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Customization. When I was first shopping around for a Mini, I went to their website to play with the various options I could have on the car. A cool thing about this car is that you can customize it almost anyway you want. Not only does the Mini stand out among other cars, you can make your own Mini stand out among identical models.

Forget the automobile. Our whole auto centric world is primitive. Our cities are sprawling concrete monstrosities dissected by arteries of death and filled with these grotesque beasts spewing out toxic waste clouds. Its a nightmare we have all just become used to because it is all we’ve ever known. ANY automobile is primitive.

In stark contrast to the Jaguar, we have the Porsche Cayman R. Porsche is synonymous with motorsports racetrack performance, and that is exactly what the Cayman R is built for. When building the R version of its popular Cayman sports car, Porsche decided to cut weight instead of adding lots of power to achieve the desired performance goals. The Cayman R is the only member of this list under 3,000 pounds and weighs in at more than 1,000 pounds lighter than the XK R. The Cayman and the Jag are perfect foils for each other; the XK R is everything that the Cayman is not, and vice versa. While the Jaguar is immensely powerful and luxurious (aka heavy) the Cayman is underwhelming on the spec sheet (more than 200hp fewer than our winner) but is extremely focused and lightweight. One has only to sit inside the cockpit to know that the R is all about performance. To save weight, Porsche replaced traditional door handles with fabric straps. The sport bucket seats hold the driver in place during hard cornering and save 26 pounds. Air conditioning is an optional extra. On a $60,000 Porsche!

When older, Jung was drafted into the army as a doctor in Switzerland, and always encouraged his patients to read. He later married and had 5 children, but it was an open marriage, at least from his side. Jung met Freud in Vienna in 1906. They had an intense intellectual relationship which lasted for about six years, as Jung was really interested in Freud’s book, The Interpretation of Dreams. Jung was about 30 and Freud about 50 at the time of their meeting, so although Jung was influenced by Freud, he was also open to many other new ideas in the psychoanalytical world. They discussed introverts and extroverts at the last conference they attended together, in 1913.

Has the EGR valve been modified. Has the DPF been removed or bypassed.If it lowered, walk away. Has the Timing Belt been replaced and when.TBF, if you lasted this long in a 05 Megane and haven despaired at the faults with that car, an E90 is a nice car. Go simple though.

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I ordered this from Amazon and included the photos here. So far it has worked flawlessly for me with my wife’s 2006 BMW X3 and my 2004 Toyota Tundra Double Cab. I was able to read 2 fault codes in the BMW and clear both so the Service Engine Soon light was turned off (see disclaimer below on doing this).

These things can be expected in an older vehicle. But come on, this car is barely five years old! And only three years old when I got it! And it’s German!! I now have new appreciation for every Ford product I ever owned or leased. I miss you Escort, Probe, Mercury Cougar, Mountaineer and yes, I even miss you, Taurus.

Furthermore, I’m curious as to how people in Europe and other countries (where the average vehicle isn’t an SUV or larger) get by with their car seats. I’m assuming their “standards” must be much lower because how else would they be able to fit American sized car seats in their small cars?

Pacer Equipment OptionsThe Pacer was a little sparse on equipment though with an extras list that would make even present day Audi or BMW blush. Automatic transmission was an extra $299 and air conditioning $399.95 more than a tenth of the base price of $3,299. An 8 track AM/FM radio was $239.

What’s wrong with my car?My Honda CR V begins to overheat when I break (waiting in the drive thru line, traffic, traffic light, etc.) and has been doing it for the past couple of months. Only when I drive will it blast cold air. I’m not sure what I need to check or what I need to replace.

Gas is cheaper in the US, yet cars have way worse MPG. In Europe, it is not uncommon to have a car that does 40 mpg and the propaganda that states that European cars are trash is just not true. A BMW in Europe with a 2.0 L engine has a 4.0 L engine in the US, yet it drives the same. The only difference is the MPG. Of course the fuel is a lot cheaper in the US, but it works out almost the same when you take into account the efficiency. I first became interested in this topic when i bought a 3.5 L Ford Taurus that does 20 mpg. The first time I filled the fuel tank i noticed an advertisement on the inside of the petrol cap. It read “Use BP fuel”.

If one is constantly filling with a lot of water there most certainly may be a leak. The proper way to check the system is a knowledgeable person with a pressure tester. The system is pressurized and then leaks can be sought. Some common ones are the hoses best checked first. A next best look is at the water pump seal. Freeze plugs are more of rarity today, yet can be considered. A good look about is needed overall.

For the BMWs, I just not a fan. I liked the interior a touch more but I just couldn get into the car and really enjoy it, something about it was just lackluster in the driving department and I really disliked the exterior of the car. I didn feel connected to the car like I did in the ATS and that really cheapened the experience, I also not a fan of what it costs to maintain and own one.

So my question is, how hard is it to replace a NOx sensor or worst case scenario a transfercase on a F30 328D? Will doing the alphabet delete make the car more in the long run?Just note that a lot of the items people are staying need replacing early in ownership aren unique to diesels. The transfer case, for one, is a weak point on all F30s. I wouldn get an AWD 3 series because of it and they did sell plenty of RWD 328d F30s.

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I torn about this stuff. There are a lot of things that are really insensative to say or do, but asking a couple you plan to have kids? doesnt seem offensive to me. Its only a loaded question or insensative if the other person is uncomfortable, and maybe they wont be.

You don have to live below your means or delay gratification, and certainly not all the time. I would not buy a new car.I would get something cheaper like a Honda, or Toyota. They are reliable, get good MPG.You also havent even started your job and wanting to buy a 40k car?.Also if you have student loans to pay there is that.

It fairly easy to drive on the limit, but is quite understeer y so needs a good set up to make the most out of it. For that reason, it a great car to learn car setup.The Audi is very nimble but is not as stable and forgiving as the Merc, and I think it has a tendency to oversteer on corner exit (I think).

And on a roadtrip? You have to go to the bathroom, maybe buy some more water, possibly a snack. If you have young kids it more involved, there are diaper changes involved, cleaning the car of trash and disposing of it properly, and so forth. By the time that is done, you received the “you may incur idle fees” message on your phone.

However, there is a firm that does such things as a matter of course, that finishes every car by hand and, during its 52 year history, has seldom produced more than 1,500 vehicles in any 12 month period. And, with allocations to any particular market never exceeding thelow hundreds, the chances of another of these cars pulling up beside yours are extremely small.

I would tend to disagree while they don set lap times that are that much quicker than a GT3, they much harder to drive faster/better than a GT3. The GT3s are much more forgiving. I was in an IMSA race a week or two ago driving a GT3 and had to contend with GTE drivers who were slower than me in the corners, but (a little) faster on the straights, meaning they try and pass me in the corners, wouldn succeed, get bad exits from the corners then try again on the straight, get alongside me, try and pass, etc etc.

Bill became the youngest Governor of AK at age 32, and was re elected, after skipping a term, to keep the title for ten more years. He tried to make education a priority, and with Hillary, a lawyer working on issues concerning women and children’s issues, they became a power couple. When he ran for President with Al Gore, he often said that with he and Hillary, the American people would be “getting two for one”, as she was a partner in the Rose Law Firm and very involved in political issues. Clinton presided over the longest peacetime period of economic expansion in American history. He passed the North American Free Trade Treaty. He made family leave a priority, signing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, making sure people could leave work for a period to care for any family member who needed their attention without losing their job.

“We clearly see that there is a growing middle class coming through in Africa and that there is a lot of interest in development and we assume that the middle class as we have seen it in South Africa is growing and there is purchasing power and there is a demand for our cars as well,” he told CNN’s Robyn Curnow.

So why does it make sense? Well it is open, and non distracting. Perfect for when autopilot is driving you. The screen is odd at first (i actually disliked it) but now. everything else feels cluttered. Their designers knew what i wanted before i did imo. It will grow on you. Plus the materials i love the vegan leather so soft and a great feel, better than real leather in durability, maintenance, cleaning, look and touch.

Sorry I rambled on there a bit. I really just confused about how we got to where we are now. How did we get to the point where no one is having these discussions? The damn boat is sinking and instead of plugging the hole and working on boat version 3.4, we arguing about the color of the fucking wood.

Reporting to moderators (Volunteers) : Please only use the report button for posts that clearly break reddit site wide rules. Do not abuse the report button. Moderators will monitor posts for being on topic and move to curb disruption and noise. You can send genuine and sincere questions about specific moderator actions to mod mail. Please note that modmail doesn offer general chat, help or advice and isn a consultancy service. You also won receive a response for things that are covered in the sidebar, previous messages (including automoderator) or any other documentation provided. Please demonstrate good faith in your communication and that you have engaged with the subreddit 바카라사이트 documentation and previous messages.

Gas Trips The money spent at gas stations. This includes gas expenses, air freshners, filling air. Now, these expenses are hard to track and I used mint to pull the information. The money spent at gas station might have been spent on chips and gum as well, and there is no way for me to know now. And so while the gas trip number may not be exact, but it is pretty close. I always use Premium 93 grade.

The video below goes some way to show just how fast this car is around corners too. Almost a full 5 SECONDS faster than the Koenigsegg CCX (although Top Gear keeps refusing to put it round themselves). Definitely worth watching just to hear the noise and witness the best kit car in the world doing its thing.

Tools for the JobMost of these tools are pretty common in a toolbox. The only ones that I would recommend buying are 1) the 02 sensor socket, part 95045 at Harbor Freight for $7.99 (use the 20% coupon and free flashlight coupon in the paper to get your money’s worth) and 2) a wire stripper; sorry, no tips as where to get that cheap. If you don’t want to use the 02 sensor socket, you can take off the heat shield, held on by five 6 mm Allen head bolts (and one 4 mm I believe), which will give you enough room to work an adjustable wrench down there.

The front end of the Vision iNext features a new version of BMW’s trademark “kidney” grill, which features two rounded rectangles. In the Vision iNext, the rectangular shapes are connected by a broad center section, creating something like a massive letter H. This grill is largely cosmetic, however, since a large radiator isn’t needed on a fully electric car. A major reason for this center section is to cover the front mounted cameras and sensors that enable the car’s self driving capabilities.

It takes about 16 hours to fully charge from empty, whereas a 240V, 30A takes only 2 3 hours.Always Be Charging. If you can plug in somewhere, do it. It removes all range anxiety. Any time you park at home, plug it in. Make it a habit. It takes all of 15 seconds when you park your car, and you never have to visit a gas station.

What Is a Mini?So what is a Mini? It’s basica

What Is a Mini?So what is a Mini? It’s basically a small economy car that is known for its speed, extreme drifting, and unique look. There have been various types of Mini cars over the last several decades, but their popularity has surged because of their availability almost all over the world, their unique look, and their race car like quality.

Less Room to Swing a CatThe power unit was to have been a cutting edge rotary Wankel engine purchased from General Motors. The car was designed around that engine. Unfortunately GM withdrew, as the Wankel was proving neither reliable nor fuel efficient, and in the wake of the 1974 Arab oil embargo this was now an issue. The engine also produced high amounts of N0x gasses that would not comply with the new emissions regulations. straight six under the hood. It was a tight fit but they squeezed it in. This change compromised the interior space and effectively rendered it a four seater as it necessitated the use of a drive tunnel to get the power to the rear wheels which took up space in the rear seating area. The Wankel which would have been front wheel drive would have needed no such tunnel. The car was still roomy but not as roomy as it might have been.

Nearly all my neighbours are farmers and their children have been driving quad bikes, cars and tractors from about 10 years old mainly on private land.I’ve been driving and motorcycling since about 14 and the passion has never left me. For a long time I was the type that if you told me no, I’d want yes more often than not.I understand the comment about an emergency and hero, but while a 12 year old may be able to operate a car, surely they can have little or no knowledge of the rules of the road or other drivers or road conditions.

Don forget your 140k is before taxes, you will also have bills like housing, food, etc.Buying a new car is more than just sticker price. You will have insurance, maintenance, sales tax, property tax (if your state does that), and BMWs are not the most reliable cars out there.Buy a used car with a reliable history, assuming you actually need one to get to and from work, and you be just fine.

They on a race against the clock and it seems they didn play their cards quite right. Diesel took way too long to arrive in America and it basically just a party trick by now (they should have cut their losses), and SkyActiv X still requires some hybridization to get significant efficiency improvements which increases cost.

Gas Trips The money spent at gas stations. This includes gas expenses, air freshners, filling air. Now, these expenses are hard to track and I used mint to pull the information. The money spent at gas station might have been spent on chips and gum as well, and there is no way for me to know now. And so while the gas trip number may not be exact, but it is pretty close. I always use Premium 93 grade.

Questionable driving, to say the least. That not to say that there aren LMP drivers who don know what they doing many don but my own perspective of being someone who loves racing both GT cars and prototypes has seen a lot more issues with the GT traffic being completely unaware of oncoming cars or outright blocking them in dangerous fashion than some of the questionable overtakes I see from prototype drivers.Without turning this post into a bit of a rant, getting proper multiclass experience is vital if you plan on racing GTE cars, moreso if you want to race them in more than just IMSA.

It be an easy car to make since everything they need is already in place and GM can badge engineer with the best of them. Make it a little plusher and softer than the Camaro but leave the crazy bells whistles for the Cadillacs make it solid, sensible luxury like a Buick should be keep the same drivetrains if they don want to spend money certifying new ones, slap some GS badges on there and done. Something more grown up than the Camaro for people who graduate from ponycars to BMW/Audi/Mercedes but don want the complication of owning a German car and/or want/need every high tech gadget right out of Q lab.

For the record, psychobabble like ‘putting one on a pedastal’ achieves only one thing fooling a patient into thinking they need to come back for one more session to interpret what this means thereby enabling the counsellor to upgrade their Ford to a BMW. Moral of the story be nice to your partner it saves on counsellors.7 years ago

Have you ever done multiclass racing before?If you haven I heavily recommend racing in GT3 before going GTE. It sounds like you own the Ferrari GT3, so you done so GT3 racing but only in the Ferrari challenge series. IMSA, in either GTE or GT3, is a completely different beast.If you do a season in the GT3s first, you will gain skills needed to drive the GTE cars later.

