactivate the old number, then activate the new number and you will not be charged the additional subscription fee.

Monika, I was in line at Target and the guy couldnt figure anything out. I had nonfood items but you can ring it all as 1 transaction and it will say whats not included. He kept seperating everything and making things so much harder/much longer than they had to. After I repeated that it was fine to do 1 transaction numerous times, I just told him to suspend it and that I was going to find someone who knew what they were doing. I left his lane in tears and went to customer service and complained. I spoke w a manager and she felt bad and rerung everything right but it made me feel like shit.

If the project is an investment property, a secondary kitchen or bath, or perhaps for a house you know you’ll be selling soon, the imported RTA cabinets are a great buy. They offer sound value and great window dressing. I am a custom cabinet maker and finisher and what blows me away with JSI cabinets is the finish. They use sherwin williams conversion varnish finishes. SAME AS CUSTOM SHOPS! I recently found out that JSI sells spray cans of matching finishes and can provide the sherwin williams color codes (either walcraft or rtawoodcabinets can get those for you). That is a big deal. So many China cabs are coated with who knows what. Sherwin conversion varnish (MUCH better than lacquer which is on most china cabinets) SOLD! As Sam said, JSI does sell assembled cabinets as well sio you do not have to deal with the assembly. We are only using JSI in our homes now. Hands down the best import cabinet on the market imo.18 months ago

We are doing something similar, where we have a 4 door Ford Fusion and a 2 door Honda Civic, and because of twins, both cars are tight for rear facing (because there isn’t any middle LATCH in the 4 door and I have long legs!) but we FINALLY found an infant car seat that will work in both cars: the Nuna Pipa. It’s a high end carseat, but only a little bit more overall than the 200 dollar seats we were looking at. Certainly, less than a car payment

Are Motor Bikes Really Dangerous?by theirishobserver. LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. (Privacy Policy)AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. (Privacy Policy)HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized.

The following morning is spent perfecting each driver’s seating position (a vital detail which, if incorrect, can dramatically hamper progress) and learning the various steering techniques that might need to be employed in order to tackle the Nordschleife’s many and varied technicalities. After that, it’s time to undertake your first laps. These happen behind a pace car, which enables fledglings to follow the correct lines at the correct speed and therefore remain, literally, “on track”.

Pacer Equipment OptionsThe Pacer was a little sparse on equipment though with an extras list that would make even present day Audi or BMW blush. Automatic transmission was an extra $299 and air conditioning $399.95 more than a tenth of the base price of $3,299. An 8 track AM/FM radio was $239.

I never said it isn When people mention saving on maintenance costs they don say, “has less cost of maintenance when compared to it rivals.” They say, it an EV with less parts so it has less maintenance than an internal combustion car. That just isn the case. People think that a Tesla will be cheaper to operate and maintain than ANY other car, that isn true. Is it cheaper than some? Absolutely.

BMW supplies the firm with engineering data atleast two years ahead of production to enable thorough development to be carried out, during which durability tests, hot and cold climate tests and performance tests result in prototype cars being driven40,000km, including 1,500km of those at top speed. Which because Alpinas are not restricted to the 155mph ofstandard BMWs can be anything up to 190mph inthe case, for example, of the recently released B4S Bi Turbo, or 205mph for the B7 Bi Turbo. And what is truly surprising is that, despite all this effort, entry into the eight model world of Alpina can be had for as little as 48,000 although atop specification B7Bi Turbowith a few bespoke extras can cost more thanthree times as much.

The way we currently look at productivity is so simplistic (and maybe with our system, it has to be). It amazing that we can get over out issues and move onto the bigger questions. These social issues really should not be an issue, and the fact that so many people decided that their hill to die on while we can accomplish so much more is absolutely ridiculous.

Warranty should cover it, but your dealer will have to claim it and they will have to make that case to BMW corporate. Stupid. I could have driven it in but they wouldn take it without an appointment. Next time you wonder why BMW service is so expensive realize how they throw money away.

I’m not going to sit here and say that anyone who is at the top, or who has a fancy degree on their wall, is lazy. I won’t say that at all. I will say, though, that too often many of these guys simply put themselves on a pedestal that really has no business being beneath their feet. They all think, regardless of how they arrived where they are, that they have earned their position. They have earned their right to the big prize. They believe wholeheartedly that they deserve every bit of what they have, and that everyman deserves virtually nothing except to be thankful for what the top trickles down.

