While on this ‘camping’ trip the following ha

While on this ‘camping’ trip the following happened. The old ladys grand daughter was ‘upset’ so the woman gave her car keys to my son and told him to take her grand daughter for a drive.Show DetailsNecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Tracking PixelSome articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy)ClickscoThis is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy).

Don ask for votes, draw attention to the voting or make disingenuous comments on voting. Be very careful about where you share links or direct users both on reddit and away from reddit. Avoid forming or supporting groups that vote or comment together. Do not immediately link to your own post on another subreddit or vice versa. If you control or support a forum or chat server ensure that it is not influencing the subreddit. Do not use a followed user profile or shared account.

They use the 8 series for marketing reasons it the car they want to sell with that program. This has been brought up many times before. What the point in spending millions on a racing program without a plan to get a return on that investment?Trying to get a favorable BoP? Thats what every team needs to do in a BoP class.

Unfortunately, despite the brief excitement and distraction that was provided when the boats appeared, the years of bitter legal wrangling and protracted uncertainty had also left an entire Cup community behind. Teams that had previously aspired to compete in the 33rd America’s Cup were barely able to comprehend, let alone match, the money that was being spent this time around.

(Privacy Policy)Facebook AdsThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Unified Ad MarketplaceThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)AppNexusThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)OpenxThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Rubicon ProjectThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)TripleLiftThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Say MediaWe partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites.

Less frequent maintenance. A Mini doesn’t need an oil change or regular maintenance done every few months like other cars. Instead, you can go two years before having the car checked out. With the standard three year warranty, you can take it to a Mini dealership for it’s first maintenance. However, I like to get my oil changed sooner somewhere else just so it can have clean oil.

The first part is a quote from BMWBLOG referring to the fact that BMW did a proof of concept last year with the VerifyCar app. The original post is here. I suspect whoever made the mash up image was using this to establish that yes, BMW and VerifyCar are connected, although the flaw in that is that BMWBLOG is not connected with BMW in its own words it “an independent private enthusiast site dedicated to BMW fans around the world and is in no way affiliated or owned by BMW AG”. However, it IS generally a reputable source on BMW, even if it not official.

The AMC Pacer ArrivesWhen I first went to North America aged sixteen in the summer of 1975, my parents and I were met at Toronto airport by my Dad’s cousin, the wonderfully craggy, frail, chain smoking Cliff and his trusty 1965 AMC Rambler Cross Country. When we returned the following year Cousin Cliff had suffered a series of heart attacks, had a triple bypass operation, was still smoking and had ditched the Rambler for something he referred to as his “moon buggy”; the amazing bubble on wheels that was his brand new beige AMC.

2) Elizabeth Warren. She Batman if Harris is Superman. She brilliant and nuanced and could eloquently make her point in a wise educator kind of way but also toggle passion and came off very charming as well. Also lots of detailed solution proposals across a wide variety of topics and none of them anchor positions.

Is that an extra Rainier or the one in YOUR SUV? If it’s in your SUV and you are happy with it there, just leave it be. My DS (dear son) was 46″/46 on his 5th birthday, and I harnessed him in a Frontier till 6.7 yo (49″, 55). Then I moved him into a Diono Monterey.

Yeah that ridiculous. The scary thing to me throughout the whole process is that it seems like they really have no power to deviate from the rules. Months ago they could change the tires before they sell you the car or give you the paint change for free, now they can even do that. Multiple cars floated by me that matched everything I wanted, but had sport wheels instead of Aero.

Phone featuresOnce your phone is paired correctly to the vehicle and you have your Sync account activated, you can use all the Sync and services. One of the phone services that is not compatible with my particular phone is the text messaging. The Sync system will read your text messages aloud to you if it is compatible with your phone. Refer to the website for a list of compatible text messaging phones. I know that most of the Motorola Razr phones are compatible with the text messaging feature.

Type of thing happens all the time, I found it happens a lot less at 10k behavior. However, regular toxic players still exist at 10k, or rather people who are just generally negative, but it seems like they intentionally throw less and abandon less. I even a little bit toxic when I start to lose but I don talk shit, I do happily point out obvious mistakes like maybe hit more than 1 with Echo Slam pepega sometimes get snow flaky, if you queue off lane and rage when your pos4 leaves the lane to gank mid and you feed, you a fuck, and if you pos5 and get bitchy when asked for wards you a fuck too.