I had all the items reviewed while getting oil change. As I said, most are inspect items, not actual replacement. I excluded other things like brake fluid changes, air filter changes, suspension check\lubrication not because they don get done, but because they are NOT unique to ICE cars. Much of the inspect\consumables are still there for EVs. Motor oil is the big difference.

You can have a great driving experience with modern convertibles. These are basically small cars with large, retractable sunroofs which are made up of high quality textiles. Cabrio coaches were very popular in Germany in the 1930s. These cars are a little less expensive than full convertibles due to their single body frames.

Fun to drive. The main reason I wanted a Mini was because they looked so fun to drive. Once I got behind the wheel, I knew it was a good choice. They can quickly go fast, make turns without a problem, and can practically park anywhere. A don’t really care to drive, but when I do, I want it to be in a fun car. Of all of the vehicles I have owned, the Mini has been the most fun.

Answer:If it worked before, it should still work now. Make sure the remote has been learned by the car. Then push and release the learn button on the machine. Go back to the car and push the car’s remote you programmed. If the light bulb on the machine flashes once, it has learned it. Is it possible to program the newer vehicle to a garage door opener without the remote?

My 2005 X3 has 3 pumps presumably, 1 for the windshield, 1 for back hatch and 1 for headlights. I read that the pump on the in baord side of tank is 바카라사이트 for windshield. I replaced that, and windshield spray still not working (other two function fine). I flipped the pumps, putting the new on the outboard side, still no windshield spray (while other two worked fine). I started to change out one on rear of tank, but it was different (bigger) than the two on the front (and the fluid line seemed to go off to the rear of car.

And I paid more than yours. (Used i3s seem to be more expensive here.)I just bought a CPO REx just a few weeks ago. Mine is fully loaded with giga interior, and out the door price was around 24k. I love it! I make a 60 mile commute everyday to work and back, and it so great passing the gas station every day.

The second generation Miata (1999 2005) phased out the pop up headlights and got a little bit bigger, yet more aerodynamic. The 1.8 L engine was upgraded to run at 140 hp, and ABS was added as an option. In 2001, Mazda refreshed the second generation Miata and upgraded the structural stiffness of the chassis while adding a six speed manual gearbox to the top line model. For the 2004 and 2005 model years, a MazdaSpeed Miata was also available in limited quantities. This Miata featured a turbocharged version of the 1.8 L that made 180 hp and could reach 60 mph in 6.2 seconds. Mazda upgraded the suspension and fitted wider rubber to the lightweight alloy wheels. A MazdaSpeed Miata will cost $10,000 $15,000, while a normal one will cost $2,500 $12,000 based on condition and mileage.

This step is easy! You will need all of the paperwork above, your license and your passport. You can find the nearest Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle (car registration office) at the link available at the bottom of this article. When you are there, you will choose your registration plate and afterwards you will need to get it made. However, the folks at the registration office will give you all the assistance you need.

I was asking these question to try and see where people view points are but in seeing the responses I determined its just a bunch of hyperbole, just classic keyboard warriors not putting any thought into the situation besides superficial reasoning. claiming they are concentration camps is simply trying to instill nazi overtones to make their argument sound better. All it does it divide, take away from serious conversation, and doesnt lead to any solutions as each side hardens.

Everybody Loves Ya BabyThe car was an instant hit with the public selling 145,000 units in its first year. They loved the looks, the visibility, the space, the sense of the future and the quirkiness exemplified by the uneven door lengths. The passenger door was 4 inches longer than the driver’s door to allow for easy entrance and exit; perfect for the urban Mom dropping the kids off. The doors were also hinged to move out slightly from the top as they opened, to make sure junior didn’t hit his head. The people also loved the small turning circle which was due to the rack and pinion steering that utilised the extra width of the car to great effect. It was design features such as these that made for the initial success.

We are traveling in May with LO (little one) who will be 18 months. I am planning on taking our Sureride for the flight (he has his own seat), and installing it FF on the plane. Not thrilled with FF for the flight, but I’m ok with it, and knew that would have to happen on a flight with this particular seat.

Should I go for it or not?Maybe they have better colors in Abu Dhabi as they get a lot of those “Individual” colors by default but what a lot of people don realize is any car bought from BMW Abu Dhabi does not have the ConnectedDrive features so things like being able to control your car and locate it via the smartphone BMW Connected app doesn work, and live traffic feature doesn work that a big deal for me as the GPS will offer you an alternative faster route should it detect traffic congestion.

BMW R50/5, R60/5 and R75/5The line of BMW’s commonly known as “Slash 5s” is legendary. These are one of the most dependable bikes ever made, with many having hundreds of thousands of miles on them. They came into production in 1970 and stayed until 1973 when the /6 appeared. These bikes were far more modern than the /2s they replaced. They featured 12 volts electrics, electric starters, and telescopic forks. The R75 was the fastest production bike available at the time with a top speed of 110 mph. These bikes were all produced in the Spandau suburb of Berlin, where BMW relocated all motorcycle production from Munich in the late 1960s.

I chime in here because I have extensive experience with both. The M235/240 has a superior powertrain. It smoother, less peaky, and revs more freely. Body control is also superior on the BMW through the corners, but it does ride harsher than the Benz due to the short wheelbase. The Benz has a hugely superior EPS system and turns in sharper, making it feel like a more aggressive car. The BMW is a lot more playful in the corner, though, where the Benz can be overly neutral.

Is that an extra Rainier or the one in YOUR SUV? If it’s in your SUV and you are happy with it there, just leave it be. My DS (dear son) was 46″/46 on his 5th birthday, and I harnessed him in a Frontier till 6.7 yo (49″, 55). Then I moved him into a Diono Monterey.

You say the cars you bought cost you less than you make in a single pay cheque, so I think it pretty safe to assume a relatively cheap car like a Feista or Transit isn much of a stretch for you financially. You also say you would have loved a Merkur or 323 GTX but they difficult to find in good condition and you didn want to deal with the hassle of daily driving an old rare car, in other words you didn want to put too much of your own time or effort into it. It sounds a hell of a lot like the Fiesta was the car you settled for because it was the more sensible and practical option, and I wouldn call the car you buy because it takes less effort than the other cars you wanted your dream car.

I would prefer to buy an infant seat (carrier?) with two bases, but I don’t know what’ll fit back there. Preliminary research suggests the Chicco Keyfit 30 might work but it doesn’t look that much different from the rest of the brands? Is the only reason it fits because the handle can be positioned up?

In Australia, that would mean checking out the classifieds, buying the car, registering it at Vic Roads and turning the ignition switch. Well, that and not drag racing within the city limits. It was with these presumptions that I entered into this venture. Unfortunately, the result was half baked: A car that gathered dust for months while I floundered with the German regulations. So, in the spirit of community, I will share my hard earned license to drive in Deutschland.

/ Simon de BurtonEmailTwitterPinterestFacebookThe word “exclusive” might have become devalued in recent years, but exclusivity is most definitely what luxury is all about theexperience of not simply owning things that are special, but owning things that are sospecial that not many (and preferably not any) otherpeople have them. And when it comes to high end cars, meeting that requirement off the shelf isbecoming increasingly difficult.

2. Factory Five Racing Type 65 DaytonaThere aren’t many cars that are more beautiful than the AC Cobra, but this is one of them. Based on the super rare, race spec only 1964/1965 Shelby Daytona, this is a stunning kit for those wanting something a little special and rare. They only ever built six originals, so there aren’t too many floating about.

Social media content of any kind is not allowed. This includes anything from Reddit, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, YouTube, or any other form of “comments section” on the Internet, as well as images accompanied by text from those platforms. Images with SnapChat text added are allowed, as long as all UI elements have been removed. Please view our wiki for suggestions of where these submissions can be offered. There are actually videos that help you learn the technique. It significantly easier with the top off, but manageable with the top on. Getting out is more difficult than getting in, especially for a fat guy, as gravity works against you. What I do to get out is swing a leg out, use my hands to push up on the sides of the seat to hoist my butt up onto the sill, then swing my other leg out and stand up. Once you mastered it, it looks very casual. I actually had someone that saw me do it remark that it was the most graceful exit he had ever seen from an Elise.

Convenient that only the ones that you say ar

Convenient that only the ones that you say are reputable just happen to prove your point. You even posted a CNBC article, which I thought was the equivalent of a four letter word on this sub. Even Bjorn doesn consider the model 3 a luxury car. If the S is lacking luxury features, how is the stripped down model 3 going to be luxury?

Really not 카지노사이트 sure why you’ve been downvoted. I can’t stand Ticktum, and I’m more than happy to see him gone, but it’s yet another example of Red Bull pulling the trigger too soon. Drivers (all sportsmen) have dips in form, they should be given a chance to work through it. Clearly there was enough they saw in Ticktum to give him a shot despite all the baggage, so (as much as I’m glad they haven’t) they really should have given him a chance to reach that potential again. As with half a dozen drivers in the last couple of years.

(Privacy Policy)FeaturesGoogle Custom SearchThis is feature allows you to search the site. (Privacy Policy)Google MapsSome articles have Google Maps embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)Google AdSense Host APIThis service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles.

I am often asked “How could you improve the BMW?” and I say “Why mess with perfection?” But if I was going to change it I’d take the boot out and replace it with a rotisserie oven. ‘Cos driving this baby makes you hungry! Although when you can go from 0 to 60 in six seconds Nando’s is only a foot to the floor away!

All to the detriment of rUK. Those parties shat the bed on that one. The currency is pegged to the value of Scotland’s natural resources. The gesture of a currency union with rUK was a fucking gift to London which they threw back in our faces. I don’t see such a kindness being offered again.

With regard to the charging and range situations, it not a phenomenon unique to the Bolt, it applies to all other pure EVs. Charging and range limitations are really big negatives for a large number of car owners in this country. The USA is a huge place with a petroleum based car culture going back since almost the beginning of the automobile. While I would bet long road trips are infrequent for most car owners, their place in our psyche is larger than in real life. family vacations, emergency last minute dashes across hundreds (or even thousands) of miles, college travel (prospective college visits, move in day, spring break, et al), distant special events (concerts, sports, etc) are all disproportionately enshrined in our collective conscious compared to our daily commutes. pure EVs just can fill this need yet. they will get there with time, but until then, it is unreasonable to pretend it not a significant drawback. There is really no point in trying to convince someone to buy an EV by downplaying this fact. they are great second cars, and they are great cars for people who are fed up with big oil/climate change/high gas prices, and hence willing to adjust their lifestyle as necessary. for most everyone else, hybrids and ICE vehicles are a much safer bet, and a much easier sell.

BMW Transfer Case Actuator Motor Gear Problem in DetailSo what’s going on inside the transfer case actuator motor? In short, there is a nylon (ie: plasticky) gear inside the motor that is turned by a metal worm gear (a screw). Over time the nylon part gets worn down and stripped and does not turn any more. See the photos.

If you are a passive aggressive jerk and start games off demanding this or that or take the courier 11 times and flame people for it, consistently make terrible decisions and aren at least apologetic, then yeah reports matter a little bit, because your behavior score will trend downwards and you get lower quality matches with more people like you.

:)Also. there are edge cases where the BEV version can do “more”. If you got available and reliable L2 charging at work, for example, you could easily extend your commute range. If you live in a big city or region with a nice DC fast charge network, you can pretty easily use the car for cross city or city to city journeys, using fast charging to top you off (a 10 20 minute top off on a DC fast charger gets you quite a bit of extra range).

I have navigation info projected on the windshield when using the default Gps but not when using CarPlay.You must also understand that from the main os’s POV CarPlay is just a single other screen.Siri integration is okay for basic commands. Maps is okay with updated traffic information.Problem is you can’t use Siri in multiple languages which limit some more advanced features like dictating text in your native language if you want siri in English.

I have an iPhone, so does 23726193938 other people. I have a designer bracelet I received for my 18th birthday, my purse is coach but I got it at an outlet mall 4 years ago (it’s still my every day purse) I’m on GA!! I’m broke I almost got my water shut off. I hate it that people don’t know your story and automatically judge

Less frequent maintenance. A Mini doesn’t need an oil change or regular maintenance done every few months like other cars. Instead, you can go two years before having the car checked out. With the standard three year warranty, you can take it to a Mini dealership for it’s first maintenance. However, I like to get my oil changed sooner somewhere else just so it can have clean oil.

For a long time people have put professionals on a pedestal based on nothing more that a title and some credentials. Neither says anything about the kind of person they are. If a professional said a thing was thus and so, it was law and people have operated on professional opinions often to their great determent. Further it is impossible to work with someone else when you have them elevated to some lofty, out of reach position. It makes communicating with them extremely awkward and uncomfortable if not impossible. People who are on pedestals are very hard to get hold of.

The car was unveiled inside the belly of a cargo plane at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Inside, BMW’s executives displayed working versions of some of the technologies being considered for the car, including touch sensitive fabrics and interactive projections. As with any concept vehicle, it’s not yet clear which aspects or capabilities will actually be in the production version.

She found out during the filming of Evita that she was pregnant with her daughter Lourdes, with Carlos Leon, her personal trainer. Madonna is not a terrific singer, or the most beautiful woman around, but she knows how to market herself, and how to handle her money. When she wrote her 1998 album Ray of Light, she was interested in Eastern Mysticism and the Kabbalah, and claims that her perception of life changed quite a bit.

For the sliding it to another point thing. In my mom’s accord, the place on the vehicle seat track where I could fit the D ring was a few inches toward the front of the vehicle. Once I got the strap threaded through, I was able to slide it further back towards the end of the seat track. There wasn’t enough space to thread the D ring at that point, but there was enough room for the strap portion to slide in between the track and the vehicle there.