No, you retard! I used the word that I did because it had the exact meaning that I wanted to use! How fucking difficult is that to understand that someone can use words that portray the exact idea they want to portray? Like for fuck sake, specific words have better uses in specific contexts. Stop trying to impart your own bullshit on me. I done with your terrible examples, just goddamned stop trying this. You are wrong, and always will be wrong, because I used the word with the exact meaning I wanted. Not the word that you goddamn want. The rules of language are very clear, you don get to decide them.

Jack kept talking, tilting her face to leave her mouth unobscured by the fur. “Your tail isn a cosmetic item actually. Along with your ears, it part of your racial features! That why you can move it around and also why you feel me touching it. One of the greatest draws of GBN for many people is that don have to look anything like your real life body! You could be an elf, have horns, a tail, animal ears, or even be a full on bipedal animal! There a high ranking leader that looks like a white stoat, he only like three feet tall!”

A “money race” is a race you run in Real Racing 3 once a day, to make as much money as possible off that one single race, that earn a lot of money, but is not too demanding or too difficult to win. This exploits the “daily double”, the 100% bonus you earn as the first race of the day if you race 5 days in a row, and the ability to hire the manager (either free, or 1 gold) to double your winnings. Both bonuses can be used together to quadruple your R$ winnings that one race.

Be patient. Good negotiations won end in a day or two. I manage to net thousands off the “discounted” (right. not) Internet price simply by knowing my options, reasonable prices, and remaining polite (but firm). And this is all without angering the salesperson either. Don make life miserable for salespeople. It okay to play hard ball; it not okay to be an aggressive and unreasonable asshole. There is a difference.

In stark contrast to the Jaguar, we have the Porsche Cayman R. Porsche is synonymous with motorsports racetrack performance, and that is exactly what the Cayman R is built for. When building the R version of its popular Cayman sports car, Porsche decided to cut weight instead of adding lots of power to achieve the desired performance goals. The Cayman R is the only member of this list under 3,000 pounds and weighs in at more than 1,000 pounds lighter than the XK R. The Cayman and the Jag are perfect foils for each other; the XK R is everything that the Cayman is not, and vice versa. While the Jaguar is immensely powerful and luxurious (aka heavy) the Cayman is underwhelming on the spec sheet (more than 200hp fewer than our winner) but is extremely focused and lightweight. One has only to sit inside the cockpit to know that the R is all about performance. To save weight, Porsche replaced traditional door handles with fabric straps. The sport bucket seats hold the driver in place during hard cornering and save 26 pounds. Air conditioning is an optional extra. On a $60,000 Porsche!

“Now, where the hell am I?” The Pardinus main cameras showed a slowing shifting view of space. Apparently, she was resting against some large piece of debris. As it spun, it showed her a view of the debris field which now included many more objects than it previously had. Apparently the battle has ended without me.

The summit looks good, but most people are overhyping it a lot. BMW for instance mentions on stage that their proof of concept was succesful, but the future will be long and complicated as Germans (BMW) are very skeptical of new technologies. The concept looks great, but it is not much different from many prototypes on other chains.

BMW doesn’t have to make the best EV. They really just have to make a decent one and brand loyalty can make up the rest. A big sticking point for many people coming from higher end brands is the interior of Teslas. BMW could make a decent EV with a more traditional interior. Another is service. While Tesla does have the service vans getting stuff fixed at service centres does seem to be a challenge for some people. BMW could compete there.

I made the point that BMW cars are by and large not cheap therefore they can make EVs today since they don play in the same price points like Dacia for example which has a legitimate reason why they can mass produce compelling EVs in 2019 due to the price of batteries and other components. Sure they could make some shitty 20 kWh, takes 2 days to charge, can go over 80 kph golf carts but nobody wants those shitty things on the market since they are not mainstream machines. A well engineered electric BMW today can be mainstream and the costs to make it happen are already cheap enough. It not cheap enough to enable 70 kWh, >100 kW charging, 3s from 0 to 100 kph Dacia Sandero EV, but cheap enough for a $60000 BMW with those exact specifications.

The 110v LVL1 charger is really only intended for occasional use (referred to as the OUC often.) If you have the means it highly recommended you get a LVL2 charger. It will allow you to precondition the battery as well as the cabin. Which is very helpful with range especially in extreme weather.

To the best of my knowledge, I am no more of a jerk or sheep now that I have my dream car than I was when I was rocking cassette tapes in my beater. It’d be sort of stupid to assume any different about someone else just because of their car. Why not? Everyone does. It can be fun.

