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Customization. When I was first shopping around for a Mini, I went to their website to play with the various options I could have on the car. A cool thing about this car is that you can customize it almost anyway you want. Not only does the Mini stand out among other cars, you can make your own Mini stand out among identical models.

Forget the automobile. Our whole auto centric world is primitive. Our cities are sprawling concrete monstrosities dissected by arteries of death and filled with these grotesque beasts spewing out toxic waste clouds. Its a nightmare we have all just become used to because it is all we’ve ever known. ANY automobile is primitive.

In stark contrast to the Jaguar, we have the Porsche Cayman R. Porsche is synonymous with motorsports racetrack performance, and that is exactly what the Cayman R is built for. When building the R version of its popular Cayman sports car, Porsche decided to cut weight instead of adding lots of power to achieve the desired performance goals. The Cayman R is the only member of this list under 3,000 pounds and weighs in at more than 1,000 pounds lighter than the XK R. The Cayman and the Jag are perfect foils for each other; the XK R is everything that the Cayman is not, and vice versa. While the Jaguar is immensely powerful and luxurious (aka heavy) the Cayman is underwhelming on the spec sheet (more than 200hp fewer than our winner) but is extremely focused and lightweight. One has only to sit inside the cockpit to know that the R is all about performance. To save weight, Porsche replaced traditional door handles with fabric straps. The sport bucket seats hold the driver in place during hard cornering and save 26 pounds. Air conditioning is an optional extra. On a $60,000 Porsche!

When older, Jung was drafted into the army as a doctor in Switzerland, and always encouraged his patients to read. He later married and had 5 children, but it was an open marriage, at least from his side. Jung met Freud in Vienna in 1906. They had an intense intellectual relationship which lasted for about six years, as Jung was really interested in Freud’s book, The Interpretation of Dreams. Jung was about 30 and Freud about 50 at the time of their meeting, so although Jung was influenced by Freud, he was also open to many other new ideas in the psychoanalytical world. They discussed introverts and extroverts at the last conference they attended together, in 1913.

Has the EGR valve been modified. Has the DPF been removed or bypassed.If it lowered, walk away. Has the Timing Belt been replaced and when.TBF, if you lasted this long in a 05 Megane and haven despaired at the faults with that car, an E90 is a nice car. Go simple though.

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I ordered this from Amazon and included the photos here. So far it has worked flawlessly for me with my wife’s 2006 BMW X3 and my 2004 Toyota Tundra Double Cab. I was able to read 2 fault codes in the BMW and clear both so the Service Engine Soon light was turned off (see disclaimer below on doing this).

These things can be expected in an older vehicle. But come on, this car is barely five years old! And only three years old when I got it! And it’s German!! I now have new appreciation for every Ford product I ever owned or leased. I miss you Escort, Probe, Mercury Cougar, Mountaineer and yes, I even miss you, Taurus.

Furthermore, I’m curious as to how people in Europe and other countries (where the average vehicle isn’t an SUV or larger) get by with their car seats. I’m assuming their “standards” must be much lower because how else would they be able to fit American sized car seats in their small cars?

Pacer Equipment OptionsThe Pacer was a little sparse on equipment though with an extras list that would make even present day Audi or BMW blush. Automatic transmission was an extra $299 and air conditioning $399.95 more than a tenth of the base price of $3,299. An 8 track AM/FM radio was $239.

What’s wrong with my car?My Honda CR V begins to overheat when I break (waiting in the drive thru line, traffic, traffic light, etc.) and has been doing it for the past couple of months. Only when I drive will it blast cold air. I’m not sure what I need to check or what I need to replace.

Gas is cheaper in the US, yet cars have way worse MPG. In Europe, it is not uncommon to have a car that does 40 mpg and the propaganda that states that European cars are trash is just not true. A BMW in Europe with a 2.0 L engine has a 4.0 L engine in the US, yet it drives the same. The only difference is the MPG. Of course the fuel is a lot cheaper in the US, but it works out almost the same when you take into account the efficiency. I first became interested in this topic when i bought a 3.5 L Ford Taurus that does 20 mpg. The first time I filled the fuel tank i noticed an advertisement on the inside of the petrol cap. It read “Use BP fuel”.

If one is constantly filling with a lot of water there most certainly may be a leak. The proper way to check the system is a knowledgeable person with a pressure tester. The system is pressurized and then leaks can be sought. Some common ones are the hoses best checked first. A next best look is at the water pump seal. Freeze plugs are more of rarity today, yet can be considered. A good look about is needed overall.

For the BMWs, I just not a fan. I liked the interior a touch more but I just couldn get into the car and really enjoy it, something about it was just lackluster in the driving department and I really disliked the exterior of the car. I didn feel connected to the car like I did in the ATS and that really cheapened the experience, I also not a fan of what it costs to maintain and own one.

So my question is, how hard is it to replace a NOx sensor or worst case scenario a transfercase on a F30 328D? Will doing the alphabet delete make the car more in the long run?Just note that a lot of the items people are staying need replacing early in ownership aren unique to diesels. The transfer case, for one, is a weak point on all F30s. I wouldn get an AWD 3 series because of it and they did sell plenty of RWD 328d F30s.

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I torn about this stuff. There are a lot of things that are really insensative to say or do, but asking a couple you plan to have kids? doesnt seem offensive to me. Its only a loaded question or insensative if the other person is uncomfortable, and maybe they wont be.