For the article. I just purchased a 2007 BMW X3 with 137k miles. I started noticing the windshield fluid has been leaking to the ground and the low windshield fluid indicator came up on dashboard. I couldn’t figure out which of the washer fluid pumps was leaking so I bought two and replaced both of them. The installation was the easy part. However, when I tested front and back pumps no water came out. I then reinstalled the two old pumps to see if the windshield fluid would spray, but this also did not work. I can’t figure out what I did wrong and this is very frustrating. Can anyone please provide any suggestions? Thank you!3 years ago

Squeaky BrakesI learned after I had the car for six months, that squeaky brakes are considered normal for the TT. I had brought the car in for some normal maintenance and asked them to check my brakes. I noticed that almost every time I braked, especially in colder weather, I heard a loud squeak.

The BMW Concept 8 Series is a highly assured product, it looks already as if it owns the roads it will drive on. “You have to be confident in design,” says Starke, “but that sureness comes from hard work and constant observation. It is very difficult to separate the job from the life.” In her life, as one of the increasing number of womenwho fashion the look and feel of BMW cars, she is looking at our lives: specifically urban, increasingly mobile. The paramount design input is from people, whether customers or not. The mission is to understand how we live, how we will live, what our needs are.

And that really what it comes down to for me. And this is just my opinion. The Model 3P is a lot like an Audi RS car. It exceptionally quick and genuinely very responsive when you hustle it, but it feels very clinical. You know it the electronics getting you around that track. Great sports sedans like the Giulia, M3, and even to a lesser extent the C43, allow roads and tracks to unfurl like a ribbon before you. The car gracefully dances from one corner to the next. The Model 3P never feels like that. It takes a brute force approach. It highly effective, but a bit one dimensional.

The third generation Integra featured a major update in styling you either love it or hate it. The base engine was upgraded to a 142 hp 1.8 L I4, while the GS R engine got an upgrade to 170 hp and kept the VTEC. In 1997, the Integra Type R came to the United States with its upgraded version of the GS R’s engine making 195 hp and revving safely up to 8400 rpm much higher than any other streetcar of the time. It’ll be tough to find one, but if you do, go for it! The limited quantity available of the Type R (750 imported to North America in 1997) is the main reason the Integra isn’t higher on the list. It’s often considered to be one of the best handling FWD cars in the world even compared to modern designs. Expect to pay anywhere from 3 9k there is a wide range of conditions and levels of modification, so you should be able to find what you’re looking for, given time. Obviously, the GS R and Type R models will be more expensive and much harder to find (especially unmodified), but if you find the right car, you could end up a very happy buyer!

What vehicles do MIL (mother in law) and mom drive? If one of them can accommodate a Sureride, give it to them. Surerides are like Dionos very long front to back. If LO (little one) is 50% for height and weight, it should RF (rear facing) him till about 4. Mine was in the 90%+ for height, like your oldest, and reached 40″/40 at 3.4 yo.

3) No mindless, pro Elon “Tesla will rule the world” fandom. You are free to believe Tesla will in fact make millions of cars each year and dominate the industry. Actually, we encourage such beliefs to be discussed as it provides a nice balance and perspective against our admittedly skeptical slant. But if you want to gush over the greatness of Elon, perhaps r/ElonMusk is better for you.

The issue is that some of the people who do abuse it are so incredibly blatant. They get away with more because they are actively scamming the system. It’s like a nerfarious version of what I do with airline miles. I find every program and loophole I can because it’s the only way I can afford to visit my family (and it’s legitimate). Because I am actively keep an eye on the programs and know all the rules/loopholes I get way more miles than most other folks who passively use the programs. I have personally known some welfare abusers and am sadly related to at least one. You’d think just by watching who brags, you could pick out the creeps. It seems most people don’t have the patience though. It’s a shame that there are people who use their benefits at casinos,resorts, in the Bahama, etc. Because it devalues the purpose of the system.

Subaru WRX: The WRX was a bit pricy for this list, but it makes it to the honorable mention list due to the great performance and rally heritage offered by the ’90s Subaru sports sedan/wagon. With a turbocharged flat 4 and Subaru’s legendary AWD system, the WRX will be quick on any surface and is relatively easy to modify for more power.

I’ve often thought there should be a minimum age requirement for police. At least 35 years old before they can carry a gun along with very strict, psychological high standards. I have scars older than 20 years. A 20 year old cannot make life and death decisions coupled with the wisdom that is only acquired through length of life. Citizen’s lives are in the balance: elderly, bystanders, children, people that are emotionally distraught, etc, and the person that holds their lives in the balance could have been watching cartoons and drinking Nestle Quick, 5 years prior. That to me is concerning,

The AMC Pacer ArrivesWhen I first went to North America aged sixteen in the summer of 1975, my parents and I were met at Toronto airport by my Dad’s cousin, the wonderfully craggy, frail, chain smoking Cliff and his trusty 1965 AMC Rambler Cross Country. When we returned the following year Cousin Cliff had suffered a series of heart attacks, had a triple bypass operation, was still smoking and had ditched the Rambler for something he referred to as his “moon buggy”; the amazing bubble on wheels that was his brand new beige AMC.

Driving directions are more detail oriented because the computer will ask for the city and state you are going to or one of your saved points. Then it will ask you for either a business or a specific address if you have one. The computer will then get your location through their GPS system and download the turn by turn directions to your vehicle’s computer. Once the download is complete the computer will tell you download is complete and that you may use your phone.

Which car do you have which car is your dream car?I own a bmw 3 series, e46 model. And i just love it. And my dream car is lamborghini murcielagoNow its your turn to tell me which car you own, and which car you would like to have, if you had money for it.

Dealerships aren’t everywhere. In my case, the closest dealership is about an hour and a half away. It is certainly a pain to drive to. I am lucky that I have one that close. Other people may have to travel hours to get to a Mini dealership. If you do buy a car, then ensure that you learn about your warranty. The flatbed service they offer to pickup your Mini is only for a limited area, and even getting a rental while your car is being repaired can be limited in how far you can drive it.

Really hoping for any advice on my current car leasing situation. 3 years ago my boyfriend started a lease on a BMW 4 series for $425/mo. After a year and half had passed, I was interested in also leasing a 4 series. I found one I liked and we negotiated the price down to $400 a month. At the time I was financing another vehicle and was cosigned on my boyfriends lease. Because the new BMW would be a third car under my name they had to get creative. I offered to have my parents cosign but they said they found another solution as my parents were out of state. They decided to basically do a “payoff” of my boyfriends remaining lease payments and add it to mine so that we would only have one BMW under each of our names. This made our payment around $825/mo for the combined payments. We signed the deal and were on our way. The following day we wondered what would happen when my boyfriend’s lease term ended. We called and I can’t quite remember exactly, but it was something along the lines of the payment would fall off or we would trade both cars in and begin new leases.

All to the detriment of rUK. Those parties sh

All to the detriment of rUK. Those parties shat the bed on that one. The currency is pegged to the value of Scotland’s natural resources. The gesture of a currency union with rUK was a fucking gift to London which they threw back in our faces. I don’t see such a kindness being offered again.

[WP]When you reach 18, you get put in a database which ranks you in different categories (ex. 207,145th in the world for most bug kills) You lived on a ranch and never used tech. You had to go into town after your 18th birthday. Everyone is staring at you. You finally decide to check the database.

You will save money using the powder and your baby won’t know the difference!1Motorcycles, Sports Bikes RidingLowering Your Kawasaki ZX 14 3 months agoI bought my 2009 ZX 14 Special Edition with no intent to modify or change anything. Well, it started with just some small mods, like chrome pegs, chrome clutch cover, etc.

Last year, Maserati produced 42,100 vehicles, Bentley11,023 and Ferrari 8,014. Even Rolls Royce turned out more than 4,000. Granted, all of the above offer personalisation services that promise to lend a touch of individuality to standard models. But it’s often abridge too far to ask for a specially tuned engine, anuprated gearbox, reworked suspension, bespoke wheels and performance enhancements that make the car faster than standard and nicer to drive and also contrive to make it more economical.

BMW doesn’t have to make the best EV. They really just have to make a decent one and brand loyalty can make up the rest. A big sticking point for many people coming from higher end brands is the interior of Teslas. BMW could make a decent EV with a more traditional interior. Another is service. While Tesla does have the service vans getting stuff fixed at service centres does seem to be a challenge for some people. BMW could compete there.

In his later years Jung lived mostly in isolation, and many feel he missed Freud. He did go to Taos, New Mexico to visit Chief Mountain Lake of the Taos Pueblos. He also visited Eastern Africa in 1925 to try to envision “primitive psychology” in a better way. He learned that what he saw there was much like what he learned from his own life and that of those everywhere. At the end of his life, Jung became interested in UFO’s, and tried to decide if they had archetypal meaning or other psychological significance. All in all he was a very interesting man, who added much knowledge and understanding of our consciousness.

Jack grabbed her ever present “camera” and fixed it floating before moving in between it and the suit. She spread her arms wide, saying “Here it is! The V 22 Catsith Egretta! Obviously it’s not completely finished, I’m waiting on some decals and have some detail parts to add but the suit is technically complete so I was planning to test it today! I always find that GBN helps show flaws in my work that wouldn’t otherwise be noticeable.” Then the energetic streamer bounced back over to her recording interface and reoriented it above her shoulder.

Concepts like that should be easy for anyone who had a job to see. Just look at the efficiencies at your workplace and calculate how much time is wasted. Now apply that to the entire economy and see why our problems are not solvable by a one sentence economics strategies pushed by basically every candidate ever.

2 weeks ago I figure out it just a bad earth causing the slow crank and low voltage, so I fix that and it starts and runs mint. After about 15 minutes of driving the accessory pulley that been intermittently noisy completely shits the bed and starts screeching like a banshee. I don have time to fix it so I give up until next weekend.

To make that happen, to create a timeless machine for fast moving times, BMW has simplified its design language, with economy of line and sculpture. That means, when you look at this new Concept 8 Series, that you see sharpness and precision, and a startling sleekness through the way the design team has achieved light and shadow on the car’s exterior. If you look closely enough, you can even see the future.

I bought the Peugeot because it was within my price range and is a soft top. Since I cannot afford to buy a bike and all the paraphernalia that goes with it at this time, I figured that a convertible would at least give me some of the fun factor back.

But there was still more to this Cup of extremes. When the teams’ two boats appeared on the water the sailing public drew breath. Two of the biggest, most advanced multihulls that the sailing world had ever seen suddenly changed the mood among Cup followers. At last, the conversation switched from the frustration of complex court hearings, to that of the prospect of a spectacular battle of two behemoths on the water.

/ Simon de BurtonEmailTwitterPinterestFacebookThe word “exclusive” might have become devalued in recent years, but exclusivity is most definitely what luxury is all about theexperience of not simply owning things that are special, but owning things that are sospecial that not many (and preferably not any) otherpeople have them. And when it comes to high end cars, meeting that requirement off the shelf isbecoming increasingly difficult.

There was always the option to install the base with a seat belt which is what we were planning on, but the lady on the phone told me that we wouldn’t be using the base at all and that we’d just have to strap the seat in with the belt which doesn’t seem all that safe to me.

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They told me that I can install it with the seatbelt method and I just wouldn’t use the base. Apparently it’s just as safe but I’m not sure how comfortable I feel with that. I’m just disappointed because we did a lot of research before deciding on this seat and now I don’t know whether to just send it back.

Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. (Privacy Policy)AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. (Privacy Policy)HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized. (Privacy Policy)HubPages Traffic PixelThis is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site.

They use the 8 series for marketing reasons it the car they want to sell with that program. This has been brought up many times before. What the point in spending millions on a racing program without a plan to get a return on that investment?This is literally what I meant with “Sure, I rather see the M4 as a GTE car but, it completely reasonable why they aren using that.” so not sure what the point.

Dealership 3 Even though I was upset, I was close to another dealership. I made the short drive to that one. The salesman was very nice; I was able to find the car I wanted, and I purchased it that day. It was a great experience, it was just a shame that it took three attempts to find a good dealership.

I mainly like open wheelers, that what I really want to drive. With the risk of sounding like someone coming straight from Need to Speed, driving the Z4 almost feels like driving on ice. Not really, but I really don get the car. Even just a hint of trail braking and the rear comes around.

If this kind of expense is what you really want and it and doesn impact your retirement goals, then treat yourself.There always an in between option, too. Last year I bought a new Tesla. Quite a bit more expensive that the M3, but I would not have wanted a gas car in 2018 for that level of money.

At least that is what his dad said. maybe i am the only one here trying to teach him anything.Polly Cposted 7 years agoI have a 12 year old son and there would be no chance of him driving my car! Aside from being illegal, I can’t think of anything worse it’s bad enough seeing him on the road on a bike to be honest.

In 1984, Toyota brought out the surprising MR 2, which was very different from the practical and uninteresting family sedans that made the manufacturer successful. The first generation (1984 1989) was extremely lightweight and featured, like all generations to follow, an MR (mid engine rear wheel drive) layout more commonly found on supercars such as the Ferrari F355 and Lamborghini Countach. The combination of lightweight chassis and perfect front rear weight distribution via the mid engine layout resulted in a car that handled like a champ and didn’t need a huge engine to provide sufficient performance. The 1.6 L inline 4 only produced 112 hp but could hit 60 mph in just over eight seconds.

London based fan Peter Simms has owned his 1976 R90S for 30 years, and has ridden it more than 200,000 miles. “I use it virtually every day, which, given its age, bears testament to the superb build quality. I have travelled all over Europe on it and can’t think of a bike, new or old, that could possibly replace it. It’s comfortable, fast, beautifully made and has bags of character.”

Go to your Bluetooth settings on your phone and scan for available devices to pair with. Find the OBDII scanner in the list (probably will be the only one) and pair the device to your phone. You can enter the suggested password of 0000 or 1234, and it should pair up.

There also Nikon 70 200/2.8 AF S lenses of course, but, of course, they more money too. The 80 200/4 AF S VR is also very good I have that one at work and if you know you never need/want f/2.8, it is worth looking at. The old 80 200/2.8 AF S was very good but they all had motor issues and there were no parts to fix them anymore so unless something changed, I avoid them. There also the 80 200 AF D but that a manual focus lens on your D3500. If you need even more reach, there the 200 500/5.6 VR. I let someone else give you the rundown on the other 3rd party lenses and there all sorts of options if you want to spend a lot 카지노사이트 of money on lenses.