You say the cars you bought cost you less than you make in a single pay cheque, so I think it pretty safe to assume a relatively cheap car like a Feista or Transit isn much of a stretch for you financially. You also say you would have loved a Merkur or 323 GTX but they difficult to find in good condition and you didn want to deal with the hassle of daily driving an old rare car, in other words you didn want to put too much of your own time or effort into it. It sounds a hell of a lot like the Fiesta was the car you settled for because it was the more sensible and practical option, and I wouldn call the car you buy because it takes less effort than the other cars you wanted your dream car.

When I use my front wheel drive Toyota, no problem at all. Any skidding is purely for fun I love doing handbrake turns when the roads are iced up. Yeah OK, I’m just a big kid but when no one is about and the roads are sheet ice it’s an opportunity to practice controlled slides.

Unless you are signed in to bfakn.club a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. (Privacy Policy)CloudflareThis is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos.

But there was that word that got it all done for me. Deserve. It was the one word that I was trying to get at all along. It just never made it past my tongue, and certainly never made it past my keyboard and onto the screen in any of my hubs. In reality, looking back, I kind of feel like an idiot actually. God, it’s so simple. And I didn’t think of it. Carolina Muscle did. Another hubber. Not me. In a word he got it done. In a word he had summed up everything I had been trying to get across. After I read it, I thought with some exaggeration of course that I had quite literally found the Holy Grail in all of Its glory.

I have to admit, there are not many engines t

I have to admit, there are not many engines that can replace the sound and popularity of the tradition American big block v8 engine. However, there are some electric/hybrid cars such as the ones produced by the Tesla Motor Company that have cars that compete in acceleration as traditional luxury and sport cars such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc.

(Privacy Policy)Remarketing PixelsWe may use remarketing pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to advertise the HubPages Service to people that have visited our sites. Conversion Tracking PixelsWe may use conversion tracking pixels from advertising networks such as Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and Facebook in order to identify when an advertisement has successfully resulted in the desired action, such as signing up for the HubPages Service or publishing an article on the HubPages Service.

Clinton was born and raised in Arkansas, and didn’t even know for sure who his father was, bringing home the fact Baby Boomers grew up on that anyone could grow up to be President. Clinton was always a top student, graduating from Georgetown University and earning a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University. He also attended Yale Law School, and has a law degree, but never practiced law. He did, however, meet Hillary Rodham at Yale, and they married a year later. Many of Hillary’s friends thought she was crazy to move from her Chicago home to live in Arkansas, but she did it anyway.

However, the person who first developed a rotor was Abraham Louis Perrelet (1729 1826), one of Switzerland’s greatest watchmakers of all time, considered the father of the automatic watch. He introduced the concept in 1770 and was way ahead of his time since the invention was better suited to wristwatches and Perrelet lived in the pocket watch era. Obviously, the watches couldn’t move in pockets enough to wind the mainspring, so the rotor system didn’t perform well. Another Swiss watchmaker, Abraham Louis Breguet (1747 1823) improved self winding watches and named them “perpetuelles” (the likely source of Rolex’s term). Other watchmaking greats of the 19th century advanced the concept. But it wasn’t until World War I that Rolex perfected its system and automatic watches became popular.

I really am not a vain person. I’m not into status symbols just for the sake of looking like something I’m not. I don’t know fashion and I don’t go to all the hip clubs. But I do appreciate quality, and when I am blessed to be able to buy nice things for myself, then I feel I should have them. My Beemer has been one of those things.

The first time I tried to go fast, I got to right at 50.01, and I know there a lot I can improve. I won almost half a second in the first turn (but then messed it up in the second and third, I can seem to get those right).70 hours isn really that much, I personally have clocked in over 500 hours in AC and I still suck mostly.

Hey all! I would love some advice on fitting 3 car seats across in an x3. My daughter is 5 (and a tiny thing) and in a Britax Marathon 70. My son is 2.5 and we just swapped his marathon out for a Radian rxt. We were planning on swapping my daughter out to a Radian as well. Our 3rd is coming in July and we’d love to be able to use 3 seats back there, with one being an infant seat.

Yesterday, when he was in the passenger seat with me driving, he said, “Mum, you turn quickly to the left and I’ll put the hand brake on.’ This didn’t happen, obviously, but is a guide to his immaturity.Even on private land (which to my knowledge is not illegal) I’m not sure I would want him driving my car right now.

