Floating Continent: Beginner 6 10 and Advanced 6 9 each have

Willis came on stage without the help of a backing band to a cheering audience, who cheered even more when his song “Osama bin Laden” began. The song was Willis’ unabashed opinion of the terrorist mastermind, and the majority of the lyrics are not printable here. The chorus, with the name “Osama bin Laden” repeated over and over, was actually quite catchy.. Certainly as far as Erik’s characterization goes. Love Triangle: An interesting version in that Christine has no problem admitting that she does love Erik http://xaynhauytin.net/this-isnt-to-say-that-the-other-candidates-running-for-those/, just not in the same manner that she does Philippe, but Philippe isn’t too thrilled about this either. Luke, I Am Your Father: Gerard finally admits this to Erik, who tells him that he already knew: “My eyes. Finally, this story is around 40,000 words long and spread out over multiple chapters, unlike the rest of the series, which are all one shots (with the exception of Vinyl and Octavia Have Multiple Dates and Vinyl and Octavia Engage in Roleplay, but even the former is still only two chapters and is in fact shorter than some of the other stories). Although it appears to be the exception rather than the rule, Vinyl and Octavia Engage in Roleplay is also a lengthy fic (over 30,000 words) and is spread over multiple chapters, like Vinyl and Octavia Machete Their Way Through the Jungle. Evidence Scavenger Hunt: There’s a brief scene in Vinyl and Octavia in ‘Dial D for Detectives’ where Vinyl and Octavia look around the scene of Switch Blade’s murder for clues.

Replica Stella McCartney Handbags Shout Out At least to Star Wars (“Millions of years ago, in a distant galaxy.”) And Terminator, complete with Suspiciously Similar Song to the theme music (the “skeleton” of Replicator Marrick). And then there’s the first actual order (see Call Back above) Cam issues upon taking command of the Odyssey: “Make it go.” The majority of the film could be see as a downplayed Whole Plot Reference to Star Trek: First Contact, given that the team is split in half for a good chunk of its run. Specifically, Sam and Cam dealing with the Replicators infesting the Odyssey bears a lot of similarity to Picard dealing with the Borg infiltration on the Enterprise. As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Averted (the game uses accurate French alongside its English). That said, it’s odd that the main character’s name is spelled “Arno” rather than the much more typically French “Arnaud.” Aura Vision: A new mode called Eagle Pulse. Badass Crew: Arno and his fellow Assassins are a deadly four man squad. Replica Stella McCartney Handbags

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