Bloomberg had some car engineers tear down a model 3. What they found was that it was over engineered in a way that didn’t benefit the overall product, but made production more complicated and expensive. They found that had Tesla used more traditional manufacturing methods like those of Toyota or Ford, they could have increased profit margins significantly without sacrificing any of the model 3’s safety or structural integrity.

Everybody Loves Ya BabyThe car was an instant hit with the public selling 145,000 units in its first year. They loved the looks, the visibility, the space, the sense of the future and the quirkiness exemplified by the uneven door lengths. The passenger door was 4 inches longer than the driver’s door to allow for easy entrance and exit; perfect for the urban Mom dropping the kids off. The doors were also hinged to move out slightly from the top as they opened, to make sure junior didn’t hit his head. The people also loved the small turning circle which was due to the rack and pinion steering that utilised the extra width of the car to great effect. It was design features such as these that made for the initial success.

The underlying goal of the Plair Foundation is to create a platform for gamers to earn more than enough to sustain themselves in everyday living, doing what they love to do. The Plair Foundation’s job is to create a well thought out and technically feasible platform, while at the same time proactively promoting the platform and the Plair lifestyle by facilitating creative online/offline events, tournaments, tours, shows and products.

Since you mentioned sports/alcohol. I throw this out there: I pretty involved with the soccer community in the upstate. The US Women are playing in the world cup and there are watch parties you can go to and have a good team. The American Outlaws meet at Growler Haus in the Village of West Greenville and we be there Thursday for the 3pm game (and the men game tomorrow at 10pm).

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There are those among us who shine, there is no question of that and their wins should be celebrated. But, rather than being blinded into idolizing them, why not instead hold them as models of what we are individually and collectively capable of becoming?”You’re not anyone in America unless you’re on TV.”

You say the cars you bought cost you less than you make in a single pay cheque, so I think it pretty safe to assume a relatively cheap car like a Feista or Transit isn much of a stretch for you financially. You also say you would have loved a Merkur or 323 GTX but they difficult to find in good condition and you didn want to deal with the hassle of daily driving an old rare car, in other words you didn want to put too much of your own time or effort into it. It sounds a hell of a lot like the Fiesta was the car you settled for because it was the more sensible and practical option, and I wouldn call the car you buy because it takes less effort than the other cars you wanted your dream car.

To me, life is science. We are created from the most common atoms throughout existence and to think that we are somewhat special is fucking comical. Earth has been around for about 4.5 BILLION years and multi cell life only being around 600 MILLION years. I just some organism that will exist and die in a mere pinpoint on that timeline and my atoms will continue one just like they did the billions of years before I came into existence.

Worth noting, these are my guesstimates on two cars I don own so I could be wrong on everything. Funny side note the cost of operation of the Model 3 is laughably lower than my GT R. The GT R costs 4x+ per mile vs a P3D(!) But I been pretty good at estimating the operational cost of the GT R so this has been my starting point to understand what the costs of an EV might look like.

What was the idea of this special regulation? Safety (it doesn matter if you think system xy is save or not). Background: if you want to change the lane, you must be sure to see far enough behind you. Talking about the german Autobahn delta speeds of 100 kph (27 m/s) are possible. To make a save lane change you need about 3 4 seconds. So it nice if a camera can, under ideal condition, see 100m. Under many other conditions it would just not be save to start a lane change. Etc etc. I think you can see where this is going. Same applies for hands off, fail safe, steering availability.

I’ve written hubs like, “Corporate Boards Are

I’ve written hubs like, “Corporate Boards Are Glorified Thieves,” and yes, I know that the word “theifs” is misspelled (hey, even an unskilled political non elite opinion guy like me can be a sucker for a little keyword stuff). Another one I called, “The Jobless Are Not Lazy,” and another one is titled, “Another Example Of An Overpaid CEO,” which is on point about the whole concept of CEO pay, and severence packages which are akin to winning the lottery, but focuses on the exorbitant severence package former HP CEO Mark Hurd enjoyed after resigning his post due to the discovery of falsified expense reports to cover up an affair he had supposedly with a female contractor, and an accusation of sexual harassment.

Driving drunk is still illegal. I advocating for the same protections I would expect for any other crime. If the police suspect you have done something illegal they need to obtain a warrant to perform a search. You cannot be compelled to comply otherwise. It that simple. This is criminal law 101.

Do not get me wrong, on two occasions as a youth I was whooped upon and jailed and then released without charges as a youth. I was known, due to sports, but I also wrote and distributed an underground newspaper with forbidden information back then clean needles, contraceptives, petitions for all kinds of things, family planning, locations for anti war demonstrations. And I wore my hair pretty wild for a backwater town.

What should I do to keep it crisp, white, and free from stains?9Family and ParentingWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?by Amanda S 7 years agoWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?Your Dream Carby Alisha2010 8 years ago.

He’s also looking at getting a RWD BMW diesel to use as long as there is no snow on the ground. Unfortunately we can’t keep the Jetta as it’s dirty diesel and a few weeks ago gave him an asthma attack that sent him to the hospital in an ambulance and he missed two days of work.

(Privacy Policy)FeaturesGoogle Custom SearchThis is feature allows you to search the site. (Privacy Policy)Google MapsSome articles have Google Maps embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)Google AdSense Host APIThis service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles.

Despite having installed an L2 charger. I never actually needed that charging speed. Most of my driving happens close to my house (about 35 miles per day, if I average it out), and the car is pretty much always topped up when I jump into it in the morning.So. should you get an L2 charger? I still say yes, because fast charging is nice.

For the record, psychobabble like ‘putting one on a pedastal’ achieves only one thing fooling a patient into thinking they need to come back for one more session to interpret what this means thereby enabling the counsellor to upgrade their Ford to a BMW. Moral of the story be nice to your partner it saves on counsellors.7 years ago

Absolutely, we are in a totally difference place now or we wouldn’t even be considering the BMW DH (dear husband) had a large increase in income and we’re over half way to debt free. We could buy a BMW cash with the sale of the cars and money we have saved, but would rather not plunge for a more expensive vehicle until we’ve bought a home.

BMW doesn’t have to make the best EV. They really just have to make a decent one and brand loyalty can make up the rest. A big sticking point for many people coming from higher end brands is the interior of Teslas. BMW could make a decent EV with a more traditional interior. Another is service. While Tesla does have the service vans getting stuff fixed at service centres does seem to be a challenge for some people. BMW could compete there.

Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. (Privacy Policy)CloudflareThis is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos.

I kept waiting for a great trade in to come in that some other person didn like and that what happened. I got a BMW 3 series out the door for 26k.I feel like I got a great deal from my research so maybe you can find a deal that great but it is definitely doable I make about 75k a year now and plan on driving it for a long time.

To make a phone call while the vehicle is not in motion, either press the phone button on the dash or on the steering wheel and browse your phonebook or call history using the vehicle’s dash screen. Select the person you wish to call and press the “play” button on the dash. The screen will show the person’s name and phone number category (home, mobile, work, etc.). Press the “play” button again to verify that is the person you indeed wish to call. The dash screen will show “dialing so and so”. When the call is connected, you may talk to the individual using a small microphone imbedded above the driver’s head. You will hear your party through the vehicle’s speakers.

Precautions and DisclaimerPlease note that while reading your own OBDII fault codes can be very helpful in diagnosing problems on your own, you should only clear the codes if you are certain that those codes don’t indicate a serious problem. Ignoring a serious engine fault code could result in significant damage to your vehicle. The information provided here on reading your own codes is intended to give you a better understanding of what might be wrong with your vehicle before you have a professional diagnosis. That way you won’t be at the mercy of your shop and might have a better indication if they are diagnosing a problem incorrectly.

This post has gotten longer than I expected already but I will add this: I recently sold my CTS V for a nice truck that much cheaper to own and drive, and that I enjoy almost as much. I still dont regret it a damn bit, even having calculated my total cost of ownership after the fact.

Because here’s what I generally think. Hard work pays. That’s the motto I try to live my life by. bfakn.club Work hard, make a contribution, and it will pay off one way or another. Nothing in life should be a cakewalk. Nothing should be handed down on a silver platter. Everything should be hard. Everything should be a challenge, and if you get somewhere and you achieve something, by God you should have a trail of blood, sweat, and tears in a long path behind you.

Subaru WRX: The WRX was a bit pricy for this list, but it makes it to the honorable mention list due to the great performance and rally heritage offered by the ’90s Subaru sports sedan/wagon. With a turbocharged flat 4 and Subaru’s legendary AWD system, the WRX will be quick on any surface and is relatively easy to modify for more power.

Throughout this whole process I kept thinking: I could walk into any BMW, Porsche, Toyota, whatever dealership with this pre approved loan and leave with a new car in less than 60 minutes most likely. If it took longer, it only be because they getting me a bigger discount or getting it delivered from another store.

Then we move on to the “WoW is trash” circlejerk. Well, lots of the WoW community is unhappy with BfA to be sure, but welcome to playing WoW. Every other WoW expansion has generally been considered bad. Legion was great, BfA is not. It not a sign of the apocalypse for Blizzard, just the usual cycle for that game.

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Make sure you aren on the gas and have the engine bouncing against the rev limiter when you clutch in to shift. But you also don have to wait for the revs to fall. Letting the clutch out while not on gas would match revs for you. When you are slotting the stick into the next gear, your right foot should be completely off the gas pedal, and clutch completely it. Let the clutch out swiftly but not dump it. Then as you let off the clutch, at the last 80% of of the way out start adding gas again. When done right and quickly, shift is smooth and doesn hurt the car.

I had my F30 328d for 1.5 years and 20k miles. No problems related to the engine, but it only just touching 50k miles now, I would hope it could last that long. :) I wasn interested in the E90 335d because I didn need the power and the fuel economy wasn all that great. I been crazy happy with the fuel economy I gotten so far, my best tank was 52mpg, it was pure highway miles. Around town with mixed driving I get 38 40mpg. I do have alot of sprinter diesel customers with the 3.0 V6 diesel, most of their issues are emissions related and can be very expensive (if they don travel any to Cali, its pretty much mandatory to delete) other then that, the classic throttle petal issues, about $600 to $900 depending on the year, oil issues with over heating (The 3.0 V6 is like the old Jeep 4.0 when it comes to the oil issues, fantastic engine, runs forever, but if it ever goes over 15 20 degrees over its normal operating temperature, there is no forgiveness, that motors done, $9,000 to $14,000 for a new engine) and the timing chain stretching problems.

Get reddit premiumEveryone question is buyer specific, but some/all of your question may be easily answered using our FAQ check them out below!Please post the Model, Year, Miles and Trim when asking vehicle specific questions to help us resolve your issue faster! This should include trim, major options (engine, 2WD/4WD, specific options or add ons), and an honest evaluation of the condition. Once you start hitting the 80K mile+ range there are several repairs you can expect, but generally the problem is the issues are random.

A dozen years ago, when I was a product development manager for a large cabinet component manufacturer, we used to talk about the effect China would have on kitchen cabinets. buyers would take them seriously. Plus, logistical nightmares such as replacement parts and “out of stock” situations kept us feeling safe from the threat of imported cabinets. market was flooded with cabinets from China.

It the same thing as the guys that buy a high powered 30k Ducati race bike to putt around town on. Everyone is entitled to do as they wish and if it worth it to you then awesome, I personally just find the notion silly. I bought a 2016 BMW 3 series slightly used with 1,000 miles on it.

There is also cultivating, hiring, and keeping the rider that will ride the bikes to glory. It just a cheap engineering exercise they pulled off because they just can and as a good publicity stunt.Racing bikes are meant to go fast around a circuit, not in a straight line. The only way kawasaki got to make an engine that had comparable power to a motogp bike is by making that H2R.

If you don have a huge commute and rarely put on more than 20 30 miles in a day, that charger will work just fine.If you end up using up the whole charge in a single day though. and need a full charge by next morning. things get dicer.It takes this car 18 20 hours to fully charge from empty using the included level 1 charger, and obviously you can do that overnight.That where a L2 charger comes in.

I never said it isn When people mention saving on maintenance costs they don say, “has less cost of maintenance when compared to it rivals.” They say, it an EV with less parts so it has less maintenance than an internal combustion car. That just isn the case. People think that a Tesla will be cheaper to operate and maintain than ANY other car, that isn true. Is it cheaper than some? Absolutely.

If you aren an asshole all the time, and are generally positive and a friendly player who doesn tilt and tries his best, reports do not matter for you. I have between a 9 10K behavior score at all times and when I have a bad game and make too many mistakes and my team decides that it my fault and I need to be reported, I couldn care any less.

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This is not to say other card games can’t be good, or can’t do fine on twitch, or that you personally have a hard time watching Artifact, or whatever. It’s just that these core fundamental bits of Hearthstone were executed brilliantly from day 1, and it’s a big reason why Hearthstone has been so popular on Twitch for so long (among other benefits).

When I use my front wheel drive Toyota, no problem at all. Any skidding is purely for fun I love doing handbrake turns when the roads are iced up. Yeah OK, I’m just a big kid but when no one is about and the roads are sheet ice it’s an opportunity to practice controlled slides.

And yes to what pp said about maintaining! My dh (dear husband) works on cars and said we will never get one. Tires are expensive, oil changes are $150. I had a tiny bump with one in a parking lot (seriously just a scratch, no dent) and their dealer charged $750! The scratch on my dodge rubbed right off. I thought they were scammers, but my insurance said just painting a 2017 bmw bumper costs that. Kind of impractical for an icy environment. I guess if you have money to blow. but then why is he worrying about gas mileage costs in that case.