What should I do to keep it crisp, white, and free from stains?9Family and ParentingWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?by Amanda S 7 years agoWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?Your Dream Carby Alisha2010 8 years ago.

To me, life is science. We are created from the most common atoms throughout existence and to think that we are somewhat special is fucking comical. Earth has been around for about 4.5 BILLION years and multi cell life only being around 600 MILLION years. I just some organism that will exist and die in a mere pinpoint on that timeline and my atoms will continue one just like they did the billions of years before I came into existence.

I speed off traffic lights all the time and redline in 1st when I have to make a lane change. The trick is to get the revs to 3k 4k rpm and let the clutch out swiftly and not dump it. Maintain, but don add gas until slipping has ended and clutch is fully out. To continue accelerating as hard as your car is capable of, redline each gear and be quick with the changes.

The big concept coup took a year to design and build. “That’s pretty quick,” says van Hooydonk. “It means you commit to decisions and go with them, it’s a process of creation that has to come from the heart as well as the head.” Hebelieves a great car has to have a certain “handwriting”. “You must trust your vision, and not tinker too much. I think this concept car is a great example of that instinctive approach working very well.

And on a roadtrip? You have to go to the bathroom, maybe buy some more water, possibly a snack. If you have young kids it more involved, there are diaper changes involved, cleaning the car of trash and disposing of it properly, and so forth. By the time that is done, you received the “you may incur idle fees” message on your phone.

(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Tracking PixelSome articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy)ClickscoThis is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy).

Usually, in vehicles that have a hatchback style trunk (with an open seat back) you will find the anchor on the back of the seat and sometimes in the ceiling (for the middle seat position). If the trunk is closed, you typically find the anchor spot behind the headrest. 온라인카지노 I know you will be tired, but installing the seat properly is very important. If the person picking you up doesn’t know whet to find the anchors in their vehicle, ask them to look it up in their manual as soon as they can.

Also, 50% utilization on a CC isn helping your credit score (credit utilization is factored into your score, even if you paying it off every month). A civic is nearly as fast (if you not a car person you won notice the acceleration difference), handles better, and has way more luxury features than a 328i

Shut the doors on those and its like a bank vault. Engines can for for 300K plus as long as you do routine services. They come in 6 and 8 cylinders. If you want to go Japanese the early 90’s LS400 from Lexus is another car that was over engineered since they were made to compete with the Germans.

Also picked a pretty convenient year to stop your chart, since it immediately fell back off starting in 89, down to a low of 17,000 in the early 90 look at that, the Mets were good and their attendance was higher. Now then fast fwd to the 90s and the Yankees dynasty starts. And obviously attended and fandom switches back.

There is also cultivating, hiring, and keeping the rider that will ride the bikes to glory. It just a cheap engineering exercise they pulled off because they just can and as a good publicity stunt.Racing bikes are meant to go fast around a circuit, not in a straight line. The only way kawasaki got to make an engine that had comparable power to a motogp bike is by making that H2R.

The underlying goal of the Plair Foundation is to create a platform for gamers to earn more than enough to sustain themselves in everyday living, doing what they love to do. The Plair Foundation’s job is to create a well thought out and technically feasible platform, while at the same time proactively promoting the platform and the Plair lifestyle by facilitating creative online/offline events, tournaments, tours, shows and products.

After a few tense minutes, she reached the space station. It seemed to be an ancient industrial station, build to dock ships during the terraforming effort and altered first for business and later for commerce as the planet was colonized. It had weathered the Calamity War, and had weathered this battle too. Scars from debris impacts dotted its surface, and big blast shields covered the hangar doors. Of course they would be on lockdown, there was a battle going on next to them. Time to try something stupid I guess.

It’s a complete road/track animal: light weight (515kgs) front engined and rear wheel drive. Anyone who’s ever driven one will tell you how much fun these cars are! The kit also comes as a complete package, with engine and all! The R400 comes complete with a 2l Ford Duratec engine developing 210bhp, thanks to Cosworth hitting it with the power stick. That’s 420bhp/tonne. The bad part in all this is the 31,000 asking price, but to be honest with you, they are worth every penny. If you can’t afford this one, the classic kit starts at just 13,300 and that still has an engine, although only a 105bhp 1.4 Rover K series engine. Still, 200bhp/tonne is a great place to start with a Caterham.

