Customers are not interested that you are having a bad day

Great Customer Service Quotes Interpreted

A Man of The PeopleWise and insightful words that I wish more companies would adopt and follow through on. If they did take these powerful words from the wise Mahatma Gandhi, what happy customers we would be. We are all consumers at the end of the canada goose outlet parka day, whether we like it or not. This quote would serve as an excellent mission statement for a multitude canada goose outlet store uk of businesses today. Customer Service is a term bandied about as if it is something applicable to an elite group of Industries, for example retail and not something required by others, so very wrong in my opinion. Every business has an obligation to its customers.

is not dependent on us. They are interested to hear what you have to say. Something made them choose you in relation to countless other competitors, the question is why? Businesses, in my view have forgotten that they depend on canada goose outlet florida customers on a daily basis. Customers are not interested that you are having a bad day canada goose outlet eu and are not your normal, cheery helpful self. Their comment, if asked would be “Suck it up”. They are here now and deserve your very best. Staff who do not give their very best are forgetting that their business depends on them providing it. It is a requirement and in your job description, check it out!

is not canada goose outlet in new york an interruption in our work. You are actually made to feel like you are disturbing them. Are they for real? I am not there to interrupt them, but I am there to be helped just as they are there to help and advise. It is one of my major pet hates and I have no time for rudeness, lack of respect and sheer bad manners.

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are not doing him a favour by serving him. It is much easier for consumers to shop online and online business is booming. The one crucial element missing for customers however is the personal touch. That is where the retailer on the high street will have the edge.

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6 years ago from Dublin, Ireland

Hi vespa!

Canada Goose Outlet It is one of my pet hates both receiving and working in a business, vespa! I was brought up I guess with some old values that have never left me. I love working with the public in Retail and providing quality high levels of customer service has been a strong focus with staff over the years. Appreciate your great comments, your a great hubber who always provides “exceptional customer service” to the community!!!!! Thanks as always my friend! : )6 years ago from Peru, South canada goose outlet trillium parka black America Canada Goose Outlet

canada goose Suzie, this is another well written article! You certainly have a lot of experience with customer service. It’s a real issue here in Peru, perhaps because of the economy. Basically, customer service doesn’t exist. If a store offers great customer service, I’ll be a return customer just for that reason. So it really is very important. I’m glad you had such a good experience at the pet store and that they cared for Coco’s (and your) needs. I appreciate your reminder that we need to provide good customer service here on HP, too. I need to spend canada goose outlet near me more time in the Learning Center. canada goose

6 years ago from Dublin, Ireland

Absolutely my sentiments too. Thanks KoffeeKlatch Gals for your comments, always appreciate your visit!6 years ago from Sunny Florida

canadian goose jacket Wonder quotes. How sad it is that so many people look at customers as a pain or inconvenience. Without them there would be no job canadian goose jacket.


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