The America’s Cup has always been an expensive trophy to compete for but it has rarely been fair. If you win the Cup you host the next event and, to a large extent, control the rules once a challenger comes along and throws down the gauntlet. When they do, and there is no fixed time frame in which they have to do so or when the next America’s Cup match will take place, it is up to the defending yacht club and that of the challenger to agree the terms, venue and dates for the next event. But since 1983, when the Australians won the Cup and ended the Americans’ dominance which had lasted since 1851, the longest winning streak in sporting history international interest in winning the historic trophy surged. Unfortunately, in the scramble to become a challenger and help form the rules for the next Cup, some yacht clubs allowed themselves to accept one sided terms from the defender.

Low grade plastics on the dash and doors, cheap vinyl seats that don breath, hollow and chintzy window switches and steering wheel stalks, etc. All the ones I driven and ridden in have also rattled. The Model 3 would be fine for $25k car, but there is nothing remotely luxurious about it.

I’d like to hear some ideas from other Hubber

I’d like to hear some ideas from other Hubbers. Given those criteria (15+ years old, good condition, under $20,000), what vehicle would you buy and why?Ross Kposted 8 years agoI would recommend a Mercedes E Class from 90 94. These cars were over engineered and built like tanks. Nothing like Benz’s of today.

However, as a savvy buyer, you still need to be aware of what makes a quality cabinet (regardless of where it is made) and what you may be sacrificing when you purchase imported cabinetry. I want to stress that there is nothing inherently wrong with Chinese cabinetry, but you need to go into the purchase with your eyes open because sometimes the super low, factory direct pricing can have you so giddy that you don’t consider why the price is so low.

THousands of vehicles are rolling out from assembly lines daily adding hazardous in the environment. LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service. Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam. (Privacy Policy)AkismetThis is used to detect comment spam. (Privacy Policy)HubPages Google AnalyticsThis is used to provide data on traffic to our website, all personally identifyable data is anonymized.

No data is shared unless you engage with this feature. (Privacy Policy)Google YouTubeSome articles have YouTube videos embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)VimeoSome articles have Vimeo videos embedded in them. No data is shared with Paypal unless you engage with this feature. (Privacy Policy)Facebook LoginYou can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to your Hubpages account.

I don know what your budge looks like but if you own a raptor I image you like some power. I have the Performance Model 3 and it is the fastest car I have ever own and I have fixed up a lot of cars. The performance model comes with Michelin pilot sports 4s tires and they are needed that car is a freakin rocket even in the turns. That car is not a one trick pony, it is a full blown track ready car but can also drive like a normal family sedan without sacrifice. The fully self driving is not out yet but there are already features exclusive to having purchased it. Autopilot has been getting noticeable updates about every week or two. This car is absolutely outrageous how amazing it is. I went all out upgrading it and have no regrets. Let me know if you have any questions.

Zao is not a good choice for ranked this season because you most impactful when maximizing your concealment and either lurking 4 5 km behind your DDs or flanking and catching cruisers off guard with AP volleys and farming BBs that have their guns pointed elsewhere. The problem is you get hard countered by a CV because they can permaspot you once your location is known, and your AA is pretty bad (not that any solo cruiser can defend against repeated CV strikes). Henri is better because concealment is not a big deal, you can use IFHE to burn down BBs incredibly fast, reload booster is OP, and it much faster and tankier.

It could be a BMW thing. I have heard BMWs are some of the hardest to get a good install in. Was he installing it in a side seat and not the center? No car seat is safe to be installed in the center of a BMW (sedans I know for sure). The European sport style seats are not compatible with a center installation. For us, the seat just moved more than he would like, so we are getting help. When meeting with a CPS technician, they ask that you have installed it to the best of your ability ahead of time and they will check your install and help you learn about a proper install and your seat. Our appointment is an hour long and it covers our seat installs and complete car seat safety.

When the baby is older though I would definately do two convertibles, so you will not have to be moving the seat constantly. Also, if you are interested in the Radians they are going really cheap right now, so it may be worth it to buy now and save them. BUT then you run the risk of 카지노사이트 losing potentially two years of use depending on the manufature date.

Answer:It sounds like it is not connected to the traveler/rope. The red rope hanging down. Or, the main drive gear is stripped out. See if you can move the door easily without pulling on the red rope. If you can move the door it’s not connected, if it doesn’t move then you have a stripped gear.

In the short time we’ve been together, however, I’ve had numerous complications with my little car and am now terribly disenchanted with what I always thought was stellar “German engineering.” In my own defense, I am NOT rough on my cars, I take care of my stuff, and I have a 12 year old custom Harley that’s in pristine condition.

It doesn really cost anything more in maintenance than any other car if you look after it. Track rods, filters etc will cost you about the average but you probably pay a bit more for tyres because they put out an insane amount of torque (the m54 engine in an e46 3 series puts out 168hp at someyhing along the lines of 155ft lb of torque on a what would be an even lighter chassis than mine in your 3 series), and it rear wheel drive so your car is being pushed rather than pulled.

More broadly, Heroes fans should consider themselves lucky. This game was a flop in the market from day 1. Despite this, Blizzard dumped money into it for 4 years. I sure the copious usage data they collected over those 4 years has them convinced there is no longer a realistic path to success for this game. They see clearly now that it will never be anything but an also ran in the MOBA market, and they not a company that makes also ran games. So they finally made the hard choice to pull the plug. If Heroes is your favorite game, or if you were trying to make a living from the Heroes community, that sucks. It truly does. And the way Blizzard handled this announcement seems to leave something to be desired. But all the entitlement in this sub from people who expect them to run a charity apparently indefinitely is pretty rich.

This Internet site provides information of a general nature and is designed for educational purposes only. If you have any concerns about your own health or the health of your child, you should always consult with a physician or other healthcare professional. Please review the Terms of Use before using this site. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use.

Then, after following the instructions from the manual, you press the button for the garage door to go up… and nothing happens. Did you miss a step? Read on to learn about what most instruction manuals leave out: the step of programming the car/truck/van to the garage door machine itself.

High resale value. A Mini brand car has a pretty good resale value, assuming the car is in great shape and has no problems with it. If and when you decide to get rid of your car, you will earn more back than what you would with other vehicles. I tend to change cars every five years, and while I may not with my Mini, having a high trade in value is definitely a bonus.

Warhol collaborated with a variety of people in his projects, and liked to surround himself with bohemian eccentrics. Andy Warhol was openly gay at a time when few admitted to being gay. David Bowie admits to being influenced by Warhol, and during the 1970’s, Warhol concentrated on portrait paintings of celebrities. Warhol was the founder of Interview Magazine, and his studio in New York, called The Factory, was a great meeting place for intellectuals, play rights, drag queens, wealthy patrons, and his much loved celebrities. dollars in 1963. He loved to party at Studio 54 and other spots where the elite loved to play. A lot of people called him a “business artist,” but Andy Warhol had a deep love affair with glamour, and sometimes even glamorous people use the same products regular people do.

I would think the gas cost savings of a non awd vehicle in the summer is lost by maintaining, registering, taxing, inspecting, and insuring a third car. Have you added all that up? Can he drive the van in the summer, and let you use the awd since you aren’t commuting?

If some snooty eff wads want to be pricks, let them. You know how hard it is, you know there are more people needing help than anyone could comprehend. We have to be strong, if not for ourselves and our families, than for those who have no one to be strong for them.

Well, he took my information and let me go. People in the area say that the cops often do a stealth swoop, and pull over the first person they see, to see if they can catch a drunk. Well, unknown to that jackass. I didn’t have a drop of alcohol, I don’t smoke, or do drugs. So he was out of luck.

Phone featuresOnce your phone is paired correctly to the vehicle and you have your Sync account activated, you can use all the Sync and services. One of the phone services that is not compatible with my particular phone is the text messaging. The Sync system will read your text messages aloud to you if it is compatible with your phone. Refer to the website for a list of compatible text messaging phones. I know that most of the Motorola Razr phones are compatible with the text messaging feature.

Quite frankly, I don’t understand it either. But nevertheless, McLaren’s direct rival to the 458 has shown the world that they can still churn out a serious machine for the race connoisseur who’s not really interested in ‘posing’ or flashing a brand name but prefers what can possibly be technically sound. The MP4 12C is McLaren’s 2nd road car after the McLaren F1 (the supercar which defined the 1990s) and the SLR (jointly built with Mercedes) so they had to ensure they gave it their best when releasing the usually difficult ‘third album’.

Coverage Yes this is $0 amount. This is all the expenses that I was covered for. This includes multiple tire rotations, windshield cracks, car getting towed. Everytime that I have received a bill, but my insurance has covered it. It is important to note that I would have had to pay for it if I was not insured. For example a windshield repair bill would have an amount of $125 but then a subtraction of $125 as well.

I’ll even tell you this; when I see a guy drive past me on the highway in a BMW or a Mercedes (which I don’t find all that impressive actually, I personally like Lincolns) I don’t get mad. I want to know what it is that got the guy behind the wheel of such an expensive machine.

My wife’s cousin, she was spoiled as a child with wealthy parents and was never told no. She was raised believing she was a princess and now she is out of high school and weight has caught up with her in a big way. She is pushing 285 lbs but still thinks she is a princess and wears such revealing clothes. She won’t take hints, my wife has tried to invite her to work out with her but she thinks they are equal and she weighs considerably more than double.

The car would depreciate 20k in the next 5 years, and the cost would cut into OP savings early in his career. In 5 years OP might want to save for a home, have kids, etc. The handling and power are way poor compared to the 335 or any 5 series, and bmws are renowned for being sporty.

6. LimousineLimousines, or ‘limos’, are very luxurious sedans with long, enclosed bodies. Previously, this term was used for cars with an enclosed passenger area and an open topped driver’s seat, where the front of the roof elongated to provide shade for the driver. But things have changed a lot since then; now limos are fully covered from the outside, and they have highly luxurious compartments inside. Still, the compartment for the driver remains separate.

Saving R$. Watch for the special deals when vehicles become available for purchase. A car you just unlocked would usually go for 20% off, and RR3 often run sales on a particular high end vehicle for 40% off or more, but you need to be a pretty impressive driver to buy those.

Research What These Codes May Mean for Your Make and ModelBe sure to search for other information about these codes that might be specific to your car make and model. There may be other very specific (or common) issues that other motorists have experienced with your car. Just Google the codes followed by your car’s make and model, for example: “P0171 and P0174 Ford Expedition.”

Road safety shows, crash test videos or other will show the public road is for safe sensible driving and anything else is for off road or motorsport. Just a thought and I don’t mean to tread on any toes,landscapeartistposted 7 years agoin reply to thisthank you for your comment. I understand what you are getting at fully regarding the safety shows and such.

First, determine the cause of the leak. Look under the hood and inspect the washer tank. You’ll find it on the passenger side (see first image below). If you determine that the tank is not leaking, then it’s probably one of the pumps and/or rubber grommets that has sprung a leak. Look at the front of the tank between the tank and the headlight. You’ll see the two black pumps. The pump on the right, closer to the engine, is for the windshield. In my case this is where the leak was. I could tell by the blue residue left on the sides of the pump by the leaking fluid. I also turned the key on and squirted the window a bit with the washers. I could tell there was newly leaked washer fluid under the basin.

Later that week I was driving my BMW 735 too fast (near my home) and got pulled over by a police officer who informed me my tail light was not working. I told him to follow behind me to the next filling station where I would get it repaired and he obeyed like a puppy, even helping to replace the lamp.

I personally find endurance races pretty easy, and super speedways even more so. Your own preferences will vary. With Charger SRT8 I can do 15 18 miles easy. With the Lexus IS F I’ve done 21 miles. The winnings is about 11 14000, which, after quadrupling, is about R$ 44 56000. So if you use the IS F to make 56K, then use the Charger SRT8 to make another 22K, that’s 78K, enough to buy a pretty good car, or do a LOT of repairs. Put both cars into maintenance for an hour and come back and really have fun with the rest of the day’s races. You can use either Shelby GT500 or the BMW M3 GTS. I’ve done 19 miles with the BMW (with quadrupling, about 54000 in a single run) and 23 miles with Shelby (over 70000).

If you’re a motoring hooligan hell bent on grabbing the ring by the scruff of its neck and showing it who’s boss, this course is probably not for you. But if you are smart enough to know that this is a circuit that demands the utmost respect and learning, then Fascination Nordschleife should prove highly rewarding.

Thanks for the reply. I curious, when you say your sons “love their screen time”, can you give more detail? I ask because my son basically begs constantly for it. On weekends for example he basically just follow me around begging until I get frustrated enough that I tell him if he asks again he won get any screen time for the rest of the weekend. If he in front of a screen, I swear I could walk away for 10 hours and he just sit there playing. My daughter eventually gets bored and will look for something else to do, and she never begs. I had some concern my son desire for screens is outside of what normal, but I don have any comparison so I don know if that true.

3) Pete Buttigieg. Now I going to preemptivel

3) Pete Buttigieg. Now I going to preemptively defend his 3 slot by saying, I don think he in any way qualified to be President. That being said, he the top contender for VP. He carries himself extremely well with very desirable VP traits. He friendly, humble, charming, charismatic with solid understanding of a surprising range of issues. His few solutions were mediocre, but he seemed pretty washy on taking hard stances anyway. It obvious he doesn have the experience of many people on the stage, but he a solid campaigner from a very critical state; which is the dream scenario for a VP pick.

I generally don support posturing bills for the sake of electioneering and just because it a bill doesn automatically make it more detailed than a proposed plan. Bernie can play the “I a Senator and I did Senator things” card when he the active Senator vs ex Senator. The stage this year is littered with active Senators this year, and arguably he the least productive and least effective of the bunch.

If you have a 2006 BMW X3 and you find your windshield washer fluid light keeps coming on, even shortly after you filled it up, you probably have a washer fluid leak. What’s more, it might not be a crack in the washer tank itself. These cars tend to spring leaks in the washer pumps and/or the grommets that hold the pump in the tank. I had mine filled and less than a week later the low fluid light came on. Indeed, the fluid was leaking out slowly, so slowly in fact that it was never reaching the ground because it was evaporating under the hood.

At least that is what his dad said. maybe i am the only one here trying to teach him anything.Polly Cposted 7 years agoI have a 12 year old son and there would be no chance of him driving my car! Aside from being illegal, I can’t think of anything worse it’s bad enough seeing him on the road on a bike to be honest.

