My real advice though: It doesn sound like yo

My real advice though: It doesn sound like you much of a car person, or really into cars all that much. Will the BMW really bring you enough joy to justify the expense? At 27 with that income you are in your absolute prime years for stashing cash away for retirement and building up savings for a down payment on a house. Get a 2014 economy car for 10 15k that will last you another 10 years while saving like crazy.

I’ve often thought there should be a minimum age requirement for police. At least 35 years old before they can carry a gun along with very strict, psychological high standards. I have scars older than 20 years. A 20 year old cannot make life and death decisions coupled with the wisdom that is only acquired through length of life. Citizen’s lives are in the balance: elderly, bystanders, children, people that are emotionally distraught, etc, and the person that holds their lives in the balance could have been watching cartoons and drinking Nestle Quick, 5 years prior. That to me is concerning,

Hearing your story is painful because you should have caught this up front. If you are going to put that much money on the line, make sure you understand the paperwork, because there is a good chance the sales guy on the other side of the table doesn especially when you do something crazy like what you did.

What cheap shit do you predict exactly? EV buyers won overlook what makes a hypothetical future EV compelling, that where their value lies in the tech that makes them perform, go a long distance, charge fast and the software tech to interact with the car. It won be the engine note, it won be the leather (they might demand no leather in fact), it won be the 1000 buttons, it won be the manual transmission, it won be old style dashboard materials like wood and stuff like analog clocks.

His charming Leo ways often won him bipartisan support, and he moved to more centrist ways to win a second term. Clinton tried very hard to pass a National Health Care Bill, and Hillary worked tirelessly on it. still has a shameful lack of a cohesive system of health care. Clinton signed the Brady Bill, enforcing a five day waiting plan on anyone purchasing handguns. He also devised the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy regarding gays in the military, though in 2012 that has been suspended. At least he tried to respect gays willing to serve their country. Attitudes about the LGBTQ community have changed much since he was POTUS.

When the baby is older though I would definately do two convertibles, so you will not have to be moving the seat constantly. Also, if you are interested in the Radians they are going really cheap right now, so it may be worth it to buy now and save them. BUT then you run the risk of losing potentially two years of use depending on the manufature date.

I mainly like open wheelers, that what I really want to drive. With the risk of sounding like someone coming straight from Need to Speed, driving the Z4 almost feels like driving on ice. Not really, but I really don get the car. Even just a hint of trail braking and the rear comes around.

A note on the seats: they are some of the finest seats in all of automobiledom! From a comfort point of view there is zero reason to have any concerns, they are better than the Mercedes/BMW/Audi/VW/Infiniti seats in various cars I owned. From a sporting perspective, there is almost zero lateral support, but it is unlikely that your wife will complain about this 😉

I was informed by the dealer, that due to some changes Audi made in the brake materials, squeaking was normal. It was such a common complaint, I was even given a pre printed pamphlet all about “brake noise”. I was relieved that nothing was wrong with my brakes, but the squeaking can be very annoying.

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Used” front luxury cars depreciate way more steeply than most. You might want to investigate that a little before buying new. If you like me you could never have enough money to be happy wasting it.Can I ask why you considering the car if you can wrap your mind around it? I love cars too so no typical /r/pf judgment, but if you coming from something like a Corolla why not something in the middle? A $30K Mustang V 8 or even the Ecoboost, a recent $15K used Miata, hell, even a used BMW 340i or the prior gen 335i? Plenty of fun to be had without needing to buy an M3 rocketship that will empty your wallet every time you need a repair.Personally I think you can afford it but if you feeling hesitance already, why not save yourself ten grand, thirty grand, etc.

14) Joe Biden. He riding on Obama coattails. His policy positions haven changed form 2008, and they weren even good in 2008. He slower and even more tone death now, and he wasn particularly fast before. He came off as absolutely condescending and sleazy with all the negative traits of a Boomer. He doesn even have the gravitas expected of a senior statesman anymore, everyone was easily able to force him onto the defensive and his whole platform seemed to be “I going to take credit for Obama things and double down on all the Obama things that didn work out”.

After hours on the World Wide Web, the cheapest option I could find was a universal 02 sensor for 67.99 at AutoZone. I also came across some posts for VW’s, BMW’s, and Mercs all stating that they were using cheap Ford oxygen sensors, and replacing the harness plug, like you would have to do with the universal 02 sensor anyway. I could not find any documentation on someone using this sensor on an MKIV, but others stated it works great on their MKIII, so for the greater good of mankind I gave it a go.

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Where exactly is the evidence of them not putting in enough effort to be competitive? This is entirely against the mindset of any factory backed racing program.The early 2000 were a very different time in sportscar racing, and really the MC12 wasn very successful at all (and regardless of length and width dimensions, was a vastly different car from a modern grand tourer)This is a very closed minded and uninformed comment.

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Unfortunately, despite the brief excitement and distraction that was provided when the boats appeared, the years of bitter legal wrangling and protracted uncertainty had also left an entire Cup community behind. Teams that had previously aspired to compete in the 33rd America’s Cup were barely able to comprehend, let alone match, the money that was being spent this time around.

Eh I just don agree with that. They are elite at one task within a sport. Baseball is very complicated. You could have an athletic freak in centerfield and CC Sabathia on the mound. I believe that CC is top of his class at what he does. But my take is that athleticism is generally a trait that carries to multiple sports. That doesn mean you are skilled at multiple sports but the overall trait of being athletic can help you in multiple sports. A lot of baseball players are not that. They are just incredibly good at fundamentals and technique. CC Sabathia has to basically only throw a ball from point A to point B. Granted he one of the best in the world at that but outside of that what does he do in baseball that makes him an elite athlete? He an elite baseball player but not an elite athlete.