If one is constantly filling with a lot of water there most certainly may be a leak. The proper way to check the system is a knowledgeable person with a pressure tester. The system is pressurized and then leaks can be sought. Some common ones are the hoses best checked first. A next best look is at the water pump seal. Freeze plugs are more of rarity today, yet can be considered. A good look about is needed overall.

Set up your Sync accountThe first and most important thing you need to do to utilize all the Sync services is set up your Sync account on your computer. You will be asked to name your vehicle and to select the dashboard layout of your vehicle. From your Sync account screen, you can then view your vehicle health report which you have generated from the vehicle itself. Other features you can customize from your Sync account screen include your favorites (specific stock quotes, sports teams, news headlines, horoscopes, etc. You can also set up saved points in your driving and directions list. A few of my saved points include my home address and some of my friends and family addresses. Although I do typically know how to get to my home address and those friends and family members addresses, I may be in an unfamiliar place and need to be directed back to those locations.

With an airport internet from charles de gaulle paris, i was able to skype with my husband and my parisian friends and let them know my tricky predicament. Then i took the tgv train from paris to marseille, got off saint charles station and again i used the ipad to send text messeges for my friend who is supposed to pick me up at the train station. Could not find each other T the train station. I used the ipad to send text messeges to my friend. What a relief that was.

But it is the post 1969 bikes, built after BMW moved motorcycle production from Munich to Spandau in West Berlin, that are attracting both touring riders and collectors. “Before the move to Spandau, BMW motorcycles were expensive to produce and not sold all over the world. Each bike was assembled by an individual engineer, asystem that was not financially viable andalmost bankrupted the company,” explains Peter Ardron, chairman of the UK based BMW Airhead Fellowship. “But production changed completely after that, because the plant shifted to more efficient build methods while retaining the existing standards of quality. That’s when BMW Motorrad really took off.”Ardron cites the R90S as one of the most sought after classic models, around 17,500 examples of which were built from 1973 to 1976. Featuring an 898cc engine producing 67bhp, a small “bikini” fairing and a neat “ducktail” seat, the bike had a top speed of 125mph, effortless cruising ability and distinctive looks, thanks to its “smoke effect” paintwork insilver grey or Daytona orange.

Yes. Take a look at the new Ford eco engine. It is a one liter engine that outputs the same power as a much more powerful past engine and will easily do 3 times the MPG and will mostly be available in Europe in the ford Mondeo, C Max and Focus. Its directly connected to fuel and the oil companies.

NSU was a giant in the motorcycle industry in

NSU was a giant in the motorcycle industry in the 1950s. For a time they were the largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world. They had considerable success with racing in the ’50s, especially the Isle of Man TT races. They set many records and were highly regarded. The Fox isn’t a super fast racing bike; it’s a small city bike. It does have a nice look to it. I have a tendency to like sheet metal frames and springer seats though. It has a small 98cc four stroke engine and was know for being reliable.

BMW is one of the most successful marques in racing, from providing, probably, the most successful engine ever for Formula One (the straight four M10), through to decades of dominance on the road in touring and rally cars. “It is a company close to my heart,” says Adrian van Hooydonk, senior vice president of BMW Group Design. “Driving is close to my heart, too; expressing movement in metal it’s what I love.”

1) Kamala Harris. She showed off she can easily win fights for her positions against the old guard. She sharp, smart, and suave and didn take any positions that would anchor her but still had more than enough concrete solution proposals across a wide variety of issues and was able to communicate them well. I think her biggest weak point is her checkered history as CA AG, but I think she more than well showed that she can defend her points.

In Australia, that would mean checking out the classifieds, buying the car, registering it at Vic Roads and turning the ignition switch. Well, that and not drag racing within the city limits. It was with these presumptions that I entered into this venture. Unfortunately, the result was half baked: A car that gathered dust for months while I floundered with the German regulations. So, in the spirit of community, I will share my hard earned license to drive in Deutschland.

If the majority of your daily driving is within a 30 mile circle of your house, and you only do 30 50 miles of driving per day, this is a fine car. If you frequently find yourself driving further than that. you either going to need a backup second vehicle with a gas engine, or you should REALLY consider jumping up to a REx i3 because it backup gas generator is going to give you the freedom to take the occasional long drive, while still replacing 99% of your mileage with electricity.