I am so shocked at these stories as related by “victims” and their relatives. Of course the victims all being so innocent. I noted no relation of the conviction rate of the victims or followup on suspensions/probation and firings of any wrong doing cop. What to we have? 5 million in jail and 5 million law enforcement personnel. Let us see, and each cop making at least two “contacts” a day? Get back to me on percentages.

If you disagree with someone, attack their argument, not them. Chances are they aren married to their opinion anyway, although it can sure seem like that based on the rhetoric you see online. Most people don accurately express their level of commitment toward any given position they hold, and we aren all perfect wordsmiths anyway. By attacking the argument, you get to the crux of the issue, keep it non personal (and thereby less emotional) and allow the person to come around to your point of view through reasoned debate and discussion. If you publicly attack them personally, not only are you conceding that your argument is dogshit (since ad hominem is probably the single most widely known logical fallacy) but you remove the opportunity for them to come around to your point of view, demonstrating that you would rather express malice than genuinely seek an better understanding of the issue at hand, let alone attempt to resolve it.

Coldfusion Programming: Accessing a shared network drive 2 months agoAs a Coldfusion developer, have you ever needed to use or on another network server or shared folder, other than the Coldfusion server? Trying to copy, move, delete or just check on files on another company server has always been an issue.1Babies Baby CareHow to Make Powder Formula like the Ready to Feed Formula 3 months agoThis article will tell you how to make your baby’s powder formula more consistent like the premixed ready to feed formula.

2 is even harder, because cheaters never admit they cheated. You not going to be able to interview them, because they either going to clam up and say “no comment,” or they keep insisting they didn cheat. Maybe that why there has been so little written on it. I did read an interview with Eddy Hellebuyck where, years after the fact, he admitted that he been doping. But that was kind of different in that he was a world class runner making a living off of running, and was doping instead of course cutting.

Your Guide to Getting Your Vehicle on the Road in GermanyThe third item on my bucket list when I landed in Germany, immediately after finding a food source and securing shelter, was getting the means to exploit the autobahn to its full potential. Well, maybe that is an exaggeration, because one would need a Ferrari to accomplish that. A fair clarification of that statement would be: I intended to find something that moved me from A to B with four wheels, would accelerate with fuel in the tank and resembled a car to a sufficient degree as not to attract the attention of the Polizei.

For instance when I am in maps through a hot click from a notification in the music app, from the app POV I am still on the music screen which messes up the one click navigation from the buttons next to the controller. Hope that makes sense.Also the HUD display and controls don’t work with CarPlay.

Less Room to Swing a CatThe power unit was to have been a cutting edge rotary Wankel engine purchased from General Motors. The car was designed around that engine. Unfortunately GM withdrew, as the Wankel was proving neither reliable nor fuel efficient, and in the wake of the 1974 Arab oil embargo this was now an issue. The engine also produced high amounts of N0x gasses that would not comply with the new emissions regulations. straight six under the hood. It was a tight fit but they squeezed it in. This change compromised the interior space and effectively rendered it a four seater as it necessitated the use of a drive tunnel to get the power to the rear wheels which took up space in the rear seating area. The Wankel which would have been front wheel drive would have needed no such tunnel. The car was still roomy but not as roomy as it might have been.

My experience (and decision) was that if I was going to spend an afternoon underneath the car removing the actuator motor and taking it apart I did not want to risk the free fix failing at some point and having to do it all over again. I believe it’s well worth the $50 $100 to purchase a new gear and not worry about it for another 80k miles or more. Since the first writing of this article, replacement gears have actually gone from $100 down to $20 or less!BMW transfer case actuator motor disassembled (brand new black replacement gear pictured).

Bridging the GT only and LMP/GT series is the fan favourite Japanese Super GT series. Super GT features the aforementioned GT3 category (known as GT300), with some custom cars thrown in the mix, such as the infamous Toyota Prius Racer. Super GT also has the draw of GT500, spec chassis prototype GT cars with turbocharged 4 cylinder engines. They are very fast and very exciting to watch, and feature cars from Nissan, Honda and Toyota/Lexus.

For the reddit discussion on the rest of his talk, see here. The apps will give info on any maintenance that needs to be done, recalls on parts, non mutable mileage, how far until next oil change, etc. All the information could be imported from the car through the internet to the blockchain. Then, using Thor saved onto the blockchain. I also could say it never been in an accident before even though it has been. I could also say it has all OEM parts but if we use blockchain we could have a small microchip IOT that verifies the part is OEM instead of 3rd party. Also, a scammer could swap VIN from a broken car to a stolen car. Blockchain can prevent scams and save companies $$ because of immutable data.