Drove like a dream. Hated it. Didn feel right, like putting on airs.Also, you eventually be out of warranty and there are a million things that can go wrong with those over engineered cars. Frivolous stupid shit of every imaginable kind. Outrageously expensive parts that come in monolithic increments. Felt like a sucker every time the BMW dealership held me up for outrageous repair costs that only they would do and that would cost 80% less for the same thing on a Ford.Also on the “new vs.

To make that happen, to create a timeless machine for fast moving times, BMW has simplified its design language, with economy of line and sculpture. That means, when you look at this new Concept 8 Series, that you see sharpness and precision, and a startling sleekness through the way the design team has achieved light and shadow on the car’s exterior. If you look closely enough, you can even see the future.

The fourth generation Eclipse marked a return to more rounded styling similar to the second generation, but it also shared styling components with other Mitsubishi vehicles of that period. You can choose between a 162 hp 2.4 L I4 or a 3.8 L V6 packing 263 horses under the hood. All of these will be front wheel drive, and there are convertibles available as well. Though you can find an old model from a private seller for less, a fourth generation usually goes for around $9000, so it’ll be out of the price range for most young people.

The circuit that will be used for July’s grand prix was opened in 1984 and measures a more manageable 5.1km. Some have deemed it “dull”, but these are mostly people who haven’t had the experience of racing on it. Virtually any racetrack seems on the mild side compared with the Nordschleife, which forms the major part of the original Nrburgring as it was inaugurated in 1927.

When you’re a conservative such as I am, it’s really tough to stand up and be for the little guy. Really tough. Because the fact of the matter is, as soon as you start to say, “Hey, the guy on the bottom needs a little recognition for his contribution too,” all of sudden the accusations begin to fly.

There was only time to discover that my taxi driver was called Philip, that his full time job was as a BMW development engineer and that he had been around the Nordschleife “more than 3,000 times” and then he was waving his access pass at the control barrier and we were embarking on our first lap under gut wrenching acceleration.

This post has gotten longer than I expected already but I will add this: I recently sold my CTS V for a nice truck that much cheaper to own and drive, and that I enjoy almost as much. I still dont regret it a damn bit, even having calculated my total cost of ownership after the fact.

When Jung was about 12, another boy pushed him so hard that he was unconscious for a period. The first thing he recalled was thinking, “I won’t have to go to school anymore.” From that time on, whenever he thought about going to school, or doing homework, he fainted. His parents kept him home for six months, and finally believed he had epilepsy. He heard his father discussing this, and did realize the doctor would be costly, so Carl forced himself to his father’s study, and began to read a Latin book. This caused him to faint three more times (although friends who have taken Latin assure me it has negative effects on them too), but he fought it, and the fainting stopped. Jung had discovered this was neurosis.

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The interior build quality is not on par with a Porsche but it definitely not bad at all. I actually prefer the interior design to that of a other modern sports cars over driven because it driver centric and doesn feel claustrophobic. I hate large wrap around center consoles and huge dashboards that make me feel like the car is swallowing me. The Evora cabin is fairly open and a generally nice place to be. It has all of the technology I need without anything extra.

If premium is recommended but not required then you can run whatever makes sense to you. With premium, the engine will make a little more power and get slightly better MPGs but it might still 카지노사이트 be more economical to run regular because of the difference in price if you don mind losing a few HP/TQ.

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“The conundrum we are trying to solve in every BMW design projectis that when a car comes out it should be very new and very surprising, but 40 years later people should still like looking at it. You need to be bold to achieve both newness and timelessness. It sounds contradictory but that is what we always strive for.”

It could be a BMW thing. I have heard BMWs are some of the hardest to get a good install in. Was he installing it in a side seat and not the center? No car seat is safe to be installed in the center of a BMW (sedans I know for sure). The European sport style seats are not compatible with a center installation. For us, the seat just moved more than he would like, so we are getting help. When meeting with a CPS technician, they ask that you have installed it to the best of your ability ahead of time and they will check your install and help you learn about a proper install and your seat. Our appointment is an hour long and it covers our seat installs and complete car seat safety.

Whether these things are valuable to people or not is not the point, the point is, if I am paying such a premium for a BMW, I want it to have a all the features. This has been the case since years and when I asked the salesman why they don have ConnectedDrive, he told me it due to the regulations with TRA in Abu Dhabi they haven approved it for BMW Abu Dhabi.

Quite frankly, I don’t understand it either. But nevertheless, McLaren’s direct rival to the 458 has shown the world that they can still churn out a serious machine for the race connoisseur who’s not really interested in ‘posing’ or flashing a brand name but prefers what can possibly be technically sound. The MP4 12C is McLaren’s 2nd road car after the McLaren F1 (the supercar which defined the 1990s) and the SLR (jointly built with Mercedes) so they had to ensure they gave it their best when releasing the usually difficult ‘third album’.

Plus, I’ve had a fascination with all things German for quite some time. German was my college major for a couple years, back when I thought of being a UN interpreter. I have (or had) family living in Germany, and I have backpacked through the cities there. I thought I would live there one day. I heard angels sing when I stood in the Olympic Village and gazed upon the four cylindrical pillars of BMW Headquarters in Munich.

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First, press the “learn” button on the back of your garage door opener mounted on the ceiling. (The learn button, located on the back of your machine, will be square if using a Liftmaster machine. Craftsman, Liftmaster, Chamberlain are all the same. Their learn buttons are square and usually yellow, red/orange, or purple. If using a Genie, the button says “learn button.”) The single press of this button should be brief and firm. Do not hold this button down. If you do, it erases all of the programming in the machine and you’ll have to re program all the remote controls that you have, and that’s not a fun process.

Blancpain GT World Challenge without a doubt the biggest competition for GT3 racers. This series includes several regional sprint based championships (America, Europe and Asia), as well as the Blancpain Endurance Championship, which features 5 long distance races on European tracks, including the Spa 24 hours (27 28 July), which is without a doubt one of the jewels in the crown of GT racing. All races are livestreamed through YouTube.

Bovensiepen junior says the typical Alpina buyer is a highly successful entrepreneur who often covers a high annual mileage (30,000 or more per year is usual) anddemands a level of exclusivity beyond the personalisation offered by top luxury marques. “If youlook back 20 years, we sold fewer than half as manycars as we do today,” he explains. “Production hasgradually increased because our portfolio of models is much wider than it used to be in the past, for example, we didn’t offer an SUV or any diesel engines but it’s also because more people are looking for something special. That said, we still make fewer thanhalf the number of cars that Rolls Royce does. Wehavea verypersonal connection with all our customers andwe want to maintain that.

Last week the weather was nice so I tried to send the departure times to the car using the Connected app on my iPhone, and it failed. I did manage to get the climatize feature to work once, from the old i Remote app, but it also has failed every time I tried to send the departure times to the car.

London based fan Peter Simms has owned his 1976 R90S for 30 years, and has ridden it more than 200,000 miles. “I use it virtually every day, which, given its age, bears testament to the superb build quality. I have travelled all over Europe on it and can’t think of a bike, new or old, that could possibly replace it. It’s comfortable, fast, beautifully made and has bags of character.”

Most stock quote data provided by BATS. Market indices are shown in real time, except for the DJIA, which is delayed by two minutes. All times are ET. Disclaimer. Factset: FactSet Research Systems Inc.2018. Chicago Mercantile Association: Certain market data is the property of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. and its licensors. Dow Jones: The Dow Jones branded indices are proprietary to and are calculated, distributed and marketed by DJI Opco, a subsidiary of S Dow Jones Indices LLC and have been licensed for use to S Opco, LLC and CNN. Standard Poor and S are registered trademarks of Standard Poor Financial Services LLC and Dow Jones is a registered trademark of Dow Jones Trademark Holdings LLC.

I highly recommend searching around on the web for lease calculators (leasehackr has a great one) and getting the selling price, residual, and money factor for the car that you really want (dealers should give this to you, or you can check the forums on edmunds). Run those numbers through the calculator and see what your lease price should be.

What I saw from my numbers was that the Tesla does cost less to operate. But when I consider the additional up front costs and added insurance, it not quite competitive with Civics (or Accords) yet. Especially compared to the hybrids and/or if one doesn drive a lot. Of course, with different energy prices, different driving rates, etc, things change.

/ Simon de BurtonEmailTwitterPinterestFacebookThe word “exclusive” might have become devalued in recent years, but exclusivity is most definitely what luxury is all about theexperience of not simply owning things that are special, but owning things that are sospecial that not many (and preferably not any) otherpeople have them. And when it comes to high end cars, meeting that requirement off the shelf isbecoming increasingly difficult.

For the past month or so I’ve been on a bandwagon about money, elitism, thieving corporate boards of directors, wayward politicians, and the just plain teeming arrogance from the top looking down at the rest of the population as bottom feeding, low life, underperforming, unskilled, and just plain worthless piles with their hands out, to put it very bluntly. I’ve tried to make my point this way and that way, and every way but Sunday. And really, in all I’ve only probably served to overcomplicate the matter at hand.

Using the same chassis and suspension as the MK4 Roadster, this one not only adds a roof but probably the sweetest rear on any car ever made! It was the result of some serious aero work done to beat Ferrari. Sadly the car never went anywhere, because the year after, Ford not only moved Shelby across to the GT40 program but sunk their race budget into beating Ferrari on European soil.

Since trying an electric car in 2013 (a Smart

Since trying an electric car in 2013 (a Smart ED of all things) I have never looked back. I am on my 6th electric car now, a Tesla Model S P100D. All the gas cars feel like a different century to me. Nostalgic antiques like steam trains, fax machines, and AOL. Huffing and puffing with all the heat and noise. A Rube Goldberg machine that wastes a lot of resources. It’s not just Tesla. I felt the same way about the Smart ED and our BMW i3. Tesla has just taken it the furthest without the legacy of 100 years of history and existing encumbrances. A true disruptor.

Hi! We just had our second baby this week and have unfortunately discovered that when our Chico keyfit 30 (behind passenger side for our newborn ) and FF Graco headwise (behind driver for 3 year old) are installed (putting any of these seats in the middle is impossible, unfortunately, both installed with latch) an adult passenger cannot fit in the middle of both our 08 Honda Civic and 06 BMW X3. We suspected that this would be the case with the civic, but very surprised with the X3 is of course a bigger car and which we use most often and take on longer trips.

(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Tracking PixelSome articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those products (Privacy Policy)ClickscoThis is a data management platform studying reader behavior (Privacy Policy).

If you live in a single family house and have a driveway or garage that you can park next to a wall, get a 240V “EVSE” (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, colloquially but incorrectly called a “level 2 charger.”) Unless you have a 240V, 30A electric dryer style outlet available right next to where you want to park, you need an electrician to install one.

I have drag raced BMW cars at a BMW event, and I have noticed most automatics have a limit to how much torque can be output by the torque converter to the wheel. Even if the other guy launched it hard, you should be able to stay ahead at least until the first gear change. If you can shift fast enough, you can beat most non high end automatics.

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My mil (mother in law) has a graco my ride for my infant (yes that is the exact same seat I just bought for us) and is looking for a smaller car seat for her car so she can fit my other two boys easier. When all three are in the car, they have a hard time getting to the buckle. My other boys are in booster seats.

The AMC Pacer ArrivesWhen I first went to North America aged sixteen in the summer of 1975, my parents and I were met at Toronto airport by my Dad’s cousin, the wonderfully craggy, frail, chain smoking Cliff and his trusty 1965 AMC Rambler Cross Country. When we returned the following year Cousin Cliff had suffered a series of heart attacks, had a triple bypass operation, was still smoking and had ditched the Rambler for something he referred to as his “moon buggy”; the amazing bubble on wheels that was his brand new beige AMC.

And yes to what pp said about maintaining! My dh works on cars and said we will never get one. Tires are expensive, oil changes are $150. I had a tiny bump with one in a parking lot (seriously just a scratch, no dent) and their dealer charged $750! The scratch on my dodge rubbed right off. I thought they were scammers, but my insurance said just painting a 2017 bmw bumper costs that. Kind of impractical for an icy environment. I guess if you have money to blow. but then why is he worrying about gas mileage costs in that case.

I enjoyed my Infiniti, but after four years of operating a rear wheel drive car in snowy New England, I decided that my next car had to be either front wheel drive or all wheel drive. So, I was very excited to learn that Audi now had a super powerful, 3.2 liter, all wheel drive version of the TT.

I’ve often thought there should be a minimum age requirement for police. At least 35 years old before they can carry a gun along with very strict, psychological high standards. I have scars older than 20 years. A 20 year old cannot make life and death decisions coupled with the wisdom that is only acquired through length of life. Citizen’s lives are in the balance: elderly, bystanders, children, people that are emotionally distraught, etc, and the person that holds their lives in the balance could have been watching cartoons and drinking Nestle Quick, 5 years prior. That to me is concerning,

I make that trip a few times a year for racing. it doesn make financial sense to take an additional two days off for travel, just do it in one long haul. Most of the guys I race with are doing the same thing. Of course, that only 20 ish people so it sure is an edge case but there are also plenty of people in the US doing similar travel.

It irks me that I get pulled over for something like that while the cops break every traffic law in the books. For example, going the wrong way up a highway exit ramp, so they can get into position to chase speeders. Aren’t they worried that someone might be coming onto the ramp, and hit them head on?

Time to crimp it all together! With the Ford plug all the wire colors match correctly, and the heating wires have no polarity so it does not matter how you connect those. White to white, black to black, and gray to gray. I used vise grips to crimp them and standard butt connectors like I listed above, but if you’re baller status and care about the car you’re working on, use the heat shrink connectors and a wire crimp tool.11 months ago

Someone eventually pays for it.It was, as the experts here knew, the 12V battery. Replaced on warranty, and all is well.Lingering issue is the battery died in 30 months and 8500 miles. If that an expected life, I hope there a source for non OEM batteries at some point. Near as I can tell, no one else sells a battery that fits/works in the i3.Otherwise, this is a great car.