I don know, that why I asking.But lets see, for NAV, it needs your position. OK, the GPS chip could be in there. 온라인카지노 Your speed might be nice. What would be easier, polling GPS satellites and getting their estimation? Or getting it from the engine computer?Some high end cars play fake engine sounds inside the car so the driver feels more satisfied by the sound of their engine. So, that another case of the engine talking to the soundsystem, which this unit, by virtue of it being the controller of your stereo, is getting feedback from the engine.And, some of those dvd players also get feedback from the engine computers, so they can black out the screen when the cars moving. Unless you think they polling GPS instead?So yeah. pretty sure that Dash Nav systems are talking to the rest of the car, either directly, or at least talking to a component that also talks to the engine.

At least that is what his dad said. maybe i am the only one here trying to teach him anything.Polly Cposted 7 years agoI have a 12 year old son and there would be no chance of him driving my car! Aside from being illegal, I can’t think of anything worse it’s bad enough seeing him on the road on a bike to be honest.

That said, my wife forgot to charge my i3 one night and I was almost stranded. luckily I limped into a BMW dealership that had one and 10 minutes later I had enough to get home. not particularly a big deal, if it had been AC I would have left 30 minutes later.

We thought about a crossover too but when you need as much room as I do, the size of crossovers becomes deceptive and you don get the cabin passenger space of a large sedan in a CUV until you start looking at the really big ones and my wife didn want something that big. The big sedans are also a bargain right now because no one wants them there more than a few pretty nice models to choose from and you can get killer deals on 1 3 year old models with hardly any miles on them.

Not “too raw” at all, I did several 3000 Mile road trips with it and I never had an issue with not being comfortable. I daily drove it for 3 years with no issue. The only issue I ever had was the “angry screaming racecar” which attracted too much attention and it wasn suitable for the snow in CO. Also, people in the US suck. 2 years in Germany with it, no issues. First week back in the US someone door dinged me even though I parked in BFE. I miss it but I don will admit, if I kept the M2 it would be less stressful than having a US spec 3 in Germany for road trips and likely more fun on the ring again but take the good with the bad. I still take the 3 over it again any day. Side note, currently being ICE by an Audi.

There was only time to discover that my taxi driver was called Philip, that his full time job was as a BMW development engineer and that he had been around the Nordschleife “more than 3,000 times” and then he was waving his access pass at the control barrier and we were embarking on our first lap under gut wrenching acceleration.

That being said, I think almost no one has a problem with people who use the assistance programs properly. Although I have never had to use assistance as an adult, my mother did for a short period when we were children. My father had died, my mom was penniless, she had been a housewife for 10 years, went through a brutal divorce immediately before my dad passed away, she had three children and in the early 80s it was still kosher to discriminate against women in hiring in most fields.

I overall love the experience so far mostly on looks, build quality, interior fit out, savings from not filling up at the gas station and launch speed off the line. In terms of driving preference, I coming from a 333HP BMW M3 with similar weight balance, winter blizzaks, etc. My daily round trip is 26 miles but also needed something to do a 100 mile roundtrip on weekends to see kids/parents in nearby towns. I driving in the midwest with ice and snow, cold temps, rain, etc.

Maintenance can be expensive. Once your car is out of warranty, all repairs will need to be covered by you. There are extended warranty options, but those are expensive as well. Despite Mini brand cars becoming more common, the repairs can be very expensive. So if you purchase one, be prepared for that if your car starts to have issues.

It was common with those cars, particularly the coupe models and if your in an accident your insurance won pay out if the car is re specced. Plus, if there high mileage I strongly reccomend you get a mechanic you trust to check out the car. Even the best petrol engines will tend to calve after 120k miles, particularly in a BMW because the youngfellas who tend to be the third owner drive the arse out of them.My advice? If your going to by any car more than 10 years old buy a diesel for reliability.

What happening here is that he is crying out for validation. There a reason he is constantly talking or thinking about you and my first assumption would be is that you intimidate him, so his emotional response to express the exact opposite and he acts like your the idiot when in reality he just projecting.

