I’ve written hubs like, “Corporate Boards Are

I’ve written hubs like, “Corporate Boards Are Glorified Thieves,” and yes, I know that the word “theifs” is misspelled (hey, even an unskilled political non elite opinion guy like me can be a sucker for a little keyword stuff). Another one I called, “The Jobless Are Not Lazy,” and another one is titled, “Another Example Of An Overpaid CEO,” which is on point about the whole concept of CEO pay, and severence packages which are akin to winning the lottery, but focuses on the exorbitant severence package former HP CEO Mark Hurd enjoyed after resigning his post due to the discovery of falsified expense reports to cover up an affair he had supposedly with a female contractor, and an accusation of sexual harassment.

Driving drunk is still illegal. I advocating for the same protections I would expect for any other crime. If the police suspect you have done something illegal they need to obtain a warrant to perform a search. You cannot be compelled to comply otherwise. It that simple. This is criminal law 101.

Do not get me wrong, on two occasions as a youth I was whooped upon and jailed and then released without charges as a youth. I was known, due to sports, but I also wrote and distributed an underground newspaper with forbidden information back then clean needles, contraceptives, petitions for all kinds of things, family planning, locations for anti war demonstrations. And I wore my hair pretty wild for a backwater town.

What should I do to keep it crisp, white, and free from stains?9Family and ParentingWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?by Amanda S 7 years agoWhat are some family activities that can be done for under $20?Your Dream Carby Alisha2010 8 years ago.

He’s also looking at getting a RWD BMW diesel to use as long as there is no snow on the ground. Unfortunately we can’t keep the Jetta as it’s dirty diesel and a few weeks ago gave him an asthma attack that sent him to the hospital in an ambulance and he missed two days of work.

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Despite having installed an L2 charger. I never actually needed that charging speed. Most of my driving happens close to my house (about 35 miles per day, if I average it out), and the car is pretty much always topped up when I jump into it in the morning.So. should you get an L2 charger? I still say yes, because fast charging is nice.

For the record, psychobabble like ‘putting one on a pedastal’ achieves only one thing fooling a patient into thinking they need to come back for one more session to interpret what this means thereby enabling the counsellor to upgrade their Ford to a BMW. Moral of the story be nice to your partner it saves on counsellors.7 years ago

Absolutely, we are in a totally difference place now or we wouldn’t even be considering the BMW DH (dear husband) had a large increase in income and we’re over half way to debt free. We could buy a BMW cash with the sale of the cars and money we have saved, but would rather not plunge for a more expensive vehicle until we’ve bought a home.

BMW doesn’t have to make the best EV. They really just have to make a decent one and brand loyalty can make up the rest. A big sticking point for many people coming from higher end brands is the interior of Teslas. BMW could make a decent EV with a more traditional interior. Another is service. While Tesla does have the service vans getting stuff fixed at service centres does seem to be a challenge for some people. BMW could compete there.

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I kept waiting for a great trade in to come in that some other person didn like and that what happened. I got a BMW 3 series out the door for 26k.I feel like I got a great deal from my research so maybe you can find a deal that great but it is definitely doable I make about 75k a year now and plan on driving it for a long time.

To make a phone call while the vehicle is not in motion, either press the phone button on the dash or on the steering wheel and browse your phonebook or call history using the vehicle’s dash screen. Select the person you wish to call and press the “play” button on the dash. The screen will show the person’s name and phone number category (home, mobile, work, etc.). Press the “play” button again to verify that is the person you indeed wish to call. The dash screen will show “dialing so and so”. When the call is connected, you may talk to the individual using a small microphone imbedded above the driver’s head. You will hear your party through the vehicle’s speakers.

Precautions and DisclaimerPlease note that while reading your own OBDII fault codes can be very helpful in diagnosing problems on your own, you should only clear the codes if you are certain that those codes don’t indicate a serious problem. Ignoring a serious engine fault code could result in significant damage to your vehicle. The information provided here on reading your own codes is intended to give you a better understanding of what might be wrong with your vehicle before you have a professional diagnosis. That way you won’t be at the mercy of your shop and might have a better indication if they are diagnosing a problem incorrectly.

This post has gotten longer than I expected already but I will add this: I recently sold my CTS V for a nice truck that much cheaper to own and drive, and that I enjoy almost as much. I still dont regret it a damn bit, even having calculated my total cost of ownership after the fact.

Because here’s what I generally think. Hard work pays. That’s the motto I try to live my life by. bfakn.club Work hard, make a contribution, and it will pay off one way or another. Nothing in life should be a cakewalk. Nothing should be handed down on a silver platter. Everything should be hard. Everything should be a challenge, and if you get somewhere and you achieve something, by God you should have a trail of blood, sweat, and tears in a long path behind you.

Subaru WRX: The WRX was a bit pricy for this list, but it makes it to the honorable mention list due to the great performance and rally heritage offered by the ’90s Subaru sports sedan/wagon. With a turbocharged flat 4 and Subaru’s legendary AWD system, the WRX will be quick on any surface and is relatively easy to modify for more power.

Throughout this whole process I kept thinking: I could walk into any BMW, Porsche, Toyota, whatever dealership with this pre approved loan and leave with a new car in less than 60 minutes most likely. If it took longer, it only be because they getting me a bigger discount or getting it delivered from another store.

Then we move on to the “WoW is trash” circlejerk. Well, lots of the WoW community is unhappy with BfA to be sure, but welcome to playing WoW. Every other WoW expansion has generally been considered bad. Legion was great, BfA is not. It not a sign of the apocalypse for Blizzard, just the usual cycle for that game.

