However, once per series, Satoshi/Ash often has another Signature Mon who is acting as a powerhouse and is a Spotlight Stealing Squad. In the original series, it’s Charizard, which is especially seen during the battle against Shigeru/Gary in the Johto League, where Pikachu is absent from the battle. In Advance Generation, Sceptile becomes this more or less after his final evolution, but he doesn’t get overexposed with this trope. In Diamond Pearl, Infernape is this, especially due to its relationship with its previous trainer Shinji/Paul who is Ash/Satoshi’s rival. In XY Greninja has become this after his final evolution; his bond with Satoshi/Ash has given him access to a unique and exclusive Super Mode, to the point that their relationship even overshadows Satoshi/Ash’s with Pikachu.
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