The second generation MR 2 (1989 1999) had very different styling and has been called a “poor man’s Ferrari” due to some aesthetic similarities between the Toyota and Ferrari’s 355/348. The US received two engine options: a 130 hp 2.0 L naturally aspirated I4 and a 200 hp turbocharged 2.0 L I4. For 1992 3, Toyota changed the suspension geometry to reduce “snap oversteer” which made the car safer to drive quickly and on the limit. If you’ve got experience driving sports cars and are looking for a car with a real edge to it, try to find one from the few years before this change. If you just want to be able to corner quickly and not make a fool of yourself, definitely look for a later version with the more forgiving handling. This is, for most, the best of the MR 2 generations to buy because it is newer, more powerful, and better looking than the first generation, but less expensive than third generation models. You’ll probably be looking at 5 12k for pricing, although there is always room for variation with individual cars. The turbos are going to be harder to find unmolested and will be more expensive, but if you can find the right car, it’s going to be much faster and more fun to drive than the still spectacular NA version.

Some people will say that you can just go to your fire station or police department. You can’t! It’s best to look it up because it will tell you where you can get it checked, whether you can drop by/if they have a car seat check once a month or every couple of months/if you have to make an appointment. I live in a metro with 2.4 million people and we only have 21 places to get seats checked. Out of those 21 places, we have 2 you can stop by any day of the week at any time, 2 you can make an appointment for any time during their business hours, and the rest either have monthly/bimonthly/quarterly car seat check fairs. I had to set my appointment 24 days in advance because the children’s hospital was so booked out. I would suggest figuring out how to get yours checked soon.

Oxygen (O2) Sensor DIY for VW 2.0 L EnginesHere is a way to take the cheap Bosch oxygen sensor 15718, made for Ford cars, and use it in your 2.0 Volkswagen engine. This is an old trick on the MKIII engine but has not been tried on MK4 Jetta, Golf, and GTI models. These sensors have been proven to work on BMW, VW, Saab, and a list of other cars: why not save money and use them on yours?

Overall fit and finish While most Chinese cabinets are touting dovetailed drawer boxes, you generally need to assemble the drawer boxes yourself. This often results in rough, unfilled dovetails and out of square drawer boxes as well as a huge increase in your assembly time. Slides are often marketed as full extension soft close, but the manufacturer is typically another Chinese low bidder, and the quality is quite suspect. Hinges are generally fully concealed, but the hinges themselves are of a cheap stamped metal variety and do not have longevity in mind.

If some snooty eff wads want to be pricks, let them. You know how hard it is, you know there are more people needing help than anyone could comprehend. We have to be strong, if not for ourselves and our families, than for those who have no one to be strong for them.

I picked up an older Sigma 70 200/2.8 HSM (non OS/VR) for actual shooting. I always at 1/500 or higher so I don really need OS/VR and the 2.8 glass is heavy enough that the image in the viewfinder doesn jump around too much so I went older and cheaper on the lens when I realized the 70 300VR wasn going to cut it. If you can spend a bit more, you can get a newer version with OS and the newer ones should also get better wide open with each generation (there four or five versions of the Sigma 70 200/2.8). One weird quirk of my version is the AF locks up and doesn work in video mode but I never shoot video anyway with it because it too jumpy without VR.

When the baby is older though I would definately do two convertibles, so you will not have to be moving the seat constantly. Also, if you are interested in the Radians they are going really cheap right now, so it may be worth it to buy now and save them. BUT then you run the risk of losing potentially two years of use depending on the manufature date.

The first part is a quote from BMWBLOG referring to the fact that BMW did a proof of concept last year with the VerifyCar app. The original post is here. I suspect whoever made the mash up image was using this to establish that yes, BMW and VerifyCar are connected, although the flaw in that is that BMWBLOG is not connected with BMW in its own words it “an independent private enthusiast site dedicated to BMW fans around the world and is in no way affiliated or owned by BMW AG”. However, it IS generally a reputable source on BMW, even if it not official.

Starting off this list is the first of two BMWs the best version of the Z4. Gone is the convertible and coupe option all Z4s from this generation have retractable hardtops. Despite the upped power from the 3.0L I6, the Z4 isn’t a purist driver’s car by any stretch of the imagination. The car has softer handling than some of its competitors, which makes it more of a weekend cruiser than a hardcore sports car. According to Car and Driver, the Z4 smoothly delivers its power and has a comfortable ride, but its steering and suspension don’t inspire confidence in the driver at the limit which means it fails to achieve the mission of a true sports car. However, if you are looking for a quick roadster for Sunday afternoon cruises, it’ll deliver great acceleration, a comfortable ride, and a sporty exhaust note.