We thought about a crossover too but when you need as much room as I do, the size of crossovers becomes deceptive and you don get the cabin passenger space of a large sedan in a CUV until you start looking at the really big ones and my wife didn want something that big. The big sedans are also a bargain right now because no one wants them there more than a few pretty nice models to choose from and you can get killer deals on 1 3 year old models with hardly any miles on them.

Coherent Write in complete sentences that are clear about what you are trying to say.”Dikke BMW” would best translate to ass BMW a car of stature. In this case she mocking the idea that this uppity politician comes to their small town having no idea what it like to be a working class citizen.

Between these two, the 7th generation is much better looking and obviously newer. The one you’ll want is the GT S, which has a wing! More importantly, it has Toyota’s 2ZZ GE engine. Yamaha contributed to the engine design, which means that this 1.8 L inline 4 behaves much like a sports bike engine it revs to 8,000 rpm and pushes out 180 hp in this application. This is the same engine that Lotus used in the Series 2 Elise, albeit with different software that manages to drag an extra 10 horses out of the engine.

Eh I just don agree with that. They are elite at one task within a sport. Baseball is very complicated. You could have an athletic freak in centerfield and CC Sabathia on the mound. I believe that CC is top of his class at what he does. But my take is that athleticism is generally a trait that carries to multiple sports. That doesn mean you are skilled at multiple sports but the overall trait of being athletic can help you in multiple sports. A lot of baseball players are not that. They are just incredibly good at fundamentals and technique. CC Sabathia has to basically only throw a ball from point A to point B. Granted he one of the best in the world at that but outside of that what does he do in baseball that makes him an elite athlete? He an elite baseball player but not an elite athlete.

Now since rational people 온라인카지노 realize you can have open borders. When people do come in undocumented. You have to hold them, process them then deport them to thier home country. Because they don have any documentation this can take time. Hence you need a place for them to live while they are processed.

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Another comment you mention a cheap series define cheap. You may find some local ish oval tracks that offer an inexpensive 4 cylinder or V8 class, which is some of the only racing aside from karting I can think of where you can run a whole season for under $10k. Knowing what kind of budget you dealing with will be helpful. There is a huge difference between what you can run with a budget of $1k or $10k or $100k.

How much time do you average researching your topic for HubPages?I find that I spend at least 3 to 4 hours reading and researching a topic before I even start to write my hub. Maybe that’s why I average one hub a week. Do you have any hints or tips for speeding up the process?What did we learn from this on going recessionby Om Prakash Singh 10 years ago

That being said, I think almost no one has a problem with people who use the assistance programs properly. Although I have never had to use assistance as an adult, my mother did for a short period when we were children. My father had died, my mom was penniless, she had been a housewife for 10 years, went through a brutal divorce immediately before my dad passed away, she had three children and in the early 80s it was still kosher to discriminate against women in hiring in most fields.

What About the Oxygen Sensors?It’s possible but highly unlikely that P0171 and P0174 codes are the result of faulty O2 sensors. If O2 sensors are causing both P0171 and P0174 banks to report a lean mixture, that would mean that both O2 sensors are misreading the amount of oxygen in the exhaust. Not a likely scenario. Also, the computer will run validation tests on the readings of the O2 sensors before looking at fuel trim adjustments. Only then would a too lean mixture be returned and logged as a fault P0171.

I didn realize there was GT3 cars and GTE cars, that makes sense though, I was wondering what the Merc and Audi were doing in there. So in your option I should do a season in the GT3 cars, and then move up to GTE after that? Even if I have some experience with GT3 already? I guess sticking with GT3 would let me feel out how the series itself actually works, that way I won be wrestling with learning a new faster car AND learning the series as well.

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How Often To Change Your Air FilterThis depends on your driving conditions but it’s usually recommended to change the filter every 30,000 miles. If you drive off road or in dusty conditions you may want to check your filter more often. I replaced mine 8 months ago (about 10,000 miles) and I’m pretty surprised at how dirty it is already. Given how relatively cheap it is to replace I probably will be changing mine every 20,000 miles or so.

No, you retard! I used the word that I did because it had the exact meaning that I wanted to use! How fucking difficult is that to understand that someone can use words that portray the exact idea they want to portray? Like for fuck sake, specific words have better uses in specific contexts. Stop trying to impart your own bullshit on me. I done with your terrible examples, just goddamned stop trying this. You are wrong, and always will be wrong, because I used the word with the exact meaning I wanted. Not the word that you goddamn want. The rules of language are very clear, you don get to decide them.

4 years ago I discovered Bogleheads and since then, I’ve followed the 3 fund passive index funds approach and turned all my attention to improving in my professional space. It turns my stomach thinking back how much more savings I would have today if had cashed out at the top or even if I just stuck to 3 fund index investing from the beginning. Today I still have over $100k in carried over cap losses I been writing off in my tax returns $3k at a time for many more years to come and I consider that tuition from the school of hard knocks and reminders of my hubris.

I try to avoid being in anyone blind spot as much as possible: never merge into a lane in a way that would put you in their blind spot, if the road isn crowded then switch lanes so you won be in their blind spot, speed up to be in their blind spot for as little time as possible, never count on anyone using their turn signals. I mean, how would I feel if somebody come runnin in the gym and bust me in my ass while I on the treadmill? Then I saw this snarling beast guy, and I noticed he had a tissue in his hand, and I realizing, y he not snarling, he sneezing. Y ain no real threat there. Then I saw little Tiffany. I thinking, y eight year old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She about to start some shit, Zed. She about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I say she up to something.

The Audi TT RS is coming to the United States

The Audi TT RS is coming to the United States in limited quantities, and it’s only available with a proper manual transmission. This sportier version of the TT has plenty of grip, with its wide tires and Audi’s Quattro AWD system. Add the 360 horsepower produced by the five turbocharged cylinders to these factors, and the acceleration from this car is absolutely brutal. Unlike most of the cars on this list, which have rear wheel drive, the TT RS can get more of its power to the road on hard launches. Despite the car’s sporty performance, it isn’t a stripped out hardcore track monster. It’s got a decently sized trunk, rear seats that can fit a gym bag or small children, and a good sized driver’s seat taller individuals who might not fit in something like a Porsche Boxster can comfortably drive the TT RS. In summary, the TT RS delivers plenty of performance to keep your inner Stig happy while maintaining some semblance of practicality.

Not “only in South Africa”, even Gordon Brown is being hauled over the coals for spending too much government money on personal items. Seems all politicians are the same worldwide. We are kidding ourselves in voting for their election “promises”. Every politician of every creed only cares about lining their own pockets and then they incite us with their pretty speeches (never written by themselves)to turn against each other because of all the problems they have created. Booooo to all politicians and their greed. Good luck to every private citizen you’re on your own, mate!

The underlying goal of the Plair Foundation is to create a platform for gamers to earn more than enough to sustain themselves in everyday living, doing what they love to do. The Plair Foundation’s job is to create a well thought out and technically feasible platform, while at the same time proactively promoting the platform and the Plair lifestyle by facilitating creative online/offline events, tournaments, tours, shows and products.

Also, 50% utilization on a CC isn helping your credit score (credit utilization is factored into your score, even if you paying it off every month). A civic is nearly as fast (if you not a car person you won notice the acceleration difference), handles better, and has way more luxury features than a 328i

In 2000, Mitsubishi rolled out the third generation Eclipse. This generation featured more angular styling than the previous generation and did not include any trim levels with a turbocharger or AWD. The suspension was altered to provide a more comfortable ride, and they changed up the engine options. RS/GS Eclipses came with a 2.4 L motor that made 150 hp. The GT came with a 200 hp 3 L V6 while the GTS model carried an improved version of the same V6 that pushed out 210hp. Mitsubishi also made convertible versions of the GS, GT, and GTS trims. You can pick up a third generation Eclipse for anywhere from $4,500 $10,00. Again, pricing will depend on mileage, condition, and the used car market in your area.

For the reddit discussion on the rest of his talk, see here. The apps will give info on any maintenance that needs to be done, recalls on parts, non mutable mileage, how far until next oil change, etc. All the information could be imported from the car through the internet to the blockchain. Then, using Thor saved onto the blockchain. I also could say it never been in an accident before even though it has been. I could also say it has all OEM parts but if we use blockchain we could have a small microchip IOT that verifies the part is OEM instead of 3rd party. Also, a scammer could swap VIN from a broken car to a stolen car. Blockchain can prevent scams and save companies $$ because of immutable data.

So, unless you are an exception, most of us don take road trips on the regular, on the rare(ish) occasion when we do, it not really much of a thing to stop for a bit to charge. And here another little secret. Remember when I said I would get 550+ miles on a tank in my Honda Accord on roadtrips? Well, how many hours of driving is that? If I were to average 70 MPH, that almost 7 hours of driving without stopping.

First, press the “learn” button on the back of your garage door opener mounted on the ceiling. (The learn button, located on the back of your machine, will be square if using a Liftmaster machine. Craftsman, Liftmaster, Chamberlain are all the same. Their learn buttons are square and usually yellow, red/orange, or purple. If using a Genie, the button says “learn button.”) The single press of this button should be brief and firm. Do not hold this button down. If you do, it erases all of the programming in the machine and you’ll have to re program all the remote controls that you have, and that’s not a fun process.

Starting from 2019 there are special regulations for lane changes in the EU. A BMW lane Chance assistant was deployed in the 5 series and X3 which is on par with the Tesla system, performance wise. With the X5 this system isn available in the EU anymore (only US and China).

The problem is, Trump isn doing this to force China to improve their human rights conditions. If he was this might be viewed as smart global policy (if bad economic policy). So it a good thing for the wrong reasons that is going to hurt a lot of people without resulting in any meaningful change.

Most are, particularly in the high end. You still have plenty of manual performance cars under $60k being sold. Hot hatches, for example, all have manuals, and the manual variants sell well enough that automakers don’t have plans to discontinue them anytime soon (even in the US). Other cars that appeal heavily to enthusiasts like the Miata still sell 60% as manuals!

It be an easy car to make since everything they need is already in place and GM can badge engineer with the best of them. Make it a little plusher and softer than the Camaro but leave the crazy bells whistles for the Cadillacs make it solid, sensible luxury like a Buick should be keep the same drivetrains if they don want to spend money certifying new ones, slap some GS badges on there and done. Something more grown up than the Camaro for people who graduate from ponycars to BMW/Audi/Mercedes but don want the complication of owning a German car and/or want/need every high tech gadget right out of Q lab.

For the article. I just purchased a 2007 BMW X3 with 137k miles. I started noticing the windshield fluid has been leaking to the ground and the low windshield fluid indicator came up on dashboard. I couldn’t figure out which of the washer fluid pumps was leaking so I bought two and replaced both of them. The installation was the easy part. However, when I tested front and back pumps no water came out. I then reinstalled the two old pumps to see if the windshield fluid would spray, but this also did not work. I can’t figure out what I did wrong and this is very frustrating. Can anyone please provide any suggestions? Thank you!3 years ago

He’s also looking at getting a RWD BMW 바카라사이트 diesel to use as long as there is no snow on the ground. Unfortunately we can’t keep the Jetta as it’s dirty diesel and a few weeks ago gave him an asthma attack that sent him to the hospital in an ambulance and he missed two days of work.

You will have a CPO warranty for a while but things seem to start going very wrong after the first 3 4 years. My car was often at the dealer for things such as faulty electronics, leaks, broken sway bars. The repairs only costed me time but it would been expensive after the CPO warranty expires.

It was under warranty after all, right? I felt like I was an alien They are not used to people taking out their batteries apparently. They advised me to replace the battery and have it towed to the dealership. Which I did.I did learn something today. The tow truck operator used a jump starter and it ran fine.

These bikes are extremely rare today. This was the first motorcycle made under the BMW name. It was the beginning of the legendary boxer twin engine and shaft drive layout that is still going strong on BMW’s today. These bikes were only made from 1923 1926, so there are very few people living that have had the pleasure of riding one. The bike was fairly advanced for its day using a wet sump lubrication system while most others had the archaic total loss system still in place. It had a rather large for the time 486cc engine that put out 8.5 hp, which may not sound like much, but was good enough for 59 mph and 78 mpg.

I’ve been driving for almost 20 years accident free. That translates to about 7,300 days of driving genius, with a substantial dose of switching to different sides of the road as I changed continents. So I take a measure of pride in my safe driving record, especially considering some of the places I have driven in. Not surprisingly, the German registration rules required me to obtain my own third party insurance from a German based insurer before my car registration would be processed. But imagine my surprise when I learned that no German insurer would recognise my driving record. Despite going to every major insurer in Germany, the answer was always the same: We do not accept insurance records outside of the European economic area. With no way to verify my insurance history, the quotes I received were sky high almost 30% of the vehicle’s value annually and all of that money for just third party insurance coverage. I was beyond words. The bureaucratic machine had busted me down to an 18 year old, albeit without the youth to match!

We love it. It a 2017 Premium. It very comfortable with plenty of room for me and someone to sit behind me and my 6 self, it drives and rides great (even if it not as old school cushy as a LeSabre), plenty of power from the 3.6L V6 and surprisingly good MPGs, and we really enjoy the panoramic moonroof.

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Then I would get an awd suv/van that seats six as your second car, and trade out cars with him for the season. I just really don’t think it will add up to be worth having a special rwd bmw for summer, that you can’t even fit the whole family in if needed as a back up car.

I have to admit, there are not many engines that can replace the sound and popularity of the tradition American big block v8 engine. However, there are some electric/hybrid cars such as the ones produced by the Tesla Motor Company that have cars that compete in acceleration as traditional luxury and sport cars such as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, etc.

The first generation Miata was first sold in 1989 with a 1.6 L I4 that made 115 hp. For the 1994 model year, Mazda upgraded the Miata’s engine to a 1.8 L making 131 hp. Like the MR 2, the Miata makes do with less horsepower because it is very lightweight with good weight balance and rear wheel drive. A limited slip differential was offered as an optional extra with manual transmission cars (an automatic transmission was offered, but proved unpopular). There wasn’t much in the way of luxury, especially in the first few years of production. Air conditioning, stereo, power steering, and alloy wheels were all absent from the base model in 1989 in order to lower the entry price, although features such as these became standard later on. A first generation (1989 1998) Miata will run you $1,500 $8,000, with price varying based on age, mileage, and condition.