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Make sure you aren on the gas and have the engine bouncing against the rev limiter when you clutch in to shift. But you also don have to wait for the revs to fall. Letting the clutch out while not on gas would match revs for you. When you are slotting the stick into the next gear, your right foot should be completely off the gas pedal, and clutch completely it. Let the clutch out swiftly but not dump it. Then as you let off the clutch, at the last 80% of of the way out start adding gas again. When done right and quickly, shift is smooth and doesn hurt the car.

I had my F30 328d for 1.5 years and 20k miles. No problems related to the engine, but it only just touching 50k miles now, I would hope it could last that long. :) I wasn interested in the E90 335d because I didn need the power and the fuel economy wasn all that great. I been crazy happy with the fuel economy I gotten so far, my best tank was 52mpg, it was pure highway miles. Around town with mixed driving I get 38 40mpg. I do have alot of sprinter diesel customers with the 3.0 V6 diesel, most of their issues are emissions related and can be very expensive (if they don travel any to Cali, its pretty much mandatory to delete) other then that, the classic throttle petal issues, about $600 to $900 depending on the year, oil issues with over heating (The 3.0 V6 is like the old Jeep 4.0 when it comes to the oil issues, fantastic engine, runs forever, but if it ever goes over 15 20 degrees over its normal operating temperature, there is no forgiveness, that motors done, $9,000 to $14,000 for a new engine) and the timing chain stretching problems.

Get reddit premiumEveryone question is buyer specific, but some/all of your question may be easily answered using our FAQ check them out below!Please post the Model, Year, Miles and Trim when asking vehicle specific questions to help us resolve your issue faster! This should include trim, major options (engine, 2WD/4WD, specific options or add ons), and an honest evaluation of the condition. Once you start hitting the 80K mile+ range there are several repairs you can expect, but generally the problem is the issues are random.

A dozen years ago, when I was a product development manager for a large cabinet component manufacturer, we used to talk about the effect China would have on kitchen cabinets. buyers would take them seriously. Plus, logistical nightmares such as replacement parts and “out of stock” situations kept us feeling safe from the threat of imported cabinets. market was flooded with cabinets from China.

It the same thing as the guys that buy a high powered 30k Ducati race bike to putt around town on. Everyone is entitled to do as they wish and if it worth it to you then awesome, I personally just find the notion silly. I bought a 2016 BMW 3 series slightly used with 1,000 miles on it.

There is also cultivating, hiring, and keeping the rider that will ride the bikes to glory. It just a cheap engineering exercise they pulled off because they just can and as a good publicity stunt.Racing bikes are meant to go fast around a circuit, not in a straight line. The only way kawasaki got to make an engine that had comparable power to a motogp bike is by making that H2R.

If you don have a huge commute and rarely put on more than 20 30 miles in a day, that charger will work just fine.If you end up using up the whole charge in a single day though. and need a full charge by next morning. things get dicer.It takes this car 18 20 hours to fully charge from empty using the included level 1 charger, and obviously you can do that overnight.That where a L2 charger comes in.

I never said it isn When people mention saving on maintenance costs they don say, “has less cost of maintenance when compared to it rivals.” They say, it an EV with less parts so it has less maintenance than an internal combustion car. That just isn the case. People think that a Tesla will be cheaper to operate and maintain than ANY other car, that isn true. Is it cheaper than some? Absolutely.

If you aren an asshole all the time, and are generally positive and a friendly player who doesn tilt and tries his best, reports do not matter for you. I have between a 9 10K behavior score at all times and when I have a bad game and make too many mistakes and my team decides that it my fault and I need to be reported, I couldn care any less.

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This is not to say other card games can’t be good, or can’t do fine on twitch, or that you personally have a hard time watching Artifact, or whatever. It’s just that these core fundamental bits of Hearthstone were executed brilliantly from day 1, and it’s a big reason why Hearthstone has been so popular on Twitch for so long (among other benefits).

When I use my front wheel drive Toyota, no problem at all. Any skidding is purely for fun I love doing handbrake turns when the roads are iced up. Yeah OK, I’m just a big kid but when no one is about and the roads are sheet ice it’s an opportunity to practice controlled slides.

And yes to what pp said about maintaining! My dh (dear husband) works on cars and said we will never get one. Tires are expensive, oil changes are $150. I had a tiny bump with one in a parking lot (seriously just a scratch, no dent) and their dealer charged $750! The scratch on my dodge rubbed right off. I thought they were scammers, but my insurance said just painting a 2017 bmw bumper costs that. Kind of impractical for an icy environment. I guess if you have money to blow. but then why is he worrying about gas mileage costs in that case.

The America’s Cup has always been an expensive trophy to compete for but it has rarely been fair. If you win the Cup you host the next event and, to a large extent, control the rules once a challenger comes along and throws down the gauntlet. When they do, and there is no fixed time frame in which they have to do so or when the next America’s Cup match will take place, it is up to the defending yacht club and that of the challenger to agree the terms, venue and dates for the next event. But since 1983, when the Australians won the Cup and ended the Americans’ dominance which had lasted since 1851, the longest winning streak in sporting history international interest in winning the historic trophy surged. Unfortunately, in the scramble to become a challenger and help form the rules for the next Cup, some yacht clubs allowed themselves to accept one sided terms from the defender.

Low grade plastics on the dash and doors, cheap vinyl seats that don breath, hollow and chintzy window switches and steering wheel stalks, etc. All the ones I driven and ridden in have also rattled. The Model 3 would be fine for $25k car, but there is nothing remotely luxurious about it.