However, the quality of its upgrades and the remarkable improvements they offered over the standard vehicles ensured that, as Enzo Ferrari liked tosay, Alpina has always made “one less car than themarket demands”. Which is hardly surprising, giventhe fact that its B7 Turbo of 1978 was called “the world’s fastest sedan”, the B7 Turbo Coup of 1982 was as quick as a Porsche 911 Turbo, and the B10Bi Turbo of 1989was described bythe late and highly respected Belgian racing driver and Road Track journalist Paul Frre as “the best four door in the world”. And, returning to the subject ofFerraris, thelarge and luxurious Alpina B12 6.0 of 1999 could cover a kilometre from a standing start in just 23.6 seconds swifter than the Prancing Horse marque’scontemporary F355.

It weird because the fee apparently is completely separate from de Ligt contract. sports, the agent commission is almost always proportional to the size of the player contract and any endorsement deals rather than a separate fixed payment. A commission around 5% is typical for a new contract, although for example the NFL and NBA limit agent fees to 3% of the contract under their collective bargaining agreements. Commissions can be higher for players in other sports and for endorsement deals, up to around 10% sometimes.

(Privacy Policy)Facebook AdsThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Unified Ad MarketplaceThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)AppNexusThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)OpenxThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Rubicon ProjectThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)TripleLiftThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Say MediaWe partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites.

If premium is recommended but not required then you can run whatever makes sense to you. With premium, the engine will make a little more power and get slightly better MPGs but it might still be more economical to run regular because of the difference in price if you don mind losing a few HP/TQ.

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Social media content of any kind is not allowed. This includes anything from Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, or any other form of “comments section” on the Internet, as well as images accompanied by text from those platforms. Images with SnapChat text added are allowed, as long as all UI elements have been removed. Please view our wiki for suggestions of where these submissions can be offered.

While the success was celebrated by BMW Oracle, others were not so happy thanks to another quirk of the Cup. Normally, the first official challenger to throw down the gauntlet becomes the Challenger of Record, but this doesn’t give them an automatic right to race the defender. If other clubs issue separate challenges, it is up to the Challenger of Record to organise a series in which the best challenger goes on to the America’s Cup.

We are currently a one car family so DH (dear husband) and I have been car browsing for quite a while and recently have been car shopping. We have narrowed it down between a 2017 Jeep Cherokee and 2013 BMW X3. Both have all of the bells and whistles we want, but the Jeep is brand new and about $10k more expensive than the 2013 BMW X3 that we are looking at. We figure that insurance, maintanence,and gas for the Cherokee would be cheaper and it would essentially even out over time anyway. We also plan on keeping this car for DD (dear daughter) to drive in 12ish years so we want something that will last.

(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Tracking PixelSome articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy)ClickscoThis is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy).

After a few tense minutes, she reached the space station. It seemed to be an ancient industrial station, build to dock ships during the terraforming effort and altered first for business and later for commerce as the planet was colonized. It had weathered the Calamity War, and had weathered this battle too. Scars from debris impacts dotted its surface, and big blast shields covered the hangar doors. Of course they would be on lockdown, there was a battle going on next to them. Time to try something stupid I guess.

I had my F30 328d for 1.5 years and 20k miles. No problems related to the engine, but it only just touching 50k 카지노사이트 miles now, I would hope it could last that long. :) I wasn interested in the E90 335d because I didn need the power and the fuel economy wasn all that great. I been crazy happy with the fuel economy I gotten so far, my best tank was 52mpg, it was pure highway miles. Around town with mixed driving I get 38 40mpg. I do have alot of sprinter diesel customers with the 3.0 V6 diesel, most of their issues are emissions related and can be very expensive (if they don travel any to Cali, its pretty much mandatory to delete) other then that, the classic throttle petal issues, about $600 to $900 depending on the year, oil issues with over heating (The 3.0 V6 is like the old Jeep 4.0 when it comes to the oil issues, fantastic engine, runs forever, but if it ever goes over 15 20 degrees over its normal operating temperature, there is no forgiveness, that motors done, $9,000 to $14,000 for a new engine) and the timing chain stretching problems.

I have navigation info projected on the windshield when using the default Gps but not when using CarPlay.You must also understand that from the main os’s POV CarPlay is just a single other screen.Siri integration is okay for basic commands. Maps is okay with updated traffic information.Problem is you can’t use Siri in multiple languages which limit some more advanced features like dictating text in your native language if you want siri in English.