Absolutely, we are in a totally difference place now or we wouldn’t even be considering the BMW DH (dear husband) had a large increase in income and we’re over half way to debt free. We could buy a BMW cash with the sale of the cars and money we have saved, but would rather not plunge for a more expensive vehicle until we’ve bought a home.

Coverage Yes this is $0 amount. This is all the expenses that I was covered for. This includes multiple tire rotations, windshield cracks, car getting towed. Everytime that I have received a bill, but my insurance has covered it. It is important to note that I would have had to pay for it if I was not insured. For example a windshield repair bill would have an amount of $125 but then a subtraction of $125 as well.

It’s a complete road/track animal: light weight (515kgs) front engined and rear wheel drive. Anyone who’s ever driven one will tell you how much fun these cars are! The kit also comes as a complete package, with engine and all! The R400 comes complete with a 2l Ford Duratec engine developing 210bhp, thanks to Cosworth hitting it with the power stick. That’s 420bhp/tonne. The bad part in all this is the 31,000 asking price, but to be honest with you, they are worth every penny. If you can’t afford this one, the classic kit starts at just 13,300 and that still has an engine, although only a 105bhp 1.4 Rover K series engine. Still, 200bhp/tonne is a great place to start with a Caterham.

Phone featuresOnce your phone is paired correctly to the vehicle and you have your Sync account activated, you can use all the Sync and services. One of the phone services that is not compatible with my particular phone is the text messaging. The Sync system will read your text messages aloud to you if it is compatible with your phone. Refer to the website for a list of compatible text messaging phones. I know that most of the Motorola Razr phones are compatible with the text messaging feature.

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The Coccoro is no longer a great option for multiples/preemies as it now has a 5lb./19″ minimum. (Yes, the website still says 3lbs., but other techs are reporting that new Coccoros are shipping with 5lbs. minimums on the seat and the manual.) Plus, the insert HAS to be used until kiddo weighs 25lbs, which means many kids are reaching the 1″ height limit long before 36″ or 2yo. :/ Combi has been non negotiable on that issue, saying that the seat needs to be turned FF if baby reaches the 1″ limit with the insert.

We are currently a one car family so DH (dear husband) and I have been car browsing for quite a while and recently have been car shopping. We have narrowed it down between a 2017 Jeep Cherokee and 2013 BMW X3. Both have all of the bells and whistles we want, but the Jeep is brand new and about $10k more expensive than the 2013 BMW X3 that we are looking at. We figure that insurance, maintanence,and gas for the Cherokee would be cheaper and it would essentially even out over time anyway. We also plan on keeping this car for DD (dear daughter) to drive in 12ish years so we want something that will last.

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So in the last 3 weeks my ute has broken in 3 different ways, and is currently still out of commission. Can complain too much though, apart from a lose spark plug wire it been rock solid for about a year and a half from the engine swap until now, and the problems are only minor in the grand scheme of things.

Roughly 1/2 of your annual income. Also, if you take a loan out on the car, it could mean that the car will cost you 10 25% more than the sticker price. Yikes!Yes, saving up could take up to a year but you will save yourself from looking like a douchebag (to some) for buying a brand new bmw your first month of work at your first job.

Ii) Images, audio or videos: Articles with supporting image and video content are allowed; if the text is only there to explain the media, then it is not suitable. A good rule of thumb is to look at the URL; if it a video hosting site, or mentions video in the URL, it not suitable.

After hours on the World Wide Web, the cheapest option I could find was a universal 02 sensor for 67.99 at AutoZone. I also came across some posts for VW’s, BMW’s, and Mercs all stating that they were using cheap Ford oxygen sensors, and replacing the harness plug, like you would have to do with the universal 02 sensor anyway. I could not find any documentation on someone using this sensor on an MKIV, but others stated it works great on their MKIII, so for the greater good of mankind I gave it a go.

I don think they expect to sell a lot more BMWs to teens and 20 somethings, this is about creating an attachment to a brand for the future. In 5, 10, 15 years some of today esports audience will have the income to afford a BMW. The auto industry tends to have more brand loyalty and switching is less common, so someone that has the means to get their first “dream” car and picks a BMW is highly likely to buy a BMW again in the future.Another way of looking at it advertising towards a 25 year old potentially creates a customer for the next 50+ years. Advertising towards a 55 year old (that might already have strong brand loyalty elsewhere) only gets you a customer for the next 20+ years.In any case we don know the value of the sponsorship deal or what financial projections this was based on, so it impossible to conclude whether it a good investment.

June 02 2017EmailTwitterPinterestFacebookDedicated BMW owners always knew. They have long and very happy memories when it comes to the big 8 Series coups of the 1990s, and there was always talk that Bayerische Motoren Werke would revive the Series 8 legacy, reinvent it. Now there is a powerful, beautiful new Concept 8 Series sports coupfrom one of the world’s great car makers.

For a long time people have put professionals on a pedestal based on nothing more that a title and some credentials. Neither says anything about the kind of person they are. If a professional said a thing was thus and so, it was law and people have operated on professional opinions often to their great determent. Further it is impossible to work with someone else when you have them elevated to some lofty, out of reach position. It makes communicating with them extremely awkward and uncomfortable if not impossible. People who are on pedestals are very hard to get hold of.

In the short time we’ve been together, however, I’ve had numerous complications with my little car and am now terribly disenchanted with what I always thought was stellar “German engineering.” In my own defense, I am NOT rough on my cars, I take care of my stuff, and I have a 12 year old custom Harley that’s in pristine condition.

Also, compare offers for the same car across various dealerships near you. Is one dealer offering the car for $22k OTD? But another one closer to you is only offering $23k OTD? Then throw a counteroffer at the second dealer for $22k OTD, knowing full well that $22k OTD is an achievable price (since first dealer already offered it).

Based upon my observation from 5 feet away, the victim the officer was stomping on was either unconscious or dead. I do not have to know the irrelevant price of tea in china or the tensile strength of shoelaces to witness a man, laying face down, handcuffed behind his back, unresponsive to full force stomps to his head. The other law enforcement that was there did not even blink.

Competition success quickly followed, with now legendary drivers such as Derek Bell, James Hunt, JackyIckx and Niki Lauda all racing Alpina tuned BMWs to victory in events between 1968 and 1973. But in 1983 it becamean official manufacturer that owners couldcommission to modify their cars to Alpina specification an expensive business, since it involveddiscarding standard engines, gearboxes, suspension units and wheels in order to replace them with theenhanced components.

Sorry for the rant, I understand assembly manuals aren the easiest things to come up with from scratch. I didn order this with no expectation of some finicky stuff, tinkering, tuning, and so on that comes part and parcel with a machine you expected to assemble yourself. I sure that I be pleased once I actually get the machine running smoothly. But right now I definitely frustrated with some issues I didn expect given the price point.

No nudity, pornography, gore, or other NSFW material. These are not allowed in posts or comments No exceptions. If it can get you fired then it should not be here. Failure to comply will result in removal of post and banning. There are other subreddits dedicated to NSFW content. Mark risqu posts and comments as NSFW. (Please note that NSFW tags do not cover the aforementioned content.)

His residual is 6k as per KBB private party. That fine and dandy, but unless he takes the effort to sell the vehicle on his own (which most people sadly don he might get $3500 for trade in value on an exceptionally good day, of course heavily depending in the condition of the car.

/ Simon de BurtonEmailTwitterPinterestFacebookWhen the drivers line up on July 7 for the start of the German Grand Prix at the Nrburgring, near Cologne, they will be prepared for a very different challenge from that faced by the legendary Argentinian ace Juan Manuel Fangio in 1954 when he won the race at the wheel of the Mercedes W196. Aside from the fact that Formula One technology has taken many a quantum leap during the intervening decades, the modern Nrburgring F1 circuit is far tamer than the one of old.

9. SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle)Sport utility vehicles are large cars that are fitted on a small, truck like chassis. SUVs are especially designed for off road drives and are commonly fitted with 4 doors. These cars have high ground clearance, comparatively large tyres, extreme power, high load carrying ability and plenty of room for seating. Some SUVs come with 4 wheel drive, whereas some with only 2 wheel drive.

When I use my front wheel drive Toyota, no problem at all. Any skidding is purely for fun I love doing handbrake turns when the roads are iced up. Yeah OK, I’m just a big kid but when no one is about and the roads are sheet ice it’s an opportunity to practice controlled slides.

So she dropped out of college to move to New York and become a dancer. She was raped in Central Park soon after her arrival, but is a survivor. It may be difficult for younger women to understand that until the last thirty years or so, the music industry was dominated by men. So the popular women artists of today owe Madonna and her generation their gratitude for breaking the barriers. She had never even been on a plane before she left Michigan, but learned about dancing in New York, and then played in a few rock groups.

I absolutely know what it looks like and how hard it is. Those folks don’t have an issue with you if you aren’t abusing the system (which it really doesn’t sound like you are), they have a problem with those who do and that they are as frustrated by the economy as you are.

BMW Transfer Case Actuator Motor Gear Problem in DetailSo what’s going on inside the transfer case actuator motor? In short, there is a nylon (ie: plasticky) gear inside the motor that is turned by a metal worm gear (a screw). Over time the nylon part gets worn down and stripped and does not turn any more. See the photos.

This is not to say other card games can’t be good, or can’t do fine on twitch, or that you personally have a hard time watching Artifact, or whatever. It’s just that these core fundamental bits of Hearthstone were executed brilliantly from day 1, and it’s a big reason why Hearthstone has been so popular on Twitch for so long (among other benefits).

This particular kit comes with everything you need except engine, transmission, and paint. It’s designed around a small block Chevy engine, although a large number of engines can be squeezed in there. How about the 5.4l V8 from a Porsche 928 GTS? Coming with 345bhp, this thing will fly, and that’s before you start tweaking the engine. 500bhp is attainable!

So try to keep the weight in the front as much as possible (even in slight corners where you don need to brake) just tap the brakes slightly to swift the weight to the front (start driving Porsches to master this, especially the RSR is a good learning tool for this).

Later that week I was driving my BMW 735 too fast (near my home) and got pulled over by a police officer who informed me my tail light was not working. I told him to follow behind me to the next filling station where I would get it repaired and he obeyed like a puppy, even helping to replace the lamp.

In terms of accidents, you right, that what insurance is for. My insurance company charges less for a Civic than a Model 3. IIRC it a 20%+ difference with the 3 being more expensive. The risk with insurance is if you get into a small “fender bender” in the 3. If it ends up taking 6 10 weeks to fix, as many have found, your insurance company may only provide a loaner for the first 4 weeks. If you need the 3 for work, that a major problem. Renting a car for weeks is massively expensive. Of course there the argument that you less likely to die in a 3, and that death is worse, but I say all of this to say that small collision that are normally a non issue become a real risk. I haven attempted to quantify the risk.

To buy an used Prius (or electric Leaf with the CA carpool access sticker if you can charge at home or work since you considering an electric 530e). Or simply an used, reliable econobox like an $10k Civic or Corolla. Bank your $1,000+ monthly savings from your low total cost of ownership and save it up in your slush fund or pay off your high interest debt.

Not “only in South Africa”, even Gordon Brown is being hauled over the coals for spending too much government money on personal items. Seems all politicians are the same worldwide. We are kidding ourselves in voting for their election “promises”. Every politician of every creed only cares about lining their own pockets and then they incite us with their pretty speeches (never written by themselves)to turn against each other because of all the problems they have created. Booooo to all politicians and their greed. Good luck to every private citizen you’re on your own, mate!

These “touristenfahrten” days are hugely popular with petrolheads, hordes of whom converge on the place to take advantage of the opportunity to push themselves and their cars, motorcycles, vans (you name it, people will thrash it) to the absolute limit and frequently beyond for the small charge of 26 per lap.

It fairly easy to drive on the limit, but is quite understeer y so needs a good set up to make the most out of it. For that reason, it a great car to learn car setup.The Audi is very nimble but is not as stable and forgiving as the Merc, and I think it has a tendency to oversteer on corner exit (I think).

The thing is if something as small as this gets caught in post race scrutineering it reflects just as badly on the scrutineers because its small enough that its not going to have a major effect on the race but still enough to DQ a team and waste their weekend (or in this case few months) which would been just fine if the scrutineers spotted it first time. Usually an apology from the organisers is in order, since its FIA sanctioned thats probably not going to happen.

Hi! We just had our second baby this week and have unfortunately discovered that when our Chico keyfit 30 (behind passenger side for our newborn ) and FF Graco headwise (behind driver for 3 year old) are installed (putting any of these seats in the middle is impossible, unfortunately, both installed with latch) an adult passenger cannot fit in the middle of both our 08 Honda Civic and 06 BMW X3. We suspected that this would be the case with the civic, but very surprised with the X3 is of course a bigger car and which we use most often and take on longer trips.

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I’ll even tell you this; when I see a guy drive past me on the highway in a BMW or a Mercedes (which I don’t find all that impressive actually, I personally like Lincolns) I don’t get mad. I want to know what it is that got the guy behind the wheel of such an expensive machine.

For a few years I went on a cruise with a group of highly loyal BMW guys. They are so loyal to the point where they didn invite me this year due to the fact I bought a model 3. Wouldn even give driving it a chance. Guy from Norway that makes the drive each year: “EV are so bland and boring, they aren drivers cars. They are so highly incentivised in Norway, no taxes, no vat, no toll fees and free parking. We are a dying breed, we better keep going until white men with collars lock us up.”

After pulling out the first sensor and seeing the date of 1999, I knew this thing was rotten like an outhouse. So, like anyone else trying to save a buck in this economy, I went to the World Wide Web and found my solution: I just had to soak this bad boy in gas for a few days and it would run like new! Nope! Fail. Maybe it works for some, but it definitely did not work for me.