In the 2015 16 budget, the UGC funds were cut by 53%

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Orbison was now able to move to Nashville permanently with his wife Claudette and two sons Roy DeWayne and Anthony King.[43] Back in the studio, seeking a change from the pop sound of “Only the Lonely” and “I’m Hurtin'”, Orbison worked on a new song, “Running Scared”, based loosely on the rhythm of Ravel’s Bolro; the song was about a man on the lookout for his girlfriend’s previous boyfriend, who he feared would try to take her away. Orbison encountered difficulty when he found himself unable to hit the song’s highest note without his voice breaking. He was backed by an orchestra in the studio and Porter told him he would have to sing louder than his accompaniment because the orchestra was unable to be softer than his voice.[44] Fred Foster then put Orbison in the corner of the studio and surrounded him with coat racks forming an improvised isolation booth to emphasize his voice.

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