From 1990 1993, Acura sold the second generation Integra, perhaps the most popular among enthusiasts. You’ll want to find one with the 1.8 L engine producing 130 hp or the top level GS R Integra which was first introduced in 1992. Featuring Honda’s VTEC (Variable valve Timing and lift Electronic Control), the GS R’s engine produced160 hp and proved to be a favorite for tuners and enthusiast drivers alike.

In order to connect to the OBD II port and read the ECU information, you need an adapter and a reader (or a single unit that does both, see below). There are a lot of options out there, but here I am reviewing a very inexpensive Bluetooth adapter that you can then connect to with an Android powered smartphone and use an app called Torque Pro to read the information. I’ve also included below a link to an all in one unit for those who don’t have or don’t want to use a smartphone.

I’ve never played Artifact, but just that simple animation pacing was done poorly in Eternal, Gwent, Shadowverse, and Elder Scrolls: Legends. I tried getting into those but those differences just make it harder for a new player to understand what their opponent is doing, and therefore understand the game. You can dig up play history but it’s just not as approachable, and that doesn’t work on twitch. And indeed, while watching Artifact, cards would fly around during the game quickly and I would have no clue what they were.

I love my Britax. I decided to go for the Boulevards because the extra side impact protection was really important to me and the possibility of keeping baby rearfacing longer than Roundabout because of the extra length. I am amazed. Since I have friends who still have kids rearfacing at 3 in Blvd, I am not overly concerned. If my son outgrows it before I am ready to turn around I will research other options at that point. You cannot go wrong with any of the Birtax seats.

I picked up an older 바카라사이트 Sigma 70 200/2.8 HSM (non OS/VR) for actual shooting. I always at 1/500 or higher so I don really need OS/VR and the 2.8 glass is heavy enough that the image in the viewfinder doesn jump around too much so I went older and cheaper on the lens when I realized the 70 300VR wasn going to cut it. If you can spend a bit more, you can get a newer version with OS and the newer ones should also get better wide open with each generation (there four or five versions of the Sigma 70 200/2.8). One weird quirk of my version is the AF locks up and doesn work in video mode but I never shoot video anyway with it because it too jumpy without VR.

A result with a bad cap is water heats more quickly and its counterpart steam occurs at a lower temperature. Usually it will spill over into the coolant reservoir tank. When it is steam it simply dissipates making detection more difficult. At times the coolant reservoir will be a dingy dirty look like there was muddy water present if the radiator is afoul from lack of maintenance.

No, you retard! I used the word that I did because it had the exact meaning that I wanted to use! How fucking difficult is that to understand that someone can use words that portray the exact idea they want to portray? Like for fuck sake, specific words have better uses in specific contexts. Stop trying to impart your own bullshit on me. I done with your terrible examples, just goddamned stop trying this. You are wrong, and always will be wrong, because I used the word with the exact meaning I wanted. Not the word that you goddamn want. The rules of language are very clear, you don get to decide them.

Anyway, I not trying to preach to you, because I don know anything about you. I just wanted to share my perspective. Probably because I horribly depressed so I understand on some level. Just don be fooled into believing that killing yourself is only going to affect you. It won You be driving a dagger straight into her soul.

Although I think commercial drivers can log that kind of time legally in a day, and pickups actually are used for commercial hauling (at least I seen it here in the oilfield area, pickups can get places that 18 wheelers can they are part of the solution then? Many manufacturers are working towards fully electrified lineups (as in, every car will be PHEV or battery, including Volvo and Mercedes that I aware of, others I sure as well).

Jack grabbed her ever present “camera” and fixed it floating before moving in between it and the suit. She spread her arms wide, saying “Here it is! The V 22 Catsith Egretta! Obviously it’s not completely finished, I’m waiting on some decals and have some detail parts to add but the suit is technically complete so I was planning to test it today! I always find that GBN helps show flaws in my work that wouldn’t otherwise be noticeable.” Then the energetic streamer bounced back over to her recording interface and reoriented it above her shoulder.

One of my friends got a 6 figure job out of school (although the cost of living in his area is extremely high so is probably the equivalent of making 80K elsewhere).His first “fun toy” purchase was a Yamaha R6 and that wasn until a year later when he was more established in his job, settled down after his move, got all the basics (furniture, dining room sets, bed, etc.) etc.

My 3.5 year old is in a Roundabout, just about to outgrow it (he is just under 40 pounds and 40 inches, 15 inch torso). 18 month old is in a Comfortsport RF (rear facing) with about 3 inches(approx) left of shell above his head (24 pounds, 34 inches, 12.5 inch torso). The infant seat I have is a Peg Perego sip 22 pound limit. We just sold my Miitsubishi Endeavor today, and my husbands current car is a Ford Excursion so room is not a problem. I will most likely start driving the Excursion town with the kids he will get a smaller car (possibly a BMW or similar size) to commute to work. However we would still like the option of drviing in the car with the 3 kids if possible. Plan on having to buy a few new carseats either way. I was looking at a Frontier for my older child for the Excursion, and was going to buy him a Radian for my Endeavor but now we sold that car.

If essentially the same opinion gets reposted it automatically mean it not an unpopular opinion (within the context of the sub). It WILL get removed. If your opinion is about a ongoing event, there will usually be a mega thread where you can discuss there. Attempting to evade this rule may result in a temp or perma ban.