You don have to live below your means or delay gratification, and certainly not all the time. I would not buy a new car.I would get something cheaper like a Honda, or Toyota. They are reliable, get good MPG.You also havent even started your job and wanting to buy a 40k car?.Also if you have student loans to pay there is that.

It fairly easy to drive on the limit, but is quite understeer y so needs a good set up to make the most out of it. For that reason, it a great car to learn car setup.The Audi is very nimble but is not as stable and forgiving as the Merc, and I think it has a tendency to oversteer on corner exit (I think).

And on a roadtrip? You have to go to the bathroom, maybe buy some more water, possibly a snack. If you have young kids it more involved, there are diaper changes involved, cleaning the car of trash and disposing of it properly, and so forth. By the time that is done, you received the “you may incur idle fees” message on your phone.

However, there is a firm that does such things as a matter of course, that finishes every car by hand and, during its 52 year history, has seldom produced more than 1,500 vehicles in any 12 month period. And, with allocations to any particular market never exceeding thelow hundreds, the chances of another of these cars pulling up beside yours are extremely small.

I would tend to disagree while they don set lap times that are that much quicker than a GT3, they much harder to drive faster/better than a GT3. The GT3s are much more forgiving. I was in an IMSA race a week or two ago driving a GT3 and had to contend with GTE drivers who were slower than me in the corners, but (a little) faster on the straights, meaning they try and pass me in the corners, wouldn succeed, get bad exits from the corners then try again on the straight, get alongside me, try and pass, etc etc.

Bill became the youngest Governor of AK at age 32, and was re elected, after skipping a term, to keep the title for ten more years. He tried to make education a priority, and with Hillary, a lawyer working on issues concerning women and children’s issues, they became a power couple. When he ran for President with Al Gore, he often said that with he and Hillary, the American people would be “getting two for one”, as she was a partner in the Rose Law Firm and very involved in political issues. Clinton presided over the longest peacetime period of economic expansion in American history. He passed the North American Free Trade Treaty. He made family leave a priority, signing the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, making sure people could leave work for a period to care for any family member who needed their attention without losing their job.

“We clearly see that there is a growing middle class coming through in Africa and that there is a lot of interest in development and we assume that the middle class as we have seen it in South Africa is growing and there is purchasing power and there is a demand for our cars as well,” he told CNN’s Robyn Curnow.

So why does it make sense? Well it is open, and non distracting. Perfect for when autopilot is driving you. The screen is odd at first (i actually disliked it) but now. everything else feels cluttered. Their designers knew what i wanted before i did imo. It will grow on you. Plus the materials i love the vegan leather so soft and a great feel, better than real leather in durability, maintenance, cleaning, look and touch.

Sorry I rambled on there a bit. I really just confused about how we got to where we are now. How did we get to the point where no one is having these discussions? The damn boat is sinking and instead of plugging the hole and working on boat version 3.4, we arguing about the color of the fucking wood.

Reporting to moderators (Volunteers) : Please only use the report button for posts that clearly break reddit site wide rules. Do not abuse the report button. Moderators will monitor posts for being on topic and move to curb disruption and noise. You can send genuine and sincere questions about specific moderator actions to mod mail. Please note that modmail doesn offer general chat, help or advice and isn a consultancy service. You also won receive a response for things that are covered in the sidebar, previous messages (including automoderator) or any other documentation provided. Please demonstrate good faith in your communication and that you have engaged with the subreddit 바카라사이트 documentation and previous messages.

Gas Trips The money spent at gas stations. This includes gas expenses, air freshners, filling air. Now, these expenses are hard to track and I used mint to pull the information. The money spent at gas station might have been spent on chips and gum as well, and there is no way for me to know now. And so while the gas trip number may not be exact, but it is pretty close. I always use Premium 93 grade.

The video below goes some way to show just how fast this car is around corners too. Almost a full 5 SECONDS faster than the Koenigsegg CCX (although Top Gear keeps refusing to put it round themselves). Definitely worth watching just to hear the noise and witness the best kit car in the world doing its thing.

Tools for the JobMost of these tools are pretty common in a toolbox. The only ones that I would recommend buying are 1) the 02 sensor socket, part 95045 at Harbor Freight for $7.99 (use the 20% coupon and free flashlight coupon in the paper to get your money’s worth) and 2) a wire stripper; sorry, no tips as where to get that cheap. If you don’t want to use the 02 sensor socket, you can take off the heat shield, held on by five 6 mm Allen head bolts (and one 4 mm I believe), which will give you enough room to work an adjustable wrench down there.

The front end of the Vision iNext features a new version of BMW’s trademark “kidney” grill, which features two rounded rectangles. In the Vision iNext, the rectangular shapes are connected by a broad center section, creating something like a massive letter H. This grill is largely cosmetic, however, since a large radiator isn’t needed on a fully electric car. A major reason for this center section is to cover the front mounted cameras and sensors that enable the car’s self driving capabilities.

It takes about 16 hours to fully charge from empty, whereas a 240V, 30A takes only 2 3 hours.Always Be Charging. If you can plug in somewhere, do it. It removes all range anxiety. Any time you park at home, plug it in. Make it a habit. It takes all of 15 seconds when you park your car, and you never have to visit a gas station.