What about searching someone car for illegal contraband? That is connected to having a driver license as well but it still illegal to do so without their explicit consent or a warrant. This isn any different. You can just sign away your rights. This is held up in contract law all the time.

Sensor 2 is not going to have to do with combustion at all, so its unlikely that fixed your problem. Youre probably going to need a more BMW specific scan tool to see what faults are pending if the car is indeed misfiring. For a short term fix, try something like a diesel additive to try and clean the fuel up, maybe someone used cheap or incorrect fuel in the past. If you still have issues and no codes with a decent scanner, then its possible you have something in the drivetrain. Im not that familiar with the diesels, but the earlier X3, like 2007 2013 had some issues with the transfer case, which would sort of chatter/slip under acceleration and make it feel like a misfire or stumble. Also, try disconnecting the battery, and leaving the key forward so the dash is lit up but not running, and maybe it will do a throttle body adaptation after 30 seconds or so. Lastly, failing fuel injections, gummed up intkaes, and carbon buildup are not uncommon to any BMW, so it may be something along those lines.

The America’s Cup has always been an expensive trophy to compete for but it has rarely been fair. If you win the Cup you host the next event and, to a large extent, control the rules once a challenger comes along and throws down the gauntlet. When they do, and there is no fixed time frame in which they have to do so or when the next America’s Cup match will take place, it is up to the defending yacht club and that of the challenger to agree the terms, venue and dates for the next event. But since 1983, when the Australians won the Cup and ended the Americans’ dominance which had lasted since 1851, the longest winning streak in sporting history international interest in winning the historic trophy surged. Unfortunately, in the scramble to become a challenger and help form the rules for the next Cup, some yacht clubs allowed themselves to accept one sided terms from the defender.

One Saturday driving my wife brand new TM3 (AWD, LR, Red, 19s, EAP) was all it took for me to come home that evening, place my order for a P3D and put the Bimmer up for sale (still miss that car, loved every minute of owning it, has always put a smile on my face it was so mechanical, and perfectly so; but, you can stop progress, and god only knows that I do not want to deal with special oil changes, or any oil changes, going to gas stations, worrying about water pumps, cooling down the turbo after hard driving even though they say you don need to but I know better and always babied my cars mechanically, valve adjustments, seals, and so forth).

November 23 2017EmailTwitterPinterestFacebookMartina Starke is happy. She has created beauty. “A great car has to look beautiful on the road,” she says. BMW’s head of brand vision and brand design has led the team behind the concept car for the new BMW Concept 8 Series a car that displays its lineage, and is at the same time boldly new. What it evinces most spectacularly is how to make a machine that has dynamism, while achieving a sumptuous degree of luxury and style. “The dynamic look comes from the form language,” she says. “You want a car that speaks to you directly when you see it for the first time.”

In regards to REx, everything will effect range: temperature, speed, number of passengers, interior cabin heat/cool, wind direction, most recent driving efficiency. I can depart for IU (55 miles one way) with a full battery charge showing 95 miles (and the REx usually slightly under this for another 85 miles) and arrive at the destination with battery at 10 miles at >56 mph) when it starts at 6% charge. To solve for this, you have to slow down. On most interstates with posted 70 mph, its not safe to be driving 55. My approach has become to assume that the estimated battery mileage will drop considerably over the trip, by 50%, and so the best plan is to finder a public charger at the turn around point. You can run the REx through its 2 gals, refuel and get another 30 miles, but again this needs to be at much less than 70 mph. When you get home, the REx will be screaming at you, hot, fans blowing.

He said it was only up and down the ‘long’ driveway, but I know my son. The story doesn’t sound right. He is the kind that will drive on the road once he is out of everyones sight.No one sees the error in this judgment call. She had no business letting him do that, but, they say I am being irrational.

Even in traditional American motor companies such as Ford, they are using turbochargers and other lighter but strong materials to produce the more power and efficiency with less engine and therefore less fuel consumption. (For an example, look into the new 2015 mustang. Ford offers the car with an Eco boost Turbo charged I 4 engine, a traditional v 6, and a 5.0 liter v8.) Note the similarity between the 4 cylinder and 6 cylinder versions.