Currently, the i3 has been sitting in the shop for 3 weeks waiting on warranty parts from the mothership the heating system leaked coolant on the primary high voltage cable. While it was still driving as normal, it had an ominous warning of a drivetrain malfunction that “should continue to drive; yet get service soon”

That gave me the opportunity to be more tolerant and appreciate people for what they are.I used to work in an academic institution, taught college students and conducted social researches.Join HubPages, where you can write about a topic you love for free! Includes potential to earn royalties and commissions.

I mean following your reasoning a couple of years ago I could have said my “attainable dream car” was a piece of shit 1999 four cylinder Accord, because I only had like $1000 to spend on a car and I wanted a station wagon and it was all I could afford. Do you think it would be cool if I made a post gushing about my “attainable dream car” in the title without specifying what it was, then go on to talk about this shitheap no one cares about?

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I kept waiting for a great trade in to come in that some other person didn like and that what happened. I got a BMW 3 series out the door for 26k.I feel like I got a great deal from my research so maybe you can find a deal that great but it is definitely doable I make about 75k a year now and plan on driving it for a long time.

It seems that more and more BMWs and Mercedes are appearing around here. I’m not sure if they have a great leasing deal or what, but they are becoming so common! I would prefer a Mercedes, they have a MUCH smoother drive than BMWs. Plus, I think they are a lot more beautiful, too.

The first generation Miata was first sold in 1989 with a 1.6 L I4 that made 115 hp. For the 1994 model year, Mazda upgraded the Miata’s engine to a 1.8 L making 131 hp. Like the MR 2, the Miata makes do with less horsepower because it is very lightweight with good weight balance and rear wheel drive. A limited slip differential was offered as an optional extra with manual transmission cars (an automatic transmission was offered, but proved unpopular). There wasn’t much in the way of luxury, especially in the first few years of production. Air conditioning, stereo, power steering, and alloy wheels were all absent from the base model in 1989 in order to lower the entry price, although features such as these became standard later on. A first generation (1989 1998) Miata will run you $1,500 $8,000, with price varying based on age, mileage, and condition.

Then, after following the instructions from the manual, you press the button for the garage door to go up… and nothing happens. Did you miss a step? Read on to learn about what most instruction manuals leave out: the step of programming the car/truck/van to the garage door machine itself.

While on this bfakn.club ‘camping’ trip the following happened. The old ladys grand daughter was ‘upset’ so the woman gave her car keys to my son and told him to take her grand daughter for a drive.Show DetailsNecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

OK, it might not use a Lamborghini V12, but it does let you fit a BMW V12! The early 5.0l from the late ’80s can be picked up cheaply and tuned up nicely to 400bhp+, and that will be enough for most! You’ll still need to source your gearbox, but most of the other components to complete this car are available from Parallel Designs, including at 6.0 VT and GT bodies. For a basic car using the Rover V8, expect to pay 25,000 and up and probably another 2000 for the V12 (with better gearbox, brakes and some engine mods.)

Bloomberg had some car engineers tear down a model 3. What they found was that it was over engineered in a way that didn’t benefit the overall product, but made production more complicated and expensive. They found that had Tesla used more traditional manufacturing methods like those of Toyota or Ford, they could have increased profit margins significantly without sacrificing any of the model 3’s safety or structural integrity.

And to declare that only you (or other citizen) has a right to determine the validity of police suspicion is just as wrong. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any police brutality where the police had no reason to suspect that either a crime had been or soon might be committed.

I personally find endurance races pretty easy, and super speedways even more so. Your own preferences will vary. With Charger SRT8 I can do 15 18 miles easy. With the Lexus IS F I’ve done 21 miles. The winnings is about 11 14000, which, after quadrupling, is about R$ 44 56000. So if you use the IS F to make 56K, then use the Charger SRT8 to make another 22K, that’s 78K, enough to buy a pretty good car, or do a LOT of repairs. Put both cars into maintenance for an hour and come back and really have fun with the rest of the day’s races. You can use either Shelby GT500 or the BMW M3 GTS. I’ve done 19 miles with the BMW (with quadrupling, about 54000 in a single run) and 23 miles with Shelby (over 70000).