Today those fuels are still offered at gas stations and the government forces gas producers to mix it into the gasoline (heavily jeopardizing the overall gasoline quality). Other than that, there is an equation that gas stations put up showing when its better to buy biofuels than gasoline. I never seen the equation pointing towards them.

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While I have done this, a lot of the time it not fun even solo, and with my family (inc. 2 kids) it no way Jose, we need to stop for bathroom breaks and stuff. So your 5 minutes at a gas station? Those are stops that should be compared to non roadtrip use of the cars, in which case you comparing to 0 minutes on the Tesla since you don stop at all, as you charge at home and never see a SuperCharger.

I made the point that BMW cars are by and large not cheap therefore they can make EVs today since they don play in the same price points like Dacia for example which has a legitimate reason why they can mass produce compelling EVs in 2019 due to the price of batteries and other components. Sure they could make some shitty 20 kWh, takes 2 days to charge, can go over 80 kph golf carts but nobody wants those shitty things on the market since they are not mainstream machines. A well engineered electric BMW today can be mainstream and the costs to make it happen are already cheap enough. It not cheap enough to enable 70 kWh, >100 kW charging, 3s from 0 to 100 kph Dacia Sandero EV, but cheap enough for a $60000 BMW with those exact specifications.

Should I go for it or not?Maybe they have better colors in Abu Dhabi as they get a lot of those “Individual” colors by default but what a lot of people don realize is any car bought from BMW Abu Dhabi does not have the ConnectedDrive features so things like being able to control your car and locate it via the smartphone BMW Connected app doesn work, and live traffic feature doesn work that a big deal for me as the GPS will offer you an alternative faster route should it detect traffic congestion.

For strollers, we tried both the Baby Jogger City Select with second seat and the Baby Trend Double Snap N Go, and we registered for the Baby Jogger and bought a used Snap N Go for $20 last weekend. It folds so much flatter and is lighter, but the Baby Jogger will be our “forever” stroller.

When he was a boy he made a mannequin and kept it inside a special case. Then he found a stone, and painted each half a different color, and added that to his case. He would write messages in his own secret language, and add those as well. He later said this felt like a ceremonial act, but at the time of his boyhood, it gave him a feeling of peace and serenity. When he got older, he realized that people in some civilizations kept totems, or soul stones, and celebrated these unconscious rituals in the same way he did with his items as a boy. His studies on psychological archetypes and the collective unconscious were inspired by these boyhood experiences.

The first generation Miata was first sold in 1989 with a 1.6 L I4 that made 115 hp. For the 1994 model year, Mazda upgraded the Miata’s engine to a 1.8 L making 131 hp. Like the MR 2, the Miata makes do with less horsepower because it is very lightweight with good weight balance and rear wheel drive. A limited slip differential was offered as an optional extra with manual transmission cars (an automatic transmission was offered, but proved unpopular). There wasn’t much in the way of luxury, especially in the first few years of production. Air conditioning, stereo, power steering, and alloy wheels were all absent from the base model in 1989 in order to lower the entry price, although features such as these became standard later on. A first generation (1989 1998) Miata will run you $1,500 $8,000, with price varying based on age, mileage, and condition.

It was a mess I accidentally punted one off because he stopped (relatively) on the apex of a fast corner after he went up the inside.It shouldn be that way. If you slower than a GT3 in a GTE, you should be in a GT3. Driven properly, a GTE car is much faster than a GT3 car, and more challenging to drive.Thank you for the detailed response! So I guess I a little confused about IMSA.

And then no one will want to buy it from you at a good price because you’ll rack up miles quickly in Dubai, people will be afraid to take on a european car with high maintenance costs and the truly interested, just like OP, will want to buy new. So you will be low balled and eventually give in.

The first system is the emissions standard. Germany, like most of the EU countries, is signatory to environmental treaties which compel them to reduce pollution in urban settings. Germany, unlike most of the EU countries, actually takes every treaty it signs seriously and has implemented a system to achieve this that it strictly follows. The ins and outs of this system are complex, but what you need to know is that the vehicle you are intending to purchase must be rated a ‘4’ if you intend to drive it within city limits. You will need to either have a certificate called an ‘Abgasuntersuchung’ (abbreviated to ‘AU’) delivered with the vehicle to establish compliance with this standard or have a qualified mechanic issue a new certificate for the vehicle. It is safe to assume that if the seller is hesitant to supply this certificate, he needs an